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Developing an Efficient Locally Managed Model of Vocational Education and Training (DELMVET)
Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

States belonging to the Adriatic Region have been experimenting for about one decade intense streams of labour force. If the mobility of such labour force develops an important cultural "exchange" and economic relationships within the "geographical region", it doesn't seem to be supported by wider strategies at institutional levels, by concerted and agreed policies for education and professional training. The Adriatic Macro-region, within the VET system perspective, shows problems of mobility due to the lack of shared professional qualifications and consequently the lack of opportunities for citizens to transfer their own competences from a system to the other. The Albanian Region of Durres in particular is characterized by low economic and social development, high unemployment rate, very high migration rate which doubled its population, and great difficulty to adopt the drastic structural changes during the political and economic transition that has drastically changed the labour market status in terms of qualifications and skills. The actual Vocational Education and Training system has not been able to adapt itself to the demands imposed by these changes. Post-secondary VET system is not yet developed. Thus, there are little possibilities to increase employment opportunities in the Region. The know-how exchanges in this field with other Adriatic Region countries are nearly inexistent. There is a significant need for the establishment of an active Regional VET Network, studies on the local labour market needs, and reforming local VET system. For the above reasons, the Regional Council of Durres, in association with other local and national organisations and public bodies from Italy, Serbia and BiH as partners agreed to undertake an innovative initiative for reforming of the regional VET system focused on post secondary VET. The proposal is intended under the Priority 1 and it is coherent to the objective of the IPA CBC Programme, First Call, in particular as it regards innovative actions on capacity building and transfer of know-how, increase in migrants’ participation in employment, facilitation of geographical and occupational mobility of workers and integration of cross-border labour markets, creation of international networks, exchange of experience and transfer of competence in the labour market and the training sector, promotion of experience exchange regarding technical and managerial competence, promotion of permanent networks between public authorities, and dissemination of best practices. DELMVET proposal will be of 30 months duration and will be articulated in five different but coherent and complementary Work Packages. According to the general concept of “Share Responsibilities, Share Benefits” each WP will be leaded by a different Partner also to facilitate the transfer of competencies in the management of European Co-funded projects. Every phase will have a Coordinator that will drive the planning, the carrying out and the follow-up of the activities, jointly developed with other partners, if and when foreseen. The expected results of the project are divided into two macro – typologies; the first one concerns the definition of a general system of II level VET in the countries partner: Start-up of a system for official authorization of VET agencies. Definition of a system of certification of the professional competences and a definition of the common professional qualifications. Definition of a permanent network of the Adriatic basin concerning the training demands. Harmonization II level VET pathways. Definition of an Adriatic Observatory of professional figures required by the social and healthcare sector. The second one concerns the improvement of the local and Adriatic job markets: improvement of the cross border mobility of workers within the region
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  • 85%   1 158 550,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Adriatic IPA CBC (IT-SI-EL-HR-BA-ME-AL-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants