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WebTvs for EUropean Culture
Start date: Jun 1, 2012,

WebTvs for EUropean Culture is a project for the development of the first European network of WebTVs dealing with culture and cultural policies. It’s fostering best practices and debate within the cultural sector as well as the networking of cultural products and cultural workers, with a strong multisectorial approach. It is a participatory project: its core will be to foster an active participation of the internet users.The project aims at following the recommendations given in CultureMap (a study carried out in 2010 for DG Education and Culture, mapping the European cultural web platforms) on how to enhance the use of the internet as a means of information exchange and debate at the European level on cross-sector issues in the field of culture and artistic expression.In each country involved a cultural WebTV will be created. Moreover, we will create a new European multilingual WebTV community, with a strong 2.0 approach, where all the videos produced in each country will be posted and where all internet users will be given the possibility to register and upload their cultural contents (video, music, pictures, text, web application, etc.). The project is structured around different activities, the most important of which are:- Creation of national WebTVs- Creation of a transnational 2.0 WebTV platform- Involvement of 24 young cultural operators as citizen journalists. They will participate in:- 2 international workshops on Digital Cultures- and each of them will create a 7 episodes format on culture, in connection with the European Year’s theme- A 15 episodes format on Contemporary Art is going to be carried on by one of the co organizers, involving contemporary art institutions in France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
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