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14 European Projects Found

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E-nergy V-itality S-trength

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...ality S-trength” involves four volunteers coming from Poland, Portugal, Austria and Estonia and five organisations: OpportUNITY (United Kingdom), acting as coordinating and hosting organisation, Desincoop (Portugal), Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (Poland), InfoEck - Jugendinfo Tirol (Austria) and EstYes (Estonia) performing the roles of sending organisations. The project will take place between O ...
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Building future for youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

This EVS project is mainly aimed at providing non-formal education and inter cultural learning opportunities to young people from Kavadarci. It is part of a current local project of the Receiving Organization Youth Association creACTive – which mainly works on promoting creativity and active citizenship of young people. The EVS project will be based in the local youth club of the organization in K ...
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Mediation: a new tool for dealing with conflicts In Youth Work

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

When discussing the current challenges for youth workers in Europe Platform Spartak and Synergy recognised that existing tensions between groups of people in vulnerable conditions and situation needs to be addressed, for example in the youth sector and in youth organizations. On a bigger scale, tendencies which feature discrimination, stereotyping and prejudices can create an on-going and long las ...
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Start date: Sep 2, 2015, End date: Aug 1, 2016,

The Lycée Louis Querbes is in Rodez, capital of the department of Aveyron , in the Midi-Pyrénées Region. Situated between Toulouse and Montpellier, Aveyron is very touristy with a rich historical heritage, landscape and cultural. Rodez and its suburbs, as the Midi-Pyrénées region, are part of a real openness to international politics: twinning with the city Bamberg in Germany, the presence of othe ...
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Active Roma youth engagement through EVS

Start date: Feb 20, 2015, End date: May 20, 2016,

This long-term EVS project aimed to strengthen the international scope of the work of Roma Youth Centre as well as providing a complex and sustainable learning opportunity for Roma and non-Roma youth in Macedonia and Portugal by involving 2 Portuguese volunteers in the activities of RYC. The question of Roma inclusion as the core of the work of RYC has a strongly European dimension and is directly ...
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Art in Action: How can art have a positive impact in social issues?

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Apr 3, 2016,

“Art in Action” project was implemented between 9 - 15 October, 2015 in Guimaraes, Portugal. The Youth Exchange project, Art in Action was carried out with 30 participants from 6 different countries, including the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Estonia, Italy and Turkey. Bringing together these young creative people, the Art in Action project aimed at exploring and understanding certain problem ...
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Play for Improvability

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

“Play for Improvability” is training course developed on the following premises: • unemployment is the key burning issue among young people in Europe • youth work has been identified as one of the key approaches in dealing with this issue, since it develops competences that cannot be gained elsewhere • most youth workers are still struggling to understand the link between youth work and employabi ...
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CC: Challenging Communication

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

A good ability to communicate is nowadays crucial in every sphere of our life: to have healthy personal relations, to be successful in our studies, to access new job positions, to exercise social leadership or to transfer our ideas into bigger groups and audiences. This becomes specially relevant when working as leaders with groups of youngsters: communication becomes a crucial aspect in each sta ...
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For Europe - Let's win together!

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

There are eternal truths. One of them is ?the human being wants to belong to someone?. This yearning of belonging to someone of young roma and young people who are members of other ethnic or national minorities can almost not be described in words. In contrast to these young people, some members of the majority society, unfortunately, even today prejudiced and discriminatory. Therefore, integratio ...
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Mid Term: A training for EVS Organizations

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015, workers developed essential skills for their work with EVS. The participants from six partner organizations, Platform Spartak (The Netherlands), Creactive (Macedonia), CVS Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Desincoop (Portugal), Center8 (Serbia) and (Poland) shared their expertise on EVS facilitated by 2 trainers. The youth workers had different experiences with EVS from coordinating organization ...
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The European Training "Democracy - a way to achieve Sustainable Development" will take place from 08th - 19th July 2011 in Ia?i, Romania. Participants will be 25 young people from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine.The European training Democracy - a way to achieve Sustainable Development approaches the themes of democracy, ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

A. J. Inter (Spanish NGO) coordinates a multilateral youth exchange that will be implemented in Argos Orestiko, Greece where 37 youngsters aged between 20-25 years old from Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal are going to participate. The ten days programme will be realized on 26/04- 6/05/2013. The title of the project is "THE ART OF PEACE" that refers ...
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Give Voice to Minorities Youngster

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Center for Social Development is the hosting organization in this training course .6 participants from EU , 6 from SEE countries and 1 from Turkey are foreseen to be present while this activity will be held in Durres and will last 7days in September , 2012. This project gives a chance to youth workers and young people from European countries to share experiences, to learn from each other, but ...
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Start date: Sep 2, 2011,

SAFEBOOK FOR FACEBOOK is an youth exchange in frame of 1.1 action.The project will gather 8 promoters and 45 youngsters from Latvia , Estonia , Italy , Lithuania , Portugalia ,Spain ,Slovakia and Romania.The project will take place for 7 days in Sarata Monteoru- Romania in december 2011 , and will have an APV of 2 days in octoberThe topic is electronic violence and social networks and aim of the ...
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