European Projects
PROEIPAHA: Coordination, Support and Promotion act.. (PROEIPAHA)
PROEIPAHA: Coordination, Support and Promotion activities in favour of EIPAHA
Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2016
The goal of PROEIPAHA CSA is to help addressing the challenges identified by the stakeholders and the expert’s group report, by providing a wide range of high quality support services for the EIPAHA, from secretariat services, R&I facilitation, policy guidance, awareness and stakeholder’s engagement support, fostering open and sustainable collaboration. In order to pursue this goal, the project adopts a two-tier approach: internally, to reinforce the activity, output and impact of the EIP AHA, and externally, to increase its influence as a “policy catalyser” in the wider European economy. In other words, the project aims at improving the internal collaboration of the EIPAHA, and to widen its external outreach and influence.The project is not designed as a coordination of EIPAHA, but as a set of support actions to the existing structures of governance, such as coordinators and thematic networks, in order to provide the tools and methodologies to help them deliver the expected results.The consortium is composed by a balanced set of organization to provide high quality support services to the existing and future Action Plans, identifying synergies across AGs, and providing expert knowledge on Research and Innovation on active and healthy ageing (in wide range of domains impacting the issue), policy and legislation, monitoring, standardization, innovative procurement, knowledge sharing tools and governance methods, plus dissemination and awareness activities.