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...are no homogeneous measures of intervention and social integration, although last year the reception's theme entered in the policy Agenda, pushing national governments to intervene.In May 2015, the European Commission stresses the need to reduce the causes of irregular migration and to establish a system of redistribution in the EU countries (Agenda Juncker of the 05.13.2015); Italy, however, and ...
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Measuring Return on Investment from EU VET mobility

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

... organisations, profit and non profit, mobility decision makers and players, including education and training organisations, social parts, public institutions, European networks, in the spirit of providing for a true strategic partnership.
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Growing the Market in Accessible Tourism

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...ected by disability, representing almost one third of the world's population. More people have access needs; for example, older and less mobile people or people with pushchairs have access needs. The European population is ageing: by 2050 the number of people over65 will be 3 times what is was in 2003. For all of these people, travelling can be a real challenge. They represent a huge market potent ...
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Establishment and development of a new Master on “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS” in 3 RU and 2 AM Universities with affiliation of other 2 RU Universities, according to features and learning outcomes delivering graduates environmental and “green buildings” technological issues’ skills. 1. Curricular reform: to implement an effective curricular development oriented towards ...
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Capacity Building for Intermediary Organisations through e-learning

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

... the basis of this research, the partnership is going to develop e-learning training material and then organise e-learning courses to intermediary organisations in the partner countries but also in a European level. The emphasis of the training courses would be put to the raise of the awareness of the apprenticeships to SMEs but it would touch many other subjects related with the organisation of a ...
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Today when SMEs face problems related to start up, innovation and growth, they find help in a proactive ecosystem of intermediary organizations: Yet the vast majority of these organizations do not currently provide guidance to SMEs on the subject of apprenticeships. RAISE seeks to address this situation by building the capacity of intermediary bodies to develop and operate support structures which ...
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"PRO.MOT.E. - PROmoting MObiliTy for Entrepreneurs"

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

... the outcomes, it has been planned the creation of a local information point for those adults and young people interested in job opportunities and national/European funding for the promotion of youth entrepreneurship (EU. J.Oint – European Job Point). The job experience outcomes will be included in the participant’s Personal Transcript: This will be a sort of personal book reporting the learning r ...
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“VALLEY - Vocational Alliance: from Learning to Labour for the European Young" is a mobility project aiming at promoting the employability of young people coming from Tourism and Agribusiness sector and at facilitating their entrance into the labour market. This should also have a positive effect in terms of the national economy revitalization, especially in the South of Italy. Tourism and Agrib ...
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Empower Active Ageing

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

It is well documented and widely accepted that active ageing can give the opportunity to adults 50+ to be more competitive and productive by improving their skills through training. The Europe 2020 strategy recognizes that more adult learning can help overcoming the economic crisis, meet the need for new skills and keep its ageing citizens productive. Learning is also essential for social inclusio ...
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Mobile & Digital Elearning Toolkit

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017, and Innovation in Teaching multi-platform course. Finally, the project will be disseminated and exploited amongst our two target groups – VET and HEI providers – by leading pan-European organizations, namely the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET) and the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN). The intended direct impact of the project can ...
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...ngs yet in youth field. The current strategic partnership program for youth has the purpose to develop and test “Youth Mediator” - non-formal qualification in the youth field according to new European common competence standards.During the program the involved partners will set up a non-formal training program for “Youth Mediator” that allows youth workers and youth to learn necessary skills in or ...
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The project GLOCAL 2015 (Grant Opportunities for Learning in european Countries Aimed at promoting local development) fits the local, regional (Campania) context where has arisen which is particularly affected by the problem of youth unemployment. According to ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy, most recent national accounts dat ...
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European Youngs in Enterprises

