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35 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jan 4, 2016, End date: Aug 3, 2016,

Project “I am READY” was a youth exchange that was implemented in Murter, Croatia in the period from 14 - 23 May 2016. The project gathered 42 participants, young unemployed people from 6 countries who had motivation and were interested in development of creative skills as a door to their future employment. Youngsters from Croatia, Macedonia, Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria used their full ...
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Save the Earth, Take a Step

Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2016,

Our project will begin in Aralik district of Igdir on May 1, 2015 and will continue until September 1, 2015. Activities of the project will take place between 22-31of May, 2015 and be formed by 40 young people from 5 different countries. The project is going to take place in Aralik, - a town in the province of Igdir, which has a unique natural landscape. The aim of the activities is to develop yo ...
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Animate yourself !

Start date: Feb 2, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2016,

The seminar addresses youth workers who want to form in their community young people that will work as social-educational animators for children / young peolple in holiday centers and beyond. The competencies acquired by the young people from these courses may be used during holiday centers that offer entertaiment services for children, during school holidays, in camps and excursions, parties an ...
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PlayBACK to school!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Jung people who leave school early are frustrated, distrustful and their self- estimation is very low. They can’t function in society in an effective way because of their attitude problems. We think it is important to involve them through increasing their self- estimation and make them believe that they are useful. In our belief their development is possible through special theatrical and self-kn ...
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Volunteering: A Youth Empowerment Instrument

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The training course took place in Kobuleti, Georgia on 29 June - 07 July The course brought together 21 youth workers in their function as project coordinators, mentors of volunteers, volunteer coordinators from Italy, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia and Portugal. Activities and events of non-governmental organisations are very often based on the voluntary engagement of young people willing ...
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Flying Mangala - Uçan Mangala

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

We, Kırşehir Ahi Evran Aviation (Aeronautical) Club is an Association that prompts the full participation of young people who loves sports activities and model aircraft designing in our town Kırşehir, Turkey. We have a very diverse and active member base and it is entirely run by young people graduated from Kırşehir Fen Lisesi. With the frame of Erasmus+ youth exchange programme, we want to tea ...
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Earth Challenge - Training for Trainers in Environmental Field

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Dec 2, 2015,

In the period between 03 - 10 October 2015, we implemented a training course “Earth Challenge – Training for trainers in Environmental Field”. The training provided opportunity to 20 youth workers to work on their personal development as future trainers in environmental field. The training was used as platform for creation of new methods, activities, games, resource that can be used in various env ...
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“Doğa Bana Yardım Et!/ Dear Nature Help Me!”

Start date: May 7, 2015, End date: Sep 20, 2015,

Due to developing technology and reducing movement of mankind, obesity has become more common. This is because people recently need sports more than before. Because of the financial incapability most people are not able to go to gym. In this regard, many types of sports that can be performed with the help of nature instead of going to gym were spoken and discussed. In addition some subjects were h ...
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Plant a Tree

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Youth exchange “Plant a tree” will happen in Murter, Croatia in the period between 22 – 31 May 2015. 49 participants from Croatia, Macedonia, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Romania will discover the meaning of trees in our lives and later decide to plant a tree for their future. For 9 days these youngsters will work on discovering the importance of trees, trees that Europe as a continent shar ...
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Brand It

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2015,

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges of Europe nowadays. One in each four european youngsters is unemployed and the number of youth unemployment is twice bigger than adult unemployment. And the numbers continue to increase. EU and government are trying to fight that, but civil society, organization and even the youngsters should also try to act against this. The youth exchange "Bran ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The project "Europassions" will be made in Barlinek in West Pomeranian voivodeship in Poland between 25th and 30th August 2014 (6 project days). It is a quadrilateral youth exchange for participants from Poland, Croatia, Macedonia and Hungary. In the youth exchange will participate 20 youngsters aged 18-15 years old and 4 team leaders (one from each country). The project theme is to develop passi ...
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All in Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

The European Union seems hardly recognizable from the tender integration project that started back in the history - the Union emerged as the only viable vehicle for organizing Europe. What have started out as a means for safeguarding peace and enabling economic recovery amongst six countries have developed in the world's graters Unions. Being a youngster from the EU means not only a European Citiz ...
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Musical 4 Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

