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The GeoERA proposal is put forward by the national and regional Geological Survey Organisations (GSO) of Europe. Its overall goal is to integrate the GSO’s information and knowledge on subsurface energy, water and raw material resources, to support sustainable use of the subsurface in addressing Europe’s grand challenges. The GeoERA consortium will organise and co-fund together with the EC a joint ...
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Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe (iSAGE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

iSAGE will enhance the sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of the European Sheep and Goat sectors through collaboration between industry and research. iSAGE have a powerful consortium with 18 industry representatives from various EU production systems and socio-economic contexts. The sheep and goat sector will be investigated because it is sensitive to general socio-economic, demographi ...
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Background The Marche (IT) and Jadranska Hrvastska (Hr) regions, the two project target areas, are located in the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion and are characterised by similar territorial and climatic conditions. Over the last decades, the two regions have been heavily affected by climate change trends, entailing mainly decreased precipitation and increase ...
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NewTREND seeks to improve the energy efficiency of the existing European building stock and to improve the current renovation rate by developing a new participatory integrated design methodology targeted to the energy retrofit of buildings and neighbourhoods, establishing energy performance as a key component of refurbishments. The methodology will foster collaboration among stakeholders in the va ...
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Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Millions of users around the world are gaming regularly. Even though online gaming was primarily designed for entertainment and profit, quite recently it moved beyond private industry and turned into a research field in educational, training and learning disciplines. Gaming is based on interaction, collaboration, active and dynamic learning and an informal educational process that is invaluable. S ...
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VITAL2 - vocational training for agricultural learners and staff2

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

CONTEXT OF PROJECT Education and vocational training are affected by a process of great transformation, necessary to accompany the great change that the crisis requires. In most European countries, the technical-vocational education occupies a central role in the education system and the related curricula studiorum provide interactive teaching methods and learning processes on the job. The labor ...
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Enabling 80 young people with disabilities to profit from professional internships in four European countries, between June 2014 to May 2016. Thanks to its past mobility projects, which were supported by the sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci, the Volunteering Service Centre “Volontarimini” has enabled over 350 young people with special needs to enjoy internships which are beneficial to their profess ...
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Work ReAct

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

“Work ReACT” is multi-measure project that aims to fight youth unemplyment using nonformal education methods. During the project we will held one training for group leaders in Melnik, Czech Republic and 2 youth exchanges in Mircoveni (Romania). The general objectives of the project are: - To develop the cooperation between 12 NGO’s from 12 countries; - To raise the awerness regarding the situation ...
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VITAL - vocational training for agricultural learners and staff

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015, and a real mobility experience to the youngsters involved - to improve staff teaching competences in a foreign language - to make the ECVET adoption a reality amongst the training providers of Marche Region Project VITAL target group is composed by 70 students actually studying on the 4th class of 8 Italian technical and vocational secondary on Land and Agriculture . The project involves also ...
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Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region (TISAR)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2015,

TISAR (Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region) will raise a discussion over the theme of public transport data sharing and multimodal traveller information at political and technical level. The aim of the project is the implementation of an ICT platform where public transport and journey planning data will be merged and made available in the languages of the IPA Countries. The TISAR ...
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Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities (ALTERENERGY)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The ALTERENERGY Strategic Project aims to provide a significant contribution to the widely agreed objective of achieving a higher level of sustainability with regards to energy production and usage in the Adriatic area. This objective is strictly connected, as we all know, to creating a better environment and the protection of life and the natural environment. In pursuing this overall general obje ...
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The project is structured in 7 WPs. • WP1 and WP2 are transversal activities. The first one will guarantee the coordination of the projects' activities and the second one will ensure the continuous exchange of information among beneficiaries and institutions operating in the interested territories. • The 5 technical WPs will allow reaching the aim of the project through the shared construction of ...
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moting Food Innovation for Wellness in the Adriatic (WELLFOOD)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: May 30, 2015,

