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For Europe - Let's win together!
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are eternal truths. One of them is ?the human being wants to belong to someone?. This yearning of belonging to someone of young roma and young people who are members of other ethnic or national minorities can almost not be described in words. In contrast to these young people, some members of the majority society, unfortunately, even today prejudiced and discriminatory. Therefore, integration is a key task of our times that gets more and more important due to the challenges the European society has to face because of the democratic transition that affects all Europe. However, integration does not work from itself. It can also not be prescribed ?from the top?. For this reason it is at first about developing a common understanding of integration, removing prejudices, sensitising for solidarity and making clear that our society becomes richer and more human through tolerance, openness and cultural diversity. Sport overcomes borders. Sport contributes in a high measure that people of different origins meet in a friendly and fair way. Sport provides most different offers and is available for all people ? independent from their personal, cultural and financial situation. Through worldwide common rules sport promotes fair play and equal chances. To bring up this subject and to demonstrate the integration opportunities of sport to members of minorities or young people with migration background is the objective of our project. A mix of non-formal information mediation about Europe, the European Union and their institutions and sort activities shall on one hand promote the sense of citizenship and the active European citizenship of the participants. All organisations are experienced in the work with roma respectively young people belonging to other ethnic or national minorities or having migration background. They were all involved in multilateral youth exchanges before and know therefore which tasks are linked to this kind of projects. These young people or disadvantaged groups took part in the program belonged or other adverse situation described them (cultural, economic, educational and social disadvantage). In the implementation of the project we focused on the followinf groups of activities: - non-formal and informál education (the EU game, language crash course, participation in the sport groups, archery, riding, jujitsu, lectures on Erasmus+, youth exchange EVS and transnational initiatives, excursions) - intercultural learning (icebreakers, teambuilding, formulation of expectations, joint training, meetings in the roma community, dance, national evenings) - sport (football, volleyball, archery, riding, jujitsu, swimming, table tennis) - ?Sportive Europe Quiz? and ?Open Football and Volleyball Competition? (collection of quiz questions based on the mediated knowledge, conception of sportive stations, attending of the stations respectively implementation of the sport activities together with pupils, joint football and volleyball training, participation in the Europe Team in the ?Open Football and Volleyball Competition?. The implementation of such activities, working methods were used, which encouraged active participation. In various forms the procet shall contributed to the awareness raising and personal development of the participating young people. Relating to the contect of the event and the available frame for single and group behaviour the project provides a high number of opportunities to test and question personal and integration-relevant competences and to develop and multiply cultural and sport competences depending on the individual readiness and ability. The project contributed to the content of equal opportunities, cultural diversity and active citizenship guarantee. It supported the development of the sport and language skills, and the opportunity for all young people was to increase the personal competence. With all planned activities and methods the project contributed also to raising the European awareness of the young people. Their commitment in the sport groups and in the implementation of the quiz as well as the competition on the Children?s Day reflected that they are part of the presence and future of Europe. Their work showed that they are also European citizens. Through the fact that the according groups introduced themselves particularly during the national evenings and brought themselves and their specialties, their culture and regions closer to the other participants, the project contributed cultural diversity. The project is a tangible result of a short summary with pictures and a short film, which is the Children's Day, and the "Sportive Europe Quiz? to was held there. Among the non-tangible results are the most important: learning outcomes, knowledge and experience gained by the participants, the skills and competencies development, European citizenship and cultural awareness increased, the development of language skills.

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