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JUSTISIGNS - VET in Interpreting and Justice
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

REASON FOR PROJECTOn 20 October 2010, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. This will compel EU states to ensure that signed language interpreters are adequately trained and that legal professionals are aware of how the relationship of their interaction with Deaf people via an interpreter functions.AIMJUSTISIGNS develops VET course to qualified and qualifying signed language interpreters (SLI) in work specific competencies in interpreting in a legal setting such as court room scenario, working with lawyers and dealing with the national police services. It will be available in Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland and the UK, and a training module for legal professionals about Deaf culture and communication. PARTNERSHIPThe consortium is comprised of world renowned organisations supported by European experts who have endorsed the need for JUSTISIGNS. RESULTS• A 5 -credit VET on-line course for sign language interpreters initially in 4 countries; • A 5 -credit VET on-line course for legal professionals about Deaf community, culture and communication, in 4 countries; • A Competency-based Skills Portfolio Log book;• A European good practice guide for interpreters working in legal settings;• A signed information resource for Deaf people about national legal frameworks;• Training posters with practical legal/sign language/Deaf culture & communication tips • Case studies and videos of good practice and experiences from Deaf users.TARGET GROUPS• Primary Users: Signed Language Interpreters in each country;• Primary Users: Deaf communities• Secondary Users: Legal professionals (Court staff, barristers, lawyers, solicitors, judges)IMPACT- Delivery of training to be able to meet the Directive requirements for SLIs.- CPD, legal professionals;- Greater understanding of legal systems by Deaf people; - Greater awareness amongst legal professional;- Equality
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