WELLFOOD aims at strengthening innovation capacity of Adriatic Regions on agri-food sector, by stimulating the link between business, RTD-inn.Centers,producers-consumers as a pillar for territorial growth, development and integration of the area. Nowadays policy level is searching for holistic social innovation of communities, health and wellness implying the adoption of new governance strategies ...
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The Adriatic sea represents the environmental, social and cultural element bridging the eastern and western shores of the area.Nowadays, the richness of natural resources characterizing the Adriatic sea is endangered by man-made factors that are threatening the vitality of the ecosystems. Fishing and aquaculture activities are recognized among those mostly impacting on the sea ecosystems. Indiscri ...
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Based on previous collaboration, a group of 3 EU research organizations (from Italy, Portugal and Bulgaria) and 2 non-EU research organizations (from USA and Brazil), experienced in the area of research on environmentally friendly (soft) coastal protection methods, decided to bring together their expertise in an IRSES network - the project EnviCOP (Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection in a ...
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Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer (NEXT)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

NEXT intends to create a collaborative platform to support innovation and technology transfer in the Countries of the Adriatic area. The project is promoted by 11 partners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Ch ...
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Adriatic Governance Operational Plan (AdriGov)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

The project AdriGov - Adriatic Governance Operational Plan – will provide a significant contribution to the enhancement of cross border cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian by focusing on two main objectives: - Promote the adoption of an innovative and participated Adriatic Governance Operational Plan designed to constitute an effective governance model in the area; - Implement knowledge-transfer ac ...
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Adriatic Route for Thematic Tourism (ADRIATIC-ROUTE)

Start date: Nov 30, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

ADRIATIC-ROUTE represents a project that is based on the use of new ICT (information and communication technologies) as well as on the promotion of awareness and enhancement of the territory in culture and multimedia. It aims at promoting alternative forms of tourism in the Adriatic area through multimodal transport systems. The ultimate goal is to increase mobility in the participating regions fo ...
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Local food as engine for local business (LOCFOOD)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... per partner). Achievements: The opening conference took place in the Marche region in Italy in the end of April. The main objective of the opening conference was for all partners of the project to give a presentation of their regions challenges and opportunities in con ...
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...pport research&innovation infrastructures in the field of eco-independent living for elderly.The project involves 15 EU partners who are committed to sharing their experiences and new good practices: Marche Region–Project Leader (IT) with the support of SVIM–Sviluppo Marche Spa the Regional Development Agency acting as General Secretariat; ADEBAG (FR); Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd (FI);Sofia Munic ...
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HISTorical assets and related landsCAPE (HISTCAPE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... Achievements: Historic towns and villages in their surrounding landscapes are an essential and unique part of European identity. The Italian hill town of Cingoli in Marche, the cultural park of Zerain and the agricultural village of Albarracín in Spain and the World Heritage Site of Trier in south western Germany are only some of the examples of these unique and special places ...
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Regions for ITS solutions Network (RITS-Net)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014, Regions developing individual ITS regional plans to be integrated in each overall mobility master plan and provide a common methodology to be further replicated.The partners, composed of Regione Marche (LP); South Dublin County Council; ANATOLIKI SA-Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia; Vidzeme Planning Region; Development Centre Litija; Evroregion Pleven – Olt; AustriaTech - Federal A ...
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Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe (ClusterPoliSEE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

ClusterPoliSEE main objective is to enhance the capacity of regional policy makers to confront, prevent and anticipate change, developing smart specialization strategies for cluster improvement, thus accelerating differentiation and structural change towards a knowledge-based economy in which there is a place for all SEE regions to position themselves. 25 members partnership covers 11 different SE ...
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Green Intermodal Freight Transport (GIFT)

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2014,

The main aim of the current project is to map, analyze, and evaluate the status of the transport sector in the GIFT transport network and propose new policies and strategies in infrastructure, processes, assets, ICT, legislation, norms and harmonization/ standardization issues, in order to promote innovative green intermodal freight transport corridors. GIFT project will drill down in three Pan-Eu ...
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European Framework for Measuring Progress (e-Frame)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

Within the framework of the Work Programme 2011 on Socio-economic Science and Humanities e-Frame project builds on the latest political directions of the European Commission, in particular the priorities identified in the Europe 2020 strategy. The project will focus on the following general objectives: stocktaking of available results and of ongoing research activities on progress measurement; fos ...
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METRIS Plus project idea was elaborated under the leadership of the Istrian development agency (IDA) by five different Adriatic cross-border partner regions as the follow-up initiative of the previous project that was successfully implemented by IDA and partners within Phare 2006 - New Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme. Within project IDA and its partners set up research centre ...
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ZOONE background is represented by successful results achieved and CBC networks created in the previous programming project (Marcbal cod.276)concerning sustainable development of agro-zootechnical sector in Western Balkans, by the relevance of agriculture and husbandry in rural areas of Adriatic Countries as source of employment and profitability.Sprung from the realization that Adriatic Countries ...
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SHAPE is a comprehensive project for the Adriatic Region aiming to create the basis for the protection and sustainable development of the coastal-marine environment. The strategic objective is the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, based on an holistic approach and aiming to the integrated management of the natural resources, risks prevention and the resolution of the ...
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EFFECT proposal arises from the need to innovate SEE countries public procurement procedures and stimulate their integration with energy efficiency criteria to meet EU Public Procurement requirements and to contribute to achieve Eu energy strategy objectives. EU public procurement impacts for 16% on EU GDP and it is an important tool for public authorities to effectively address energy efficiency ...
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Worldwide, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is growing faster than any other age group: this demographic change represents a challenge that needs to be met at transnational level, having a strong impact in the social and health services and in the labour market. The change of economic position of older people within the knowledge economy demands an innovative policy approach strengthening ...
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The project promotes the utilization of existing cultural values and tourist potential of target territories creating local identities having as references both promotion and tourism management based on the appeal factor of historical villages, walled cities, castles and cultural sites comprised in the these territories. These factors contribute to the development of the economic potentials of the ...
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States belonging to the Adriatic Region have been experimenting for about one decade intense streams of labour force. If the mobility of such labour force develops an important cultural "exchange" and economic relationships within the "geographical region", it doesn't seem to be supported by wider strategies at institutional levels, by concerted and agreed policies for education and professional t ...
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Recent work has shown the possibility to drastically increase the reflection performance of the building envelop, using nanotechnologies. Standard metal oxides are already known for their solar reflection properties, but latest developments identified that nanotechnologies can improve Index of Reflectance from an average of 0,35 to 0,85 because of their effectiveness on Near Infrared wavelengths, ...
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...d policies) and 9 Analysis at local level (8 expecLatest project activities and outputsThe main project outputs delivered in the current reporting period are: - The organization of the final event in Marche region: 1 day of internal meeting and cycling study visit in Chiaravalle, one in Pesaro and a public event about cycling tourism in Ancona - The organization of Focus Groups with regional and l ...
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MAritme REgions cooperation for MEDiterranea (MAREMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 23, 2013,

MAREMED´s goal is to create synergy between the Regions and the different levels of Mediterranean, European, national and local governance to encourage the implementation of an integrated maritime policy within the Mediterranean. The policy components having a transnational impact will be the focus of a survey and a synthesis concerning regional policies and their governance, the development of tr ...
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... through customized paths to innovate their organization and provide knowledge, tools and processes needed to access new markets.These enterprises participated to the Innovation ForuMed in Civitanova Marche (23-24 Febr 2012) and Thessaloniki (18-19 Oct 2012), where networking sessions were organized to explore new commercial chances.WIDE analyzed also MED possible sectors/countries to be used by M ...
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Semantic tools for digital libraries (SEMLIB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"The SMEs partners of SEMLIB all have their own products to develop and manage Digital Libraries, Archives and Digital Object Repositories, which are central components for many IT systems.The main objective of SEMLIB is to enhance these products with two Semantic Web components, a recommender system and an annotation system, developed by the RTD performers. The inclusion of these components into ...
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SMEs and Cooperative Economy for Local Development (ICS)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The main project objectives are to strengthen the potential of innovation of the cooperative enterprises in fishery, agriculture, tourism and environmental sectors and to promote them on the international markets. The main activities are: survey on regional policies supporting the cooperative entrepreneurship common action plan for the integration of cooperative systems feasibility study for the ...
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AsviLoc + grows up of AsviLoc project (ANNP CBC)results and of experience of Regions in the RPIA 2000-06. Acting for innovation systems is a long-term effort supported by successive experimentations. Successful regions commit to long-term policies which put in place the elements which encourage a common vision of innovation as a factor or regional development. RDAs can act as facilitator linking a ...
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In South East Europe the introduction of innovative processes characterized by the transfer, experimentation and consolidation of know-how related to the use and production of energy following a good planning and employing the appropriate management methods is a way to improve the energy balance. The aim of the ENER-SUPPLY project is to assist the local territories towards this direction through t ...
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