"Musical 4 Europe" will gather 30 Youngsters from 6 different countries belonging to Europe, some from the EU family (Romania, Bulgaria, Italy) and some to join the family (Macedonia, FYR; Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), in Vinica, Macedonia FYR with the aim to discover Europe and at the same time to try to build a new one based on their visions and from their prospective. For 9 days they will wo ...
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Think about water

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

"Think about Water" project will introduce the topic of safe and clean environment with a special aspect on the water use, in order to raise the awareness of the young generation about the meaning of water and the environment in general in our every day life. Nothing in the world can't exist without water, but do we know this? 28 Youngsters from Macedonia, FYR; Serbia; Romania and Bulgaria will wo ...
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Water-The Source of Life

Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

One of the world biggest problems is connected with the access to clean water for drinking for people. There are millions of people on the earth planet without access to clean water for drinking and the ones that have this opportunity do not respect and do not know enough about water meaning. "Water - the source of Life" project will introduce the topic of safe and clean environment with a special ...
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Lets Plant a Tree

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Trees - they are all around us. They are part of our community, of our yard, of our life.Trees alter the environment in which we live by moderating climate, improving air quality,conserving water, and harboring wildlife. Climate control is obtained by moderating theeffects of sun, wind, and rain. Radiant energy from the sun is absorbed or deflected byleaves on deciduous trees in the summer and is ...
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The training will be designed as an intensive seven days lasting training focused on the main theme"volunteering in youth work". Within the training a composition of modules using methods from non-formaleducation will provide the participants step by step with theory, tools and skills for the realization of own futureactivities. The general goal of the project is to strengthen volunteering in Euro ...
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The project "Opportunities for all? Mainstreaming gender equality in European youth projects" is aimed to shareexperiences and knowledge on how gender equality can be promoted and mainstreamed in youth projects aswell as how to ensure gender equality in youth work with young people. The objectives of the planned TCtherefore are: to identify challenges young people face in relation to gender equali ...
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Recycle me!

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

"Recycle me" is a project about art and culture with putting aspect on alternative art technics - using materials that can be recycled and making something out of nothing. This exchange will raise the awareness of the protection of the environment, pollution that man kind is making, selection of garbage and garbage removal. When everyone works together, we can make the best use of our planet’s nat ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Activity dates:09-18/02/2012Where:Vrnjacka banja/SerbiaPartner countries:RS,RO,BA,MK,PL,TR,XK,IT,GR,AL,MD,PT,ME,IL,LVHost organization:NGO"THE WORLD OF WORDS" UNDERTAKE! INITIATE! APPLY!is a TC (which participates 30 participants from 15 countries)whose main project goal is to support the development of basic knowledge and experience in the domain of entrepreneurial business and entrepreneurial ...
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Solutions to Pollutions

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The youth exchange “Solutions to Pollutions” will happen in Veles,Macedonia and will unite 42youngsters from 6countries, Macedonia;Serbia;Croatia;Italy;Romania and Bulgaria and around 200local kids from this countries will be involved later in the local actions following the project. The main theme is to protect the environment by volunteer actions; problems connected to environment and the road t ...
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Why not-What matters!

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

This Partnership Building Activity that we are going to host in the city of Jajce in the middle Bosnia has an objective to motivate young people to become active citizens in their community through voluntarism. The PBA will give the opportunity to the young people to share their knowledge, learning new useful methods in achieving the best from the voluntary work among the young people with differ ...
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Give me 5 minutes of your time!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Activity dates:15-24/6/2012Where:Vrnjacka banja/SerbiaPartner countries: RS, MK, BA, AL, TR, PL, ES, IT, DEHost organization:NGO"THE WORLD OF WORDS" GIVE ME 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME is YE which participates 46 participants from 9 countriesThe problem of violence-encompassing anything from domestic abuse to violence defining relations between entire groups,communities and nations,stems largely from ...
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Stop the Fire!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

40 youngsters from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and Spain will gather in Mavrovo, Macedonia FYR to learn more about fire and flames, how they effect the environment, how to fight them and stop them. Fires and flames we see a lot in the summer period, especially in areas with forests, some caused by man, some by accident but most of them leaving a devastating consequ ...
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Connect !!!

