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Foundations for Work

Young migrant workers with low qualifications and workplace skills have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis. Among immigrants, they are most likely to experience difficulties acquiring and retaining employment. A range of VET initiatives now exists for immigrants, yet their generic nature and focus on ICT means they are particularly unsuited to the young male workers who are most at need, thereby causing further exclusion. The aim of Foundations for Work was to increase the basic competences of young immigrants so they could improve their job prospects and benefit from mainstream training in their host country. FfW’s strength was in its “back-to-basics” approach and the way in which the innovation of the existing resources were combined with a rigorous methodology and the experience of 6 project partners, including 4 social organizations and 2 dedicated VET organizations, from 6 countries most affected by migration. All of the partners had collaborated previously on immigrant training initiatives and had specific VET expertise.As a result of the project, voluntary immigrant service and VET organizations now have a methodology and resource pack for use with young underachieving migrants. High uptake was ensured by a charismatic marketing and exploitation campaign began in year 1. In the longer term, through increased skills, adaptability and insertion into higher quality jobs, immigrants now have more opportunities to fulfill their potential in the labour market and benefit from mainstream training, as well as greater personal growth and social integration. Secondly, through links to policy makers and practitioners in VET and voluntary organizations throughout the project, these sectors are now more attuned to the changing needs of this group and better motivated and equipped to provide ongoing services at the appropriate level.

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6 Partners Participants