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Media Cottage
Start date: Dec 1, 2008,

The multicultural youth exchange Media cottage is a project within the Youth in Action program and will take place on the mountain of Velika Planina near Kamnik, Slovenia. The main theme of the project will be intercultural dialogue through multimedia (video, photography and internet). Participants will get a basic knowledge on how to use media to express their ideas and learn how to perceive media from a critical point of view. Workshops will begin witha ashort theoretical part. Participants will have to create short movies and photo stories based on they own ideas about intercultural dialogue, stereotypes, racism, wenophobia, etc. Video and photo groups will work closely together and prepare the maerial for the web page group. All the workshops will connect intercultural discussion with documenting and reviewing contents with multimedia and will promote activities in nature. The most interesting part will be a some kind of reality show based on interesting games and tasks all connected with actual subjects. Connectivity with culture will be also presented with cultural evening where each national group will have to prepare traditional dinner and present their own country and culture. We are planning an excursion around the mountain and to the town all filled with thematic games, tasks and sport. After the exchange participants will present their work and acquired skills as an exhibition open air, movie and video clips and all togethjer will be shown on web page.

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