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21 European Projects Found

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Developing EU through online innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...ject foresees participation of seven partner organizations, each being in charge of developing certain digital course. Grobiņa Adult education centre will develop a digital course "Live online". Iniciativas de proyectos de formacion will produce a digital course “Learn languages online“. Superficie 8, LTD will develop a digital course “Career skills advice“. Turgutlu Kaymakamligi will be responsib ...
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Praktyki zagraniczne gwarancją sukcesu zawodowego

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The subject of the Project is a four-week vocational training for 60 students of technical school from The Complex of Secondary Schools no 3 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Placements will be realized according to the syllabus for the following profiles: technician of IT, mechatronics, electronics and logistics.The main aim of the project is to raise the quality of vocational education, enable stu ...
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Education Strategies adult education

Start date: Sep 14, 2015, End date: Sep 13, 2017,

In 2012, the unemployment rate for low-qualified adults was 16.8%, compared to 8.6% for the medium-skilled and 5.6% for the high-skilled group. Lifelong learning is still considered one of the main ways to stay in the labour market or to find a new job but many adults - elderly workers (range: 50-65 years), who lost or are about to lose their work are low skilled; they come from a low profile job ...
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Give Power and Help - Self-Identity in youth work and projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The project associates 25 youth workers from different countries: Poland, Croatia, Romania, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania and Latvia. It will take place in Zakopane, Poland. The aim of the training course is raising youth workers' awareness concerning realization of various types of initiatives. By undertaken acions we aim to present the ways of proper project management - beginning wi ...
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Kształcenie mobilności uczniów ZS3 w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The subject of the Project is a four-week vocational training for the students of technical school specified in the school syllabus. The main aim of the project is to raise the quality of vocational education, enable students to get additional abilities within professional competence and mobility. The project correlates with The School Development Plan and involves a few areas included in it. Mobi ...
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Green Valley project is related to initiative titled ‘From Valle del Chiampo to Green Valley’ coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza and aimed to suggest solutions to the crisis that has hardly hit an area of great export and industrial tradition, especially in local key sectors like tanning, mechanics and metallurgy. the title of the project evokes the transformation of the geograph ...
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Coop4Live - Training, Human Resource, European Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Coop4Live project, promoted by the 'ISIS' Brignoli - Einaudi - Marconi (located in Gradisca d'Isonzo – Staranzano), involves a new net of interprovincial schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia, with a view to regular cooperation during the next seven years. The themes of the project will focus on a) learning, discussion and development of business, social, cooperative ideas, b) the Integrated Tour ...
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Promoting Employment through VET

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Government Office for Békés County – with the collaboration of its labour centre and the department of education – intends to implement the project entitled ’VET to Job – Promoting Employment through VET’ in a consortium with the cooperation of a Finnish vocational education and training school, a Cyprian and British non-profit counselling and adult education and training institution, a Spanis ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

The project was directed to 26 students from the II and III class of technical training in the profession: hotel techniques and techniques of food service organization (in the intership took place 20 students of hotel techniques and 6 from techniques of food service organization) The subject of the project was related to the real needs of the students, who come from rural areas and to the hotel ...
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From May 18, 2015 till June 12, 2015, a group of 60 students from the Complex of Secondary Schools No. 3 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski took part in three foreign vocational trainings within the project 'Trainings Abroad for Students and Graduates of Vocational Schools and Trainings for Vocational Education Staff' which was carried out from the founds of PO WER based on Erasmus+ Programme named Profes ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Religion education changes according to the results of both events happening in the world and the conditions which the country faces. Ergo, it is necessary that people working on this field have to advance themselves in a lot of areas. Even the smallest awareness which will be gained in this field intended for all ages will be a key role in their lives. The knowledge gained at schools doesn't ...
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Get Professional Skills II

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Vocational School Cior, located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, North region of Portugal, works in the field of teaching and vocational training for more than 20 years. The so called region of Vale do Ave is currently characterized by a hard social crisis caused by high unemployment rates among students' familes and young people's difficulties in entering the labour market, especially those who have c ...
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Learning to learn has recently become the focus of European Union education policy where European Union Countries have agreed that this competence is one of the 8 key competences that are stated to be a necessity for economic success in Europe and greater social inclusion (Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on key competences for lifelong learning, 2006). According to F ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The VET QI (VET QUALITY ICT) project, wants to promote and disseminate the adoption of innovative quality systems in vocational education applied to small and medium enterprises in ICT sector: the final goal is to improve the exploitation of market opportunities and the promotion of vocational education.The main need that project wants to address the application of EU quality policies in vocation ...
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The SET project is set within the European policy background that entrepreneurshipshould be learned throughout the education and training system and the educationsystems should contribute to facilitating the acquisition of skills needed to set up and runa business. The inadequacy or complete lack of a training offer specifically addressed totrain trainers on how to introduce the entrepreneurship c ...
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The project resides promotes mobility at European level and active citizenship, creatingnew opportunities for learning using an approach that would be natural to the users tofacilitate the acquisition of knowledge. The project targets persons who travel or want tolive abroad. People who immigrate or travel abroad for a short-term periods, requireinformation about: language, culture, how to find a ...
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... support the process of integration and customizing of QP relevant elements of good practices inside/to the local Italian context represented by the School-Work Alternation programme.IPF / Iniciativas De Proyectos De Formación, is a company who developed a 9 years’ experience in students’ international mobility. Its role was to implement the results of the Project regarding the mobility of Ital ...
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This project aims at developing and increasing employability within the Tourism and Hotel & Catering sectors. Specifically, the project will undergo a study to evaluate: current needs in the sectors, the relationship between supply and demand, the required formal and non-formal competencies and the legal framework particular to each of the participating countries. A further objective of the projec ...
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The ACCES partnership proposes a new shared role of "Professional Development Advisor", present within all organisation and intented for publics. Actually the concept of a career path safeguardj'invites' employees and jobseekers to register showing their professional mobility and their continuing skills development. However access to qualification and to lasting employment is not the same for all ...
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The aim of the project is to encourage those in employment to take up of training and education by providing them access to advice and guidance within the workplace. The present proposal transfers the knowledge and methods used in the original project entitled Guidance Merger 1. The project work showed that making advice and guidance available within the workplace can increase the participation of ...
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WebTvs for EUropean Culture

Start date: Jun 1, 2012,

WebTvs for EUropean Culture is a project for the development of the first European network of WebTVs dealing with culture and cultural policies. It’s fostering best practices and debate within the cultural sector as well as the networking of cultural products and cultural workers, with a strong multisectorial approach. It is a participatory project: its core will be to foster an active participat ...
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