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12 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects



Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The Tandem project stimulates and encourages a sustainable cross-border cooperation between the various stakeholders of the knowledge and industrial sectors. The cross-border regions of West-Flanders and Nord-Pas de Calais have significant social-economic similarities. Both regions dispose of an industrial fabric that is strongly oriented towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and are ac ...
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To promote university exchanges, the project partners included a joint degree in the undergraduate programmes and launched a series of short-term initiatives for undergraduate students (student and academic exchanges, training courses and/or shared courses). The cooperation is complete thanks to common research projects performed by researches of the three universities.
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The Cloud is a major technological breakthrough with huge potential for education. It allows students and their tutors/teachers to interact productively in formal and informal education situations. Hosted Cloud communities mean that learners themselves can become creators and developers. Laptops and tablets will be everywhere, eBooks will replace text books as a normal part of classroom learning. ...
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REASON FOR PROJECTOn 20 October 2010, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. This will compel EU states to ensure that signed language interpreters are adequately trained and that legal professionals are aware of how the relationship of their interaction with Deaf people via an interpreter functio ...
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The main objective of the project is to produce a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering works in the Mechatronics field meeting today’s and tomorrow's technology challenges. Specific objectives are:1. Develop 8 new master degree courses including 2 general methodological courses and 3 PhD courses at BTI, FPI, NMI, TARI, TPU in Mechatronics and control engineeri ...
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The main features aim is improving of BA/MA Programmes in Material Engineering according to the needs of modern society of target partner countries IL, RU and UA bringing the universities closer to changing Labour Market and European Education Area; allow them to stay responsive to employers’ needs; to ensure employability throughout professional lives of graduates. The wider objectives are: to en ...
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Both Europe 2020 and ET 2020 aim to improve student progression to higher levels of learning and schooling. In other words, student learning gains in school must be higher. This can be accomplished if schools knew 1) what their own contribution to student learning was, net of other factors (e.g. student SES); 2) what pedagogical and organizational approaches they use were effective or ineffective, ...
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The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of higher education in Belarus and Russia, to better integration of their higher education institutions in the European higher education area.The main specific objectives of the project are:- to develop a modern master program in Applied Computing for Engineering and Science, which will respect principles of the Bologna process ...
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The project CoDec (Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Cultures and Memory Politics in European Perspective) deals with several important research issues and approaches towards history cultures and memory politics in Europe: - studying the reappraisal of the colonial past and processes of decolonisation in different European states in a comparative perspective and in cooperation wi ...
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This project places an emphasis on research and innovation, bringing opportunities to all countries in the Caucasus. The implementation of individual mobilities, with special emphasis to research initiatives, is expected to close some existing gaps in education. The overall aim of the proposal is to implement student and teaching staff exchanges respecting quality indicators while introducing a pr ...
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The PROWAT project aims at developing new methods and techniques of the water-management-system, including strategy development to reduce the non-revenue water as well as the application of new systems in the design of drinking water network distribution system preventing loss of water by leakages. More specifically, the project will develop a set of training modules and software tool that can be ...
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MENTOR-C will develop an electronic, interactive training course in Corrosion Engineering for use by existing employees and those considering future employment within this sector. The project will consider the 'anywhere anytime learning' concept to enable users to undergo self-learning but will further allow users to consult with a tutor by introducing an 'innovative course administrator / tutor' ...
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