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Solutions to Pollutions
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The youth exchange “Solutions to Pollutions” will happen in Veles,Macedonia and will unite 42youngsters from 6countries, Macedonia;Serbia;Croatia;Italy;Romania and Bulgaria and around 200local kids from this countries will be involved later in the local actions following the project. The main theme is to protect the environment by volunteer actions; problems connected to environment and the road to solutions. Main aim will be to help the process of environmental protection by empowering 40youngsters and enriching the knowledge of local kids on main elements that need protection,air,water,climate,earth. The project will be implemented in three stages: 42youngsters will learn about environment - air,water,climate,earth,pollution and ways to preserve environment through teambuilding, sport activities,presentations,simulation exercises,interactive games; youngsters creating booklet “Solutions to pollutions” whose main target group will be small kids-interesting, easy and fun to read containing facts and figures expressed through pictures and drawings, possible solutions and learning games that can be used when learning about environment; local action-day dedicated to kids and learning about environment. In Veles we plan to involve 60kids and later 140more during follow up volunteer days dedicated to kids and environment.We believe in this way youngsters will learn more about the importance of environment, solutions to pollutions,will develop skills,learn about the cultures involved and use their creativity and have firsthand experience volunteering during local actions. Water is essential for our life,and yet many people do not have drinkable water;air is the main navigator for life,but do we know this and do we care;climate is changing every day and what are we doing about this;we are pollution our environment and we all share a problem,yet we are to ignorant to the call of the Earth. The 9 days will provoke all this topics among the youngsters involved.

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  •   17 023,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants