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13 European Projects Found

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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Goals–Rationale The situation of employment of Young People in Europe is very poor, especially for those who are "nowhere" (NEETs). On the other hand, actions, initiatives, innovative practices arise on the field that are motivating and putting people on the move. It is important to foster such actions, propagate them towards different actors and territories, and built upon them, for another step ...
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...ners of the project are the following: Conselleria de Cultura, Educacion e Ordenacion Universitaria (Spain)Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (Poland)Daniel Castelao - Cebem Formación Profesional SL (Spain)Cooperativa Sociale Ceis Formazione (Italy)Project Management Association (Romania)Atenea Projects Lda. (Portugal)IST. D'ISTRUZ. SUPERIORE ALDINI VALERIANI - SIRANI (Italy)
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Mobilité de travailleurs belges du secteur jeunesse

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESThe objective of the project: enable mobility of youth workers of this consortium (partnership of organizations of the youth sector, members of the European network Ecett) to improve the quality of their work with young people, by adopting a biased position and enquiring with their peers abroad.Professionals of “youth” feel sometimes helpless when confronted to some situ ...
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ECEtt mobility IRL

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until 2011 in the field of therapeutic communities for addicted people and of social work. It consists in benchmarking, research and description of good practices which can be transferred in other places of t ...
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This mobility project is dedicated to CEID’s professionals, a non-profit organization working in medical and social support for addicted people for 40 years. The organization managed several centers and 160 employees in teams of prevention, psycho-educational support and medical care in the Aquitaine region. To provide efficient support and adjust with the cultural characteristics, our organizatio ...
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EU GANGS VET mobility programme

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Gangs and gang crime cannot just be dealt with as a national issue to have real impact in communities. Membership of gangs is complex and multi-cultural/ multi ethnic as people become more mobile. The increasingly international dimension of some street gangs poses a cross border threat. (Europol - European Police Office, Annual Report 2011). The 2009 Eurogang EU network of researchers set up in 19 ...
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Trempoline Mobilité Belgique

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project "Trempoline mobility Belgium" presented by the Trempoline ngo in the frame of Erasmus + grants, follows different projects ECEtt funded by the Leonardo da Vinci, namely ECEtt Pilot- 2006, ECEtt-ToI-2009, contributing to the establishment and operation of a network of exchange of good practices in the business of humans according to a method based on the companionship (called method MEC ...
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ECEtt Erasmus+ Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Magdaléna, o.p.s. is a member of Ecett-Networks NGO. This broad European network has been built by cooperation of institutions who want to improve the quality and results of their teams. Project “ECEtt Erasmus + Mobility” builds on the previous European project of mobility (Lifelong learning program, 2011-2013) as well as further cooperation within the Ecett network. The project is based on the ed ...
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OPEN-UP. Istituzioni e giovani per idee innovative

Start date: Apr 4, 2016, End date: Feb 3, 2017,

...e focus group discussions.The partnership is composed by a strong network of public bodies (Regione Toscana, Regione Puglia, Fondazione Toscana) and no profit organizations (associazione WIP, soc.cooperativa Puntodock, Ceis). These realities work since many years in the area of youth policies, with the aim of empowering youth and creating dialogue opportunities with local authorities through cross ...
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15% of European population – i.e. about 80 Millions persons - live with some form of disability. Nevertheless, disabled people result an underrepresented group within higher-education all over Europe. The reasons of that are to be found in a complex range of socioeconomic, cultural and historical elements, differing for each single country. Overall, it can be stated that in Europe there's the lack ...
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Gangs are prevalent in most large cities across the EU for it to be commonplace for public sector professionals to interact and work with gangs /gang members. For professionals like youth workers, teachers, police and probation officers it is a dimension of their job: for others like front line staff in local Government, social security and the health service, gangs and their members can impinge, ...
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Partners from Greece, Poland, Portugal and Spain have realized that training on prevention on drug abuse for prevention technicians in these countries is included in University Degrees, but does not exist an on-line training. The situation is even worse in Greece and Poland, where it does not exist training on prevention at all. The only existing experience is the one of APH in Spain, as a basic e ...
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ECEtt-ToI describes, step by step, how MECETT (the learning method based on benchmarking and exchange of good practices) has been transfered form the field of treatment of addicted persons to the fields of social work, education, psychiatry and one energy company. The rate of satisfaction of the 150 learners and their managers is very high (over 90% agree on the added value of MECETT).
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