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Elaboration of a tool for the inclusion of religious-related cultural values in the planning and development processes of urban centres, systems of settlements and surrounding rural areas (RECULTIVATUR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to use the religious thematic cultural value within the SEE territories jointly with local assets, human resources, infrastructures and services to develop a religious tourism able to create new job positions and generate additional income. The project elaborates a tool for decision-makers and stakeholders called the SEE Religious Tourism Model, that provides step by step guidance for them to: - identify the religious cultural potential of their area, analyzing, assessing and capitalizing previous experiences; - identify synergies with other projects; - address the relevant stakeholders; - develop ideas in order to use the religious cultural assets to develop the region; - be able to better manage these assets; - find funding opportunities in order to realise their proposals; - create sustainable solutions. Offering equal opportunities for all religions of the SEE Programme Area, the project also aims to indicate interreligious communications and a better understanding and acceptance of each other?s believes. Firstly, three Working Groups will be set up to analyse and assess ongoing and previous experiences and results in order to capitalies on them. As a result, a Religious Tourism Common Model (RTCM) will be developed: a tool for local decision-makers to develop projects based on religious cultural values. From outset of the project, target groups and stakeholders identified and addressed. Pilot actions will test and evaluate the transferability and sustainability of our findings: Local Religious Tourism Development Agencies (RTDA) will be set up to: implement vocational courses to youths ; realize and experiment religious tourism offers; evaluate and tune them. International B2B Market Promotion of experimented Tourism Offers, their entrance in Tourism International Stock Exchange, and request of the award certification as European Cultural Routes. ?Communication Activities? disseminates the project?s activities and achievements to the stake Achievements: • Database and GIS-map of religious cultural values in SEE area• Database of SEE stakeholders in religious cultural heritage management• Examples of successful economic valorisation of religious cultural heritage• Common model for inclusion of religious cultural values in the regional planning and development process • Guidelines for preparing, evaluation and implementing religious cultural heritage projects in line with RECULTIVATUR economic valorisation model• SWOT religious cultural assets potential in Greece• SWOT religious cultural assets potential in Romania• SWOT religious cultural assets potential in Slovenia• SWOT religious tourism services in Bulgaria• SWOT religious tourism services in Italy• SWOT religious tourism services in Romania• SWOT religious tourism training needs in Hungary• SWOT religious tourism training needs in Italy• SWOT religious tourism training needs in RomaniaFor more information see:

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  • 85%   2 409 750,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

14 Partners Participants