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Kształcenie mobilności uczniów ZS3 w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The subject of the Project is a four-week vocational training for the students of technical school specified in the school syllabus. The main aim of the project is to raise the quality of vocational education, enable students to get additional abilities within professional competence and mobility. The project correlates with The School Development Plan and involves a few areas included in it. Mobility placements realization will be an important element completing the process of education and will contribute to improvement of education system and vocational training. Training abroad will be more valuable than similar trainings in the country. It will allow students to familiarize with professional environment and work culture in a different European country. It is expected that its effects will mean better prepared participants to enter the labour market and awareness of leading their professional careers. During the placement abroad students will broaden their content-related knowledge concerning their profession, get new skills and technique in work organization. They will enrich themselves in new professional experience and familiarize with the range of norms, regulations and procedures used in EU countries. The training enables students to compare their skills with the requirements of Spanish and German employers. Tasks and activities realized by students during the placement will shape their personality as well as their interpersonal, language and enterprising competence. The placement will also influence their personal development by rising their self-consciousness , increasing their employment opportunities and also their participation in the European labour market.. Placement abroad will let students improve their Spanish, English and German language skills and allow them to know the culture and customs of the host countries. The aim of the project is to shape practical skills in the fields of electronics, IT, mechatronics and logistics which is based on the latest technologies. Its aim is also to increase the participants’ consciousness concerning other cultures, countries and creating ‘active citizenship’ , develop the feeling of European membership and identity. To judge the effects of the project there will be used national and European tools for validation and certification. Evaluation of the project will be done at every step of its realization and it will let us draw conclusions and experience for the future. Good trainings will be widely spread. The training involves three placements: I – for 20 logisticians in Valencia (Spain), II – for 20 students of IT, electronics and mechatronics in Zwickau (Germany), III – for 20 students of electronics, IT and mechatronics in Malaga (Spain). Tudors will supervise the accuracy and proper realization of the trainings aims - two teachers for each placement. Planned time of all placements realization is from 9 May 2016 till 3 June 2016.

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