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Creative Momentum

Start date: May 11, 2015, End date: May 10, 2018,

Description (EN): Creative Momentum (CM) tackles the peripherality and distance to market challenges experienced by entrepreneurs in the creative and cultural industries across the Northern Periphery and Arctic area, as well as low economic diversity in these regions.  It provides enterprise development and market expansion spaces, services and supports with a transnational focus.  ...
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Slow Adventure In Northern Territories (SAINT)

Start date: Apr 13, 2015, End date: Apr 12, 2018,

Description (EN): Slow Adventures in Northern Territories (SAINT) will work with SMEs to make them more aware of how to capitalise on the business opportunities in guided slow adventure experiences, offering simple nature-based, immersive journeys, living and travelling in wild places, through marketing to new, distant customer markets.  Nothern Europes wide-open, wild spaces provid ...
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The project aims to increase sustainable freight transport. relieve congestion at key bottlenecks. remove technical barriers to modal shift and using ICT to make better use of existing infrastructure capacity in NWE. including by changing private sector behaviour. NWE manufacturing is increasingly outsourced and far eastern markets for NWE products are growing rapidly. The project treats log ...
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Renewable Public Transport Enterprise (REPUTE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

REPUTE (Renewable Public Transport Enterprise) is an Atlantic Area funded project aimed at developing the use of renewable energy in public transport. REPUTE promotes innovation and engagement in the efficient use of energy in public transport by means of information provision, stimulation of enterprise and behaviour change, and policy change recommendations. ...
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Central Europe Repair & Re-use Centres and Networks (CERREC)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Jul 30, 2014,

Repair and reuse are important means to increase sustainable consumption of materials and products for the same or a similar use. Fundamentally it is a collection and redistribution, where products, which are no longer wanted/needed by one user, like for example computers or furniture, are given to those who want/need them. The challenge is to turn the reuse-sector to a core segment of waste manag ...
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Strukturerat Multidisciplinärt Projekt SMP/CCD (SMP/CCD)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

Concurrent Design (CCD) är en projektmetod för multidisciplinär samverkan som utvecklats vid NASA, den har då använts för stora komplicerade projekt. I Norge har man på senare tid introducerat den främst för oljeindustrins olika typer av projekt. Eftersom metoden är särskilt bra på att hantera projekt som involverar många olika yrkesgrupper/kompetenser (multidisciplinärt) så har den där särskilt a ...
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Regions benefitting from returning migrants (Re-Turn)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

Economically motivated migration of people from the New Member States to high-income countries is currently dominating international migration flows in Europe thanks to the free right to work in any other EU Member State. This is intensifying a brain drain process of many regions. On the other hand statistics show willingness of people to come back to their countries, however this process is ofte ...
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The project aims to use the religious thematic cultural value within the SEE territories jointly with local assets, human resources, infrastructures and services to develop a religious tourism able to create new job positions and generate additional income. The project elaborates a tool for decision-makers and stakeholders called the SEE Religious Tourism Model, that provides step by step guidance ...
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North East Cargo Link II - NECL II (NECL II)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The transport routes, particularly in northern continental Europe, are over burdened. The ever increasing amount of goods on the roads is worsening an already acute situation in terms of traffic congestion, pollution and long delivery times, which results in serious delays and high costs. A Mid Nordic Corridor (MNC) would provide a viable alternative for some of the goods presently moving southwar ...
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Gränsöverskridande Samverkan för Säkerhet

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

Projektet kommer att utveckla kompetens, tekniker och rutiner för gemensam krishantering och säkerhetsfrågor i Mittnordens gränsbygder. MIUN, med sin expertis inom kris- och säkerhetsfrågor, och HINT med sin kunskap inom multimedia och simulering, ger en god kunskap om hur man simulerar realistiska och bra övningar. Det kommer att förbättra effektiviteten och samarbetet när det gäller övningar i g ...
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Kvinnelige vekstentreprenører - Interreg hovedprosjekt

Start date: Apr 14, 2010, End date: Apr 14, 2013,

Projektet vänder sig till kvinnliga företagare som har en outnyttjad tillväxtpotential. Genom ett kontinuerligt samarbete och erfarenhetsutbyte över gränsen kommer projektdeltagarna att utveckla kompetensen inom entreprenörskap. Både kulturen och arbetet med entreprenörskap är olika i Norge och Sverige.Projektet kommer att leda till ökad förståelse och kunskap om kvinnors företagande i regionen oc ...
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Peripheral Baltic Sea regions have been characterized by depopulation and weak socio-economic conditions. These trends are contrary to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), VASAB and the integrated territorial development of the EU (see Art. 3 (2c) of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and Art. 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006). Although train and ferry connections exist, on ...
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Forwarding Resgional Sustainable Environmental Hierarchies (FRESH)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2013,

