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Territorial Innovation and Economic Change (INNOVATE)
Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As in other developed economies, many Atlantic regions have faced the restructuring and sometimes decline of traditional industries. Many of them have successfully overcome the transition from an industrially based economy into a service and knowledge-based one and they have managed to change their economic profile, to deal with social, environmental and territorial realities of industrial change.For that purpose, regional and local authorities have applied a variety of policy instruments, many of them supported by EU structural funds, which have been a driving force for policy innovation. Building intelligent, or learning, cities requires the reinforcement of local innovation systems, formed by technological research and development facilities, education centres, enterprises and public authorities.The main objective of this project is to increase the capacity of the partner authorities to manage and promote economic change, growth and consolidation of new activities at a local level and to promote the development of the knowledge economy and high value added sectors that can contribute to a more sustainable economic development. Achievements: Partner pilot projects have focused on the development of projects on the following areas: reinforcement of the cultural industries focusing on entrepreneurs in Avilés; promotion of community support and public consultation in Mid-West Regional Authority; elaboration of a strategy for territorial promotion through knowledge and creativity economy in PRIMUS partner; promotion of culture and heritage as key assets to stimulate economic conversion in Pau; support mechanisms for the development of social innovation in all regions, led by Glasgow Caledonian University and e-business and the use of Internet to network and empower business processes, and support to internationalization in Seville.Partners have created three groups based on several areas, cultural, artistic and creative industries, business and social innovation, in order to reinforce transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer to all regions on the AA.Main results achieved by the project include the evaluation report on the regional and local initiatives to promote economic change and the emergence of a knowledge-based economy, production of a policy tool-kit guide that provides basic information and references of a wide range of policy measures to promote economic change, innovation and knowledge-based economy and the implementation of pilot actions to test the viability of identified policies to promote local level economic change.
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  • 650.1%   1 456 289,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants