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Educational skills and knowledge creation in the field of addictions : Training by travel accross Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This mobility project is dedicated to CEID’s professionals, a non-profit organization working in medical and social support for addicted people for 40 years. The organization managed several centers and 160 employees in teams of prevention, psycho-educational support and medical care in the Aquitaine region. To provide efficient support and adjust with the cultural characteristics, our organization must be aware of drug users evolutions, the new fast spread of substances and geopolitics of drugs in Europe as well. Public policies (MILDECA) lead us to practice on efficient education, social care, prevention and medical care programs. The new scope of our organization, whose goal is to tend to learning organization model incline us to develop our savoir faire, notoriety and European Partnerships. This project will boost innovation process, develop professionals’ motivations and skills, to improve methods and care. The association has set up a project group that develops and monitors the mobility approach based on ours specific tools and according to Ecett method. Being member of Ecett Network, we are actively involved in this project, by the exchange of expertise and knowledge on the development of this cross-discipline named in France “addictology”. In practice, it will carry out professional participant observation internships in Spain, England, Bulgaria, Sweden and Italy by previously defined stakeholders’s thematics (professionals, host institutions, executive management) to learn, to observe, to check differences, to explain what we do, to discover other realities, to subscribe, to refute, to ask, and to build ... These first selected topics are : pathological gamblers’ treatment issues, a support program for families (MDFT), testing the preventive educational program "Break the Cycle", the EU's integrated approach to communities, project methodology and training human resources but also risk reduction programs culturally appropriate for drug users traveling all around Europe. The organization of a regional conference involving all stakeholders, will disseminate the results of these mobility beyond the addiction sector and will aim to pursue the European partnership promoting reflection, sharing and be aware to possible new professional looks. The expected project includes strengthening the beneficiaries’ skills concerning psychoeducation, medicine and learning methodology of other professionals’ practices in Europe. These new management skills will be an important lever for managerial staff development and qualification of employees and for innovation and reflections on the accompanying methods and expertise.

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