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...the CV of the trainee (in terms of personal, professional, business education); -enrichment of techno-linguistic baggage of the trainee in relation to the entrepreneurial sector; -increase of European cooperation between business educational, institutional networks, contributing with its know-how to the development and growth of a common European area; -promotion and participation in socio-economi ...
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Your vocational training - your Europe!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The mobility project (pool project) is aimed at 50 trainees that are between 18 and 25 years old and have studied or are currently studying in the following fields: - Aircraft Mechanics/ electronics for aviation systems - Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Medical technician/ assistant - Commercial assistant with the focus on "logistics" - Event- and Marketingmanager/in The project will be coordinated ...
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...the project adopts a two-tier approach: internally, to reinforce the activity, output and impact of the EIP AHA, and externally, to increase its influence as a “policy catalyser” in the wider European economy. In other words, the project aims at improving the internal collaboration of the EIPAHA, and to widen its external outreach and influence.The project is not designed as a coordination of EIPA ...
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...e accession of Russia to the World Trade Organisation in 2012 and the establishment of a Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2011 are expected to boost trade relations between the European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. The aim of AGRICISTRADE is to accompany these developments by analysing the potential impact of these trade agreements and by delivering insights on the pote ...
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Digital Innovation in Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...loping the participants’ technical-professional and transversal competences in the sector of Digital innovation. The project meets therefore the strategy of EUROPE 2020 and, in particular, the European and Italian Agenda wishing to utilize the potential of ITC technology in order to support innovation, economic growth and progress. The development of digital competencies is fundamental for ensuri ...
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Production, Processing, Packaging, Promotion in the Territory

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

... and in Europe (6 partner countries ) through the use of ICT (blogs, partners' websites , facebook/ twitter groups, online media, eTwinning portal-USR Piedmont will set up a collection of data of European Projects in the Region ) and on the local and national press, with "Flavours of Italy" Accademia5T’s magazine . The impact on students is verifiable in competence 2.self-esteem 3. ...
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Get Professional Skills in Europe - III

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

...Portugal, has been working in the field of vocational training for more than 20 years. From the beginning . The school tried to wide its intervention and be in the front of innovative process within European schools. The region “Vale do Ave” is currently characterized by a hard economical and social crisis caused by high unemployment rates among students' especially those who have completed their ...
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...cational repositories, within meaningful educational activities. In addition, it will demonstrate the potential of eLearning resources to meet the educational needs of these communities, supported by European Web portal: a community-oriented social platform where teachers, pupils and parents will be able to discover, acquire, discuss and adapt eLearning resources on their topics of interest. Final ...
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Combined Highly Active Anti-retroviral Microbicides (CHAARM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

This proposal is for a large scale collaborative project in which we propose both to develop novel microbicides directed against new intracellular targets and to investigate novel combinations of highly active anti-retroviral drugs which may be particularly effective as microbicides. Combinations may enhance efficacy but equally importantly will increase the genetic barrier to the development of r ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

To s??d?? ?at??t?s?? ""Balkan(re)vision"" ?d?se t?? e??a???a se 32 ????? youth workers, ?????a? 18-30 et?? ap? 13 ???e? t?? ?a??a???? ?a? t?? ????p?? (??ßa??a, ?G??, ?????a??a, ???µa??a, S??ßa??a, ??s??a ?a? ???e??ß???, ??????a, ??p??, ?ta??a, ?spa??a, ????a??a, ???at?a ?a? ????da) ?a ?????st???, s??e??ast??? ?a? ?a µe????? µa?? ??a 10 ?µ??e? (26/4/2015-5/5/2015) st?? ?ast???? t?? ??t???? ?a?ed??? ...
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European Tunisian Cooperation (ETC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"The overall objective is to foster and build a network between Scientific and Technological community and enterprises, which are involved in research and development activities, belonging to the European Community and Tunisia, to better share scientific and technological information and knowledge between the two Areas. We aim at creating a community of actors involved in the scientific and tech ...
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The project’s aim is to strengthen the Scientific and Technological cooperation between the EU Member States (and Associated Countries) and the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. To achieve its goals, the IncoNet EECA project will implement activities at both the policy and operational level. At the policy level the project will support the establishment and operation of a Regional S&T ...
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, ein europäisches thematisches Netz zu entwickeln, um die Übertragung des belgischen Erfahrungsabfalls der elektrischen elektronischen Ausrüstung, zuerst nach Italien zu stützen, in dem einige Schritte in dieser Richtung bereits gemacht worden sind und eine zahlreiche Gruppe Partner damit einverstanden ist, ein regionales Netz auf diesem Gebiet zu starten haben. Andere ...
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Most European countries lack successful resource materials and a proven method to facilitate the transition phase from vocational training in detention to vocational training in public school system, and none have the approach of using key competencies as tools for reintegration. VET offers inside the detention / correction system are based on transmitting information, with no focus on transition ...
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...nt for a sustainable Europe. The Europrean Council stated in Dec 2010 that this basis in VET-education is weak in its “Council conclusions on education for sustainable Development”. Likewise, the European Ministers for Vocational Education and Training stated in the Bruges Communiqué: “Just as information and communications technology skills are essential for everybody today green skills will be i ...
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The project aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of managers and employees working in SMEs to be able to better complete in a rapidly changing market. Emphasis is given in Innovation Management, where target groups learn to consolidate technological and organizational change through vocational training courses and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competences.
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.... The target groups of this project are employees of SMEs , training institutions and any organization that is interested in evaluating competencies.The main outcome is an internet platform for a European-wide competence evaluation. This platform contains comprehensive information, an administration tool, a pool of competence descriptions, an internet based examination tool with questions and answ ...
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In Austria and partner counties there are large numbers of unemployed young people on the brink of social exclusion and poverty. Many of these young people come from groups, who are already disadvantaged in the labour market, e.g. those with a family history of intergenerational unemployment, lower parental education, welfare dependency or from migrations/minority backgrounds. These factors can si ...
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...ed a request to all suppliers forimplementation of ISO 15504 and innovation principles. The results of the EU innovationmanager project and the ISO 15504 standard directly match this need.In 2005 the European Quality Network has been created supported by the EU Leonardoda Vinci Program (Network Project EQN, 2005 - 2007). The overall objective of the EQNLeonardo network project was to establish an ...
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Young migrant workers with low qualifications and workplace skills have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis. Among immigrants, they are most likely to experience difficulties acquiring and retaining employment. A range of VET initiatives now exists for immigrants, yet their generic nature and focus on ICT means they are particularly unsuited to the young male workers who are most at ...
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... a balanced percentage of men and women in targets and benficiaries groups.PARTNERSHIP: The partnershipis a consortium of seven public/private core partners and ten associated partners in six European countries that are AT, DE, ES, IE, IT, PL.OUTCOMES/IMPACT: • free of charge accessible knowledge portal and integrated ePortfolio solution, • trainings for pracitioners to grant a transfer to benefic ...
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...ion of dishes on menus. The use of organic and other ‘certified’ foods also requires an understanding of and adherence to the statutory criteria of EU regulation.Results of this partnership are a European definition of sustainability and suggestions for standards in education and training in the field of gastronomy, tourism and communal catering, with the intention of making sustainability a key a ...
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...ed into the national VET system. The LB enhances the interest to participate in VET in the target country and contributes to the high quality of outputs offered in the national VET system. From the European point of view, this project fulfils the educational aims of the EU regarding LLL, transparency, mobility and high qualification standards. The project fulfils the European priority: Promotion o ...
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The project intends to provide specific training tools for developing design education. It is conceived on two stages: the first one (vocational guidance - self evaluating unit) aims to evaluate and develop the skills of design-oriented professionals; the second one (educational guidance – supportive unit) will orient design students to design thinking and improve their problem solving capacity by ...
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The SIGN-IT-NOW project responds to the need of those employed in emergency and care services, to communicate with a growing number of hearing-impaired persons (up to 20% of the population in some countries). It aims to overcome barriers to training by developing the very first on-line training programme in sign languages specially geared to these services. Partner countries include popular touris ...
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The project will provide the adult communities of potential learners with the necessarytools and support to return to the formal educational system. It targets learners wholeave after a short time of attendance, adolescents who have not completed secondaryschool, older people (30+) wishing to take up an academic pathway, uneducatedhousewives and unemployed (19+). The project seeks: to evaluate the ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

CLAP – Convicts Liberty Aid Project is a response to the harsh reality of a convict facing the first days of liberty. If these days are not well prepared in advance, the risk or returning in prison is so much higher. CLAP aims at assisting the preparation of these days by offering a set of tools to the prison workers and inmates, but more important offer these actors the chance to negotiate and re ...
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...em are high. Due to the strong involvement of LLP programs, prison education in Europe has taken quite a development in the last years. But still, not even at national levels (and for sure not at European one) the competency profile, the training pathway and professional development of teachers in prison are not clear. EIS ALP partners have been building up European experiences (individually and i ...
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