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25 European Projects Found

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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

...ocial innovation (SI) and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development (RD), and how to boost them, particularly in marginalised rural areas across Europe, with a focus on the Mediterranean region (including non-EU) where there is limited evidence of outcomes and supporting conditions. These objectives will be achieved by: 1. Developing systematic frameworks: a) theoretical ...
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EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

The nations of Europe are distributed around some of the most complex and dynamic geological systems on the planet and understanding these is essential to the security of livelihoods and economic power of Europeans. Many of the solutions to the grand challenges in the geosciences have been led by European scientists – the understanding of stratigraphy (the timing and distribution of layers of sedi ...
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ENVRIPLUS is a cluster of research infrastructures (RIs) for Environmental and Earth System sciences, built around ESFRI roadmap and associating leading e-infrastructures and Integrating Activities together with technical specialist partners. ENVRIPLUS is driven by 3 overarching goals: 1) favoring cross-fertilization between infrastructures, 2) implementing innovative concepts and devices across R ...
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Sustainable water management under climate change is an urgent challenge for the Euro-Mediterranean region. Future climate change projections estimate an increase in water scarcity and droughts in the region, causing substantial socioeconomic losses and environmental impacts.In this context, efforts are needed to strengthen public participation and embed a sense of responsibility within the societ ...
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Forest research in the Mediterranean region is currently handicapped by its fragmentation, its limited means, and occasional outdating and isolation. In addition, the low benefits that Mediterranean forests provide to forest-based industries--compared to other European forests--make it difficult to attract interest and funds from the private sector. For this reason, new ways to overcome this situa ...
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International trade is increasing tremendously in recent years with a lot of import and export material going in and out of the European Union. Within this context there is also the increasing risk of importing unwanted organisms via this trade. Organisms include plant pests and pathogens, some of which may be on the quarantine list of the European Union. Also climate change may increase the abili ...
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Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities (ALTERENERGY)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The ALTERENERGY Strategic Project aims to provide a significant contribution to the widely agreed objective of achieving a higher level of sustainability with regards to energy production and usage in the Adriatic area. This objective is strictly connected, as we all know, to creating a better environment and the protection of life and the natural environment. In pursuing this overall general obje ...
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C3-Alps will synthesize, transfer and implement in policy and practice results of previous Alpine Space projects on climate change adaptation. The capitalisation approach aims at a) generating new and directly usable forms of state-of-the-art synthesis adaptation knowledge in the Alps, harmonised across sectors and useful to adaptation decision-makers, b) its effective and tailor-made communicatio ...
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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali ...
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"The overall aim of NERA is to achieve a measurable improvement and a long-term impact in the assessment and reduction of the vulnerability of constructions and citizens to earthquakes. NERA will integrate the key research infrastructures in Europe to monitor earthquakes and assess their hazard and risk, and will combine expertise in observational and strong-motion seismology, modeling, geotechnic ...
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"The Coordinating Action (hereafter ""the project"") will establish an effective collaboration network among key role players in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries research and management. The participants in the project include national research institutes from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries with a long history and active participation in fisheries research and assessment, who provide a ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The Community Plant Health Regime (CPHR) aims to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of regulated and quarantine plant pests. These pests pose increasing risks to European agriculture, horticulture, forestry and the environment. This is due to increased globalisation of trade (volume and diversity), but is exacerbated by climate change and EU expansion (increased pathways). In compa ...
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Energy Efficiency in Low-income Housing in the Mediterranean (ELIH-Med)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014, low income housing was not a targeted object of the policies in the Med area and pointed to a significant gap between the 2020 energy efficiency targets and the forecasted energy saving set by the Mediterranean States. All the partners are on the verge to launch the experimentations that will be implemented in their pilot projects and have realized the previous steps: selection of the dwellings ...
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...ferent uses.The focus is on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime Spatial Planning. Project activities will promote the application and successful implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean and the Roadmap for MSP in the Adriatic region. The project is built on a various and sound partnership, involving 13 partners from 6 countries of the IPA Adriatic cooperation area (Ital ...
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... Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSince 2011, PROFORBIOMED has achieved a common strategy for the 18 organizations involved in the whole Mediterranean area in the promotion and sustainable use of forest and wooden biomass. The real cooperation has been translated in a strong cooperation within the 13 Pilot actions that are in developme ...
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Fire regimes result from interactions between climate, land-use and land-cover (LULC), and socioeconomic factors, among other. These changed during the last decades, particularly around the Mediterranean. Our understanding of how they affected fire regime in the past is limited. During this century temperatures, drought and heat waves will very likely increase, and rainfall decrease. These and fur ...
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Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network - North (MEDPAN NORTH)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

MedPAN is the network of marine protected areas (MPAs) managers in the Mediterranean. The objective of the MedPAN North project is to improve the management effectiveness of MPAs, including marine Natura 2000 sites, to benefit the marine environment. It will be reached through activities in 5 components: Innovative aspects of MPA management Sustainable management of fisheries in MPAs Sustainable ...
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...ations for reversing biodiversity loss. The regional agency for the development and innovation of agriculture in Lazio (It), Bio dAquitaine (Fr) – a public law body involved in organic farming, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Gr) will be in charge of identifying good practices of biodiversity conservation in link with economic activities. The Bremerhaven Technology-Transfer-Centre ...
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...ll project results dissemination. Main outputs of the period are: the 5 Local Adaptation plans, the Common Transnational Strategy and the international publication Reducing pollutant emissions in the Mediterranean port cities . Moreover the report Common Transnational Strategy to curb emissions: APICE for the Mediterranean is available in the Internet site. 13 newsletters were published: 3 interna ...
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Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (MedLab)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

...y successful in promoting the knowledge economy by speeding up the pace and quality of research and technology development;* yet despite its significant potential, there is to date no clear link with Mediterranean regional policies. MedLabs objective is to apply the Living Lab approach from the demand side of regional policy, building on concrete pilot projects to construct a governance network th ...
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Enhancements of Pest Risk Analysis Techniques (PRATIQUE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2011,

"PRATIQUE (Enhancements of Pest Risk Analysis Techniques) will carry out all the key work listed in the call and address the major challenges for pest risk analysis (PRA) in Europe. This will be achieved through three principal objectives: to assemble the datasets required to construct effective PRAs valid for the whole of the EU, to conduct multi-disciplinary research that enhances the techniques ...
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INformation DEvelopment (INDE)

Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

The aim of the Information Development project (INDE) was to assist the candidate countries belonging to the CADSES area in developing instruments for transnational co-operation and in finding out solutions for the problems related to the enlargement process. Co-operation is the key factor for the development of the CADSES area and helps to balance economic and social disadvantages related to the ...
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The objectives of the project are: • To transfer and further develop the ParcInterp innovation–“Quality Standards in Heritage Interpretation” (created by the German Institute for Heritage Interpretation), to three EU countries - France, Greece and Bulgaria,and to execute training for professional performance of the target groups of mountain, tourism and museum guides. • To introduce training in q ...
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The Zerowaste Pro aims to capitalize the results and outputs along with the know-how and expertise acquired in the Med and other EU projects implemented by the partnership with the aim of promoting sustainable low-cost waste management strategies in the MED region and IPA countries with an emphasis on waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting and to establish synergies between the particip ...
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