The overall objective of the FRESH project is to strengthen development based on sustainable value creation at regional level and to contribute to the implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP-COM 38/2004). FRESH is contributing to the 2nd priority area of ETAP, 'driving demand and improving market conditions'. Today we are aware that to address sustainable development eff ...
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Projektet ska utveckla förskoleverksamhet och en museumprofil som visar att regionen är en region som prioriterar barn med inriktning mot kulturarvspedagogik och barnkultur. Projektet ska stärka samarbetet mellan högskolor och kulturinstitutioner i regionen när det gäller undervisning, forskning och kommunikation och öppna upp möjligheter att ge studenterna gränsöverskridande val - att göra elever ...
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Territorial Innovation and Economic Change (INNOVATE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

As in other developed economies, many Atlantic regions have faced the restructuring and sometimes decline of traditional industries. Many of them have successfully overcome the transition from an industrially based economy into a service and knowledge-based one and they have managed to change their economic profile, to deal with social, environmental and territorial realities of industrial change. ...
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Biomass Mobilisation (BioMob)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

The overall concept of BioMob is the development of research-driven clusters for biomass-mobilisation. The project, built on the outputs of a previous Altener-funded project, has a strong business focus and its ultimate goal is to see knowledge-based enterprises grow and thrive in the biomass sectors. This will support the sustainable use of biomass and the meeting of regions' renewable energ ...
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The SEE area has a low performance with respect to R&D, innovative activity and thus of competitiveness. Therefore it is crucial to establish frameworks to motivate SMEs for innovation activities, to bring them closer to R&D activities and to provide a favourable environment for them. As a response to that, many national and regional innovation policies in the SEE area aims to develop innovative b ...
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Distributed Concurrent Design

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2011,

Mittuniversitetet och Högskolan i Sör-Tröndelag ska i detta förprojekt undersöka och förankra det gränsöverskridande samarbetet kring CCD (Concurrent design/Concurrent engineering). Det ska på sikt byggas miljöer där utveckling, undervisning och forskning ska samarbeta. På sikt ska också de deltagande universiteten erbjuda kompetens, utbildning och stöd för företag som vill arbeta med CCD. CCD har ...
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Digital Age in Rural and Remote Areas 1.12 (DARRA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

The objective of DARRA project is to decrease the digital divide in remote and rural areas among the partner regions, through boosting the usage of ICT by SMEs and the public sector, and improve the overall regional competitiveness. DARRA capitalises on the findings of BIRRA project. The digital divide is a handicap inter-and intra-regionally and one indicator of a region’s peripherality. DARRA pr ...
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Sustainable River Catchments for the South East (SuRCaSE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2004, End date: Oct 31, 2008,

Background The ecosystem approach (EA) is a methodology that aids decision-making. It helps integrate economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability – i.e. sustainable use of natural resources, equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of natural resources and conservation of those resources. Guidance on the practical appl ...
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FRAM for flere kvinnelige vekstentreprenörer - småprosjekt interreg

Start date: Apr 14, 2008, End date: Sep 14, 2008,

Projekts huvudmål är att inspirera kvinnliga entreprenörer i Jämtland och Trøndelag till en mer offensiv hållning till företag, och därmed bidra till att flera kvinnor blir företagare. Småprojekts syfte är att kartlägga partner och nättverk, kartläggningen av kunskap, erfarenhetsutveckling och förberedelse för huvudprojektsansökan.
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The participating research institutes are strongly involved in the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) and have a long and extensive expertise on non-chemical methods of weed control.By linking these research institutions with the public authorities, CleanRegion supports the involved municipalities and cities in (1) developing alternative strategies for weed control, (2) developing improved poli ...
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The overall project objective is to enhance sustainable regional development in the BSR based on management and use of the forests as a resource, by establishing and employing multi pur pose, cross-sectorial and transnational forest sector cooperation. The key conceptual approach is to secure forest sector sustainability and enhance input to regional development and spatial planning, by exploring ...
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The BSR is characterised by large areas of unspoilt countryside. Because of strong economic problems just in these rural areas tourism seems to be a promising opportunity to support regional development. Sustainability considered as a guiding principle can ensure that such a development will lead to economical benefits without threaten the nature and the social structure. Consequently a lot of sus ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Tourism development and sustainability can be conflicting goals. The success of a destination usually considers the overall number of nights spent by tourists but does not take into account environmental impacts such as traffic, noise, waste or power and water consumption. This lack of sustainability applies to mass tourist destinations as well as to areas with an emerging tourism industry areas. ...
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Spatial Planning in Northern Peripheral Regions (Spatial Planning)

