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30 European Projects Found

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'Intercultural learning for teachers and pupils'

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Intercultural,global,democratic culture:different terminology is used respectively by the European Union,the OECD and the Council of Europe to refer to similar competencies that Ministers of Education are called on to teach and assess in their school systems to better prepare pupils for living in diverse societies and working in diverse labour markets.Policy developments related to the implementat ...
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European Badge Alliance

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...volunteering experiences generate skills, knowledge and wider competences that often remain invisible.The partners have identified a series of needs interesting the situation of young people in the European socio-economic context. In particular The existing recognition tools are not sufficiently oriented toward the needs of young people; key competences acquired through non-formal or informal lear ...
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EVS in NGOs-an insight in the European dimension of youth work

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

As the project title describes, the project aims at involving the EVS volunteer proactively in the activities of the European federation and familiarising her/him with a European dimension of youth work. Next to acquiring new competences related to the European environment, the volunteer will also gain more intercultural sensitivity and motivation to be an active citizen. Through participation in ...
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...ion that will be pursued after the “implementation meeting”.The idea of the “Open Up!” project is to shape a partnership/network between youth workers, volunteers and activists of European international youth organisations and several national youth councils, with the purpose of creating a platform for youth organisations committed to working towards a more inclusive Europe. Already the initiative ...
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EVS in NGOs-an insight in the European dimension of youth work

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

As the project title describes, the project aims at involving the EVS volunteer proactively in the activities of the European federation and familiarising her/him with a European dimension of youth work. Next to acquiring new competences related to the European environment, the volunteer will also gain more intercultural sensitivity and motivation to be an active citizen. Through participation in ...
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“For Youth Cooperation Across the Mediterranean!”

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...ld be a place for mutual understanding, acknowledged interconnectedness and cooperation. Indeed, as the IOM has estimated, in 2015 it is foreseen that 30.000 people will die while trying to reach the European coastline. Unsurprisingly, this situation has gone hand-in-hand with the rise of populist political parties and movements based on the rejection of immigration across the Mediterranean. In pa ...
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EVS in NGOs-an insight in the European dimension of youth work

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

As the project title describes, the project aims at involving the EVS volunteer proactively in the activities of the European federation and familiarising her/him with a European dimension of youth work. Next to acquiring new competences related to the European environment, the volunteer will also gain more intercultural sensitivity and motivation to be an active citizen. Through participation in ...
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Developing Educational Activities from Research in the 21th Century

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

DEAR 21 gathered 18 participants, experienced trainers from 12 countries and 4 different networks of organisations: YFU, AFS, CISV and the Experiment in Intercultural Living, from the 20th - 27th of September 2015 in Mollina, Spain, in order to create educational activities and tools based on intercultural research developed in the 21st century. The idea of DEAR21 appeared in June 2014 during an I ...
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Inclusive Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

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EVS in INGOs – an insight in the European dimension of youth work

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

As the project title describes, the project aimed at involving the EVS volunteer proactively in the activities of the European Federation and familiarising her with a European dimension of youth work. Next to acquiring new competences related to the European environment, the volunteer gained more intercultural sensitivity and motivation to be an active citizen. Through participation in a number of ...
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Exchange Voices!

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

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Structured Participation in Democratic Processes

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...obal Citizenship (MedUni) celebrated so far (2013, 2014 editions). The MedUni is the common space launched by Euro-Mediterranean youth associations and platforms, together with the Council of Europe, European Union and Arab League support, where the key priorities for youth cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area are discussed and agreed. In this context, and in the light of the structural, pol ...
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Common European Citizenship - Different local approaches

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...adowing activities that involved 8 professional youth workers working in the field of long-term youth exchanges. The project focused on peer learning for implementing at local/national level a common European approach to European and Active Citizenship (EAC) education within long term youth exchanges. The project built on the outcomes of three previous Youth in Action trainings targeting volunteer ...
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Youth exchange: community engagement across generations

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The seminar “Youth exchange: community engagement across generations” brought together youth workers from the European AFS network aiming to open up the world of youth exchanges for more involvement and learning across generations, leading to better overall participation, inclusion and solidarity of young people with the society as a whole. The specific objectives for the participants were to: - d ...
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Transversal competences for global employment

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

... programmes; - to review existing tools for assessment and validation of learning in exchanges; - to connect the mobility learning gains and the youth NGO context to the needs/mindset/language of European labour markets; - to formulate follow-up plans to improve quality, assessment and recognition of mobility educational outcomes. The event will take place in Belgium and will involve 24 participan ...
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As boarders within Europe turn from barriers to opportunities and as intercultural competences become a necessity both within communities and at the workplace, the youth of. Europe are also becoming more mobile. They are not just going on holidays, they are increasingly becoming participants of long term youth exchanges. And yet, these youth are faced with the challenge of the inevitable return to ...
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EurAfrican partnership for change

Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

...aims at enhancing the Ghanaian, Kenyan and South African civil societies through the empowerment and capacity building of youth organisations and structures based in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. 12 European AFS organisations will share their expertise with 3 African youth organisations located in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa thus contributing to the development of stronger youth structures whic ...
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...ogether youth workers and volunteers from the AFS network in charge of EVS projects in order to discuss common rules and procedures for running the EVS programme and plan our common engagement in the European Year of Volunteering 2011 (EYV). The feasibility visit will take place in Leuven, Belgium for 3 days in December 2009 and will involve 16 participants from 9 European countries who will use m ...
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...vement both for 2011 and for a long term strategy, which will be defined at the end of the project on the White Book of Volunteering 2011-2021. This project comes in a very significant moment, as the European Year of Volunteering and the IYV+10 are celebrated in 2011 and will have an institutional opening in the first activity of this project, symbolically linked to the International Day of Volunt ...
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... seminar entitled "External partnerships - making youth exchanges more inclusive" aims at giving to more young people the opportunity to develop intercultural understanding/competences, tolerance and European awareness. The project will tackle the challenge of including less advantaged target groups into long-term educational exchanges, through developing cooperation with other players in the fiel ...
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Linking national and European democratic participation is a training on representation, advocacy and democratic participation of young people active in YFU and AFS organisations in Europe. Its main aims are to link policy at European and national levels to the values and goals of YFU and AFS organisations in order to encourage young people's active participation and raise awareness of the interdep ...
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Linking national and European democratic participation is a training on representation, advocacy and democratic participation of young people active in YFU and AFS organisations in Europe. Its main aims are to link policy at European and national levels to the values and goals of YFU and AFS organisations in order to encourage young people's active participation and raise awareness of the interdep ...
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...the seminar participants will have a great multiplying effect as they will pass on gained knowledge to their peer volunteers. The outcomes of the project will thus benefit a great number of young Europeans involved directly and indirectly in exchange organisations.
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... trainer competence, within the context of intercultural exchange and EVS programmes. The event will take place in Latvia, and will involve 25 participants, 4 trainers and 2 support staff from 16 European countries. EFIL, as the applicant organisation, will co-ordinate the communication between the project partners. The hosting role will be played by its Member Organisation, AFS Latvia. All the pr ...
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... cooperation and encourage organisations to increase EVS programmes. The event will take place in Turkey (tentatively Sile) and will involve 16 participants, 4 facilitators and 1 support from 9 European countries. EFIL, as the applicant organisation, will co-ordinate all the project activities; however the hosting role will be played by its Member Organisation, AFS Turkey.During the 4-day programm ...
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...s of the seminar will be on the role of youth leaders in civil society organisations.The event will take place in Croatia, and will involve 21 participants, 4 trainers and 1 support staff from 17 European countries. EFIL, as the applicant organisation, will co-ordinate the communication between the project partners. The hosting role will be played by its Member Organisation, AFS Croatia. All the p ...
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The training course “Quality in European Citizenship content of intercultural exchanges” will bring together volunteers from the EFIL network to enhance the quality of the EC content of intercultural exchanges, namely the short and long term pupil exchanges and the EVS/ 18+ programmes promoted by AFS partners in Europe.The event will take place in Dworp (Belgium), involve 30 participants, 5 train ...
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...n exchange organisations, for better support and empowerment of their volunteers. The event will take place in Slovakia and will involve 20 participants and 5 facilitators/support staff from 16 European countries. EFIL, as the applicant organisation, will co-ordinate the partnership, however the hosting role will be played by its Member Organisation, AFS Slovakia, and each promoter will co-shape t ...
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... will bring together volunteers from the EFIL network to include them in the process of maximising the use and impact the ongoing learning tools that have been developed to enhance the quality of the European Citizenship (EC) content of intercultural (IC) exchanges, namely the short and long term pupil exchanges and the EVS/18+ programmes promoted by EFIL partners, and by other European youth orga ...
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As the project title describes, the project aims at involving the EVS volunteer proactively in the activities of the European federation and familiarising her with a European dimension of youth work. Next to acquiring new competences related to the European environment, the volunteer will also gain more intercultural sensitivity and motivation to be an active citizen. Through participation in a nu ...
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