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Forests as a resource for sustainable development and spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region - BALTIC FOREST (BALTIC FOREST)
Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall project objective is to enhance sustainable regional development in the BSR based on management and use of the forests as a resource, by establishing and employing multi pur pose, cross-sectorial and transnational forest sector cooperation. The key conceptual approach is to secure forest sector sustainability and enhance input to regional development and spatial planning, by exploring how the Model Forest concept can be employed to best meet BSR premises. The strategic focus is on smallscale state and private forest units.A fundamental approach is to encompass the forest sector goods and services as a whole, in cluding forest management actors, authorities, research and education, the processing industry, the market- and political processes and the crosssectorial exchange of knowledge. Such a holistic approach is needed to fully appreciate the economic importance and regional developmental potential of the Baltic forests, as well as to explore innovative routes to local, regional, national and transnational stability and vitality.Five work packages have been identified as critical to cover the overall objective. Three work packages (WP 1, 2 and 3) are thematically oriented, whereas WP 4 highlights the strategic focus and WP 5 the key conceptual approach. All work packages are interconnected through project governance and through common activities. All activities within WP 1, 2 and 3 relates to WP 4 and/or 5:WP1 : Forest management and production aspects.WP2 : Forest ecology and environmental aspects.WP3 : Forest social aspects.WP4 : Smallscale private and state forestry and forest based SME.WP5 : Model forests as a tool for sustainable forest management and regional development.Economic, ecological and social optimization of the forest sector, as well as broadened awareness and implementation of current knowledge and policies, is urgent for securing long-term sustainability and innovative routes for rural and regional development. A multilevel trans-national approach emphasizing forests as a multidimensional natural resource is needed.

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  • 53%   1 362 369,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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23 Partners Participants