Start date: Feb 28, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Spatial planning and development have been developed as a method in the EU over a long period, and have resulted in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). However, the specific conditions in the NPP area make it important to develop methods for spatial planning and development that are adapted for the region. In orderto achieve this, exchange of knowledge and experience in the field ...
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Sustainable Development in the Mid Nordic Region (ProMidNord)

Start date: Aug 5, 2004, End date: Oct 4, 2007,

County Councils from Norway, Sweden and Finland being the members of the 25 year old Mid Nordic Committee (MNC)-covering the Mid Nordic Region (MNR)-are facing great challenges such as an ongoing decrease of the population and a tendency towards centralization of the whole society. The cities in the MNR have difficulties in balancing the increasing impact from the big cities. The population densit ...
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Sustainable Rural Health care networks

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Aug 31, 2007,

Rural areas in the Northern Periphery face specific challenges with regard to the provision of high quality, coherent/integrated health services. These challenges manifest in the obvious geographic factors including isolation and small dispersed populations, limited public transport and road infrastructure and the resultant, long distances to hospitals and primary health care services institutions ...
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The overall goal of the project was to bring about fully developed eHealth solutions that can be directly put to use by health services throughout the Baltic Sea Region. Ten players in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania participated in the Baltic eHealth project.Baltic eHealth. The project wanted to connect existing national and regional healthcare data networks in the participating co ...
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Towards the sustainable region (DQE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

The overall objective of this cooperation is to exchange experience and jointly develop new instruments and tools for competitive and sustainable development at regional and SME level. The partners aim to test and apply the “DQE Method” as a tool for integrated SME development in all participating regions. This shall increase the competitiveness of their SMEs. ...
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North East Cargo Link (NECL)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Dec 2, 2006,

Rail and road transports in the Northern Europe and the southern part of the Nordic Countries are presently hampered by congestion, causing traffic infarcts, high pollution, slow transport speeds and a threat to economic competitiveness. These problems are becoming more severe with the increasing traffic load.North East Cargo Link (NECL) is aiming at promoting and marketing new, speedy and safe in ...
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The car models of today are more like a "computer on wheels" than a mechanical product that has been the case before.The fact that a new car model has a number of electronic systems means that the demand for easy accesible training tools has increased a lot during the last years. Normally a mechanic is not a great fan of reading heavy books with theory - he/she is more interested in working on a c ...
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Starting from the positive experience of the "Insula Europae" project (119117-CP-1-2004-1-IT-COMENIUS-C21), Bridging Insula Europae main objectives are:1. to encourage teachers throughout Europe to adopt a new didactical approachbased on Active Learning that improves their professional development and the qualityof teaching and learning in the classroom, in particular by introducing a wider Europe ...
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Projektet ska genomföra förstudier och seminarier för att utveckla ett huvudprojekt där syftet är att undersöka hur lärarnas och rektorernas åtgärder präglas av de nya styrningsformerna i de två länderna och vilka konsekvenser det har för mångfald, integration och genomströmning i utbildningssystemet med fokus på jämställdhet och demokrati. Resultaten från studien skapar förutsättningar för ett st ...
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The LAS-SME's project aims at the development and introduction of training methods and support tools, able to respond to the language communication needs of SME's, particularly those in the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve this, an audit system will be designed, developed and tested in addition to the design and introduction of new training paths for the sector. The audit system will comp ...
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Languages for specific purposes : Improving the foreign language skills of students, teachers and the staff of SMEs in the wood and forest industry is crucial for the transnational mobility of the work force. This project introduces language learning to a field in which the ability to use foreign language is a significant asset. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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After Transfering Kit Brunello and redraft the former project results, need analyses were implemented in Turkey and Bulgaria. According to the results of these analyses, new training materials were prepared for Business Transfer. This new training materials also tested by yhe As first Step, Kit Brunello was transfered and the former project results were redrafted. Then need analyses were implemen ...
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Today cars are more like a computer on wheels than a mechanical product like before. This makes the service and maintenance on cars extremely difficult for the mechanic. The interactive e-learning titles developed in this title opens up an effective way of learning new areas like Diagnose and Hybrid vehicles.
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BEST project is designed to respond to the urgent language training needs of our contemporary society by matching vocational education and training to the rapidly developing sectors of economy. The enlargement of the European Union imposes specific demands on people’s language skills directly related to employability, free movement of people on the labour market and the new emphasis in certain ind ...
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Mittuniversitet i Jämtland-Västernorrland ingår i ett kluster tillsammans med näringslivet. Høyskolen i Sør-Trøndelag og NTNU ingår tillsammans med näringslivet i Nord- och Sør-Trøndelag i ett kluster. Projektet vill länka samman dessa kluster till en för Mittnorden gemensam klusterbildning. Inom detta kluster ska samarbete ske inom kompetensförsörjning av regionen, inom forskning och utveckling s ...
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