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14 European Projects Found

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Share best Practices for the Support of EVS volunteers

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...erms of intercultural learning and of new hints in its work. The staff will develop management and organizational competences and will have the chance to confront with new educational methods and new cultures. Cooperativa Mignanego will instead consolidate its experience within EVS and its experience in the management of foreign volunteers. Hosting two EVS volunteers will allow Mignanego village t ...
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123 days!

Start date: Dec 15, 2011,

Vă rugăm să oferiţi o scurtă descriere a proiectului dumneavoastră (aproximativ 10-15 rânduri). Vă rugăm să reţineţi că in cazul în care proiectul dumneavoastră este aprobat, acest paragraf poate fi făcut public. Astfel, precizaţi locul desfăşurării, tipul proiectului, tema şi obiectivele, durata stagiului (în luni), ţările implicate, numărul de voluntari, activităţile desfăşurate şi metodele ut ...
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Effect 2 social society

Start date: May 1, 2011,

International training course "Effect 2 social society" that will be held in Vilnius/Lithuania on 31st of July - 7th of August 2011 and will unit from 12 countries, in totally 24 participants. Training course aims to promote the social rights, human rights and solidarity through volunteering and active citizenship of the youngsters by providing them opportunity to express their view. Project comes ...
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Silk Roads to EVS

Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

the main objective of this project is to increase youth participation in EuropeánŕVoluntary Service with Asia-Europe dimension which will serve as an entry point to address global environment challenge, climate change, poverty alleviation, and marginalization. Furthermore; by sharing best practices, strengthening their capacity on volunteer management, networking, stronger bonds among organization ...
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The MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) are ambitiously set to be met by 2015 in order to reduce poverty in the world and to increase the quality of life around the globe. MDG that incorporates issues of: education, women rights, poverty, health, environment, children rights, global partnership and reflect strongly the global interdependencies that are in the world and how the globalization proces ...
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The main theme of the youth exchange “Who will remember me 5?” is raising European awareness and environmental protection in the region of participating countries. Special focus during project will be on youth participation in implementation of EU Bird and Habitat Directive and protection of endangered species in Europe.Objectives of this youth exchange are in cohesion with general objectives of ...
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What you get is what you give

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

"What you get is what you give" is a training course for 33 youth leaders who work and are willing to continue working with European voluntary service action. The project will be held in Albania and its main topic is based in voluntaryism, its promotion to youngsters, exchanging of experiences and improving competencies of participants while dealing with EVS projects. The idea of this project is t ...
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Mission 2011 - Minorities in Action

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

There is no official definition of the concept of “national minority” as each country is left a room to access which groups are considered to be “national minorities” living on its territory. National minorities are a matter of concern of various international organizations and within the Council of Europe, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is one of the most comprehen ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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This training course aims to provide youth workers with different tools for empowering young people both in European Union and Neighbouring Partner Regions (SEE, EECA and Mediteranean) in order to take an active role in settling conflicts and tensions between each other on local but also on international level, particularly among young people affected by the frozen conflicts in SEE, EECA and Medit ...
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The project DRAMA TOOLS FOR INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION is a training course written for 3.1 action.The project will take place in Buzau , Romania for 6 days and involves 37 participants from 24 countries from 28 organizations from Europe .There will be youngsters and youth leaders from France , Germany , Italy other EU countries , from all EECA countries and also from Serbia , ...
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The training course will bring together 24 youth workers and youth leaders in order to explore European citizenship as a process of becoming responsible for one's surroundings, for other individuals and for the society in which we live, in a wider and more inclusive perspective which goes beyond national and continental limits. The participants will enhance their skills in order to support their t ...
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Media Cottage

Start date: Dec 1, 2008,

...imedia and will promote activities in nature. The most interesting part will be a some kind of reality show based on interesting games and tasks all connected with actual subjects. Connectivity with culture will be also presented with cultural evening where each national group will have to prepare traditional dinner and present their own country and culture. We are planning an excursion around th ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2007,

ZMC Kotlovnica organised youth exchange EURO in Kamnik in Slovenia. The main theme was concerning EURO through different workshops: antropological - cultural, video, photography and internet. 29 participants came from 5 different european countries: Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Spain. Exchange lasted for 8 days and participants learned about Euro, European Union, photography, making ...
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