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The YE "Connect!!!"will give the opportunity to 42youngsters from 6countries, Macedonia,Serbia,Bosnia,Bulgaria,Romania and Italy to re-connect with nature and learn about environment main elements water,soil,trees,forests,plants and animals through outdoor activities in nature.For 9days these youngsters will establish a link between them and nature,will explore the beauties of nature through the e ...
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Following the TC on Human Rights Education in late spring 2010 and the Youth Exchange “Small steps, big impact! Youth multipliers for human rights education in action” in summer 2011 the TC “Social exclusion on the edge: Creating and managing local youth work activities for human rights education” is aimed fostering social cohesion in Europe through addressing the issue of social exclusion and enc ...
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Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

"Reduce - Reuse - Recycle" is a project about the concept of 3R and the importance of understanding and accepting this concept as part of our daily life. When everyone works together, we can make the best use of our planet’s natural resources. When you recycle the products you use every day, like cardboard boxes, milk jugs, and soda cans, you give new life to items that used to be thrown away, you ...
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Second chance ....

Start date: Apr 1, 2013,

“Second chance” is a youth exchange that will give a second chance to old used things in participants’ life. Project will unite the creativity of 42participants from 6countries, Macedonia,Serbia,Bosnia,Bulgaria,Romania and Italy during 9days in Ohrid, Macedonia. Through taking part in interesting,creative and non-formal workshops based on the concept of learning by doing on the theme meaning of 3R ...
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I am alone or I belong somewhere? I am part of community or just an Individua? I am under 18 am I a citizen or I become one after 18? What rights do I have? If I am part of a community and I am a citizen what does that means? Should I act and live in some special way because of this? questions to be raise during "Me, myself and I....and the community!!!" youth exchange that will gather 36 partici ...
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Film for inclusion

Start date: Dec 2, 2013,

The youth exchange "Film for Inclusion" will bring together 47 participants from partner organizations in 9 different countries. Each group should consist of 4 young people ages 18-25 and one experienced youth worker.Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization.Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, acc ...
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Recycle in new lights

Start date: Mar 3, 2014,

Project “Recycle in new lights” is continuation and enhance version of a successful project we realized 2 years ago which is an idea of young people interested in ecology and sustainable development, who wish to connect different points of view and to discus topics of recycling, responsibility and innovation in approach to ecological challenges, bringing together different types of identification ...
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Make a Difference ...

Start date: Apr 1, 2014,

I often ask myself, what can I change today in my life?As a young unemployed person I feel like the I can do everything with the time I have and I really want to commit my life to making a positive impact not only on myself but on the world as well.There is so much out there that we could change– Ana,Romania. A huge number of young unemployed people in Europe like Ana often ask themselves the ques ...
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Let's paly Orne

Start date: May 1, 2009,

Let's Play Orne est un rassemblement international de jeunes à dimension départementale qui, à l'initiative de Sept structures de jeunesse de l'Orne (61) réunira du 10 au 20 juillet 2009, 148 jeunes, âgés de 13 à 16 ans, issus de l'Union Européenne, de l'Europe du sud est et des pays méditerranéens. Il s'organise autour de 3 échanges de jeunes bien distincts, une action 1.1 et deux actions 3.1 re ...
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EVS project Sea is Life will take place at Island Sustainability Education Centre in Murter, Island of Murter. The main theme of the project is nature and environment conservation - biodiversity and eco-system of Kornati Archipelago (Adriatic Sea). The objective of the project is to raise awareness of the local community and wider public about the importance of sea environment conservation with he ...
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Apply for a job

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

"Apply for a Job" is a project with one main aim - to increase youth employability, to stimulate the mobility of youth and their active participation in society through helping them to understand how they are going to create businesses in a sustainable way, through helping them learn how to design a competitive CV, write a good motivation letter, prepare for a job interview. Our objective will be ...
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