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24 European Projects Found

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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Los socios del proyecto son conscientes de la importancia de la movilidad en la formación profesional, de las barreras existentes para llevar a cabo esta movilidad, y de la necesidad de reforzar la integración transfronteriza en materia de formación. Todos son miembros de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CTP) y se reúnen regularmente, afín de favorecer los intercambios y la innovación, la ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Constitution of a transnational network dedicated to the promotion and development of the Atlantic rail corridor for freight combinated with ports and multimodal logistics platforms in the Atlantic Area, in order to boost development, planning and implementation of railway infrastructure for the transport of goods, including the necessary infrastructure to connect to ports and promote competitive ...
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Desde 1970, la conexión ferroviaria internacional entre Aquitania (Pau) y Aragón (Canfranc), está interrumpida tras el hundimiento de un puente entre Bedous y Canfranc. El proyecto de cooperación transfronteriza CANFRANEUS se basa en la voluntad compartida por la Región Aquitania y de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón de restablecer la continuidad de las circulaciones, a través de la realización de ...
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Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

Development of cooperation and joint approaches in identifying new market niches in the renewable energy sector, the redefinition of education and training programmes in the field of offshore and marine renewable energies, contributing to the development of a greener energy model, while improve competitiveness and innovation capacities in regions of the Atlantic Area. ...
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El objetivo final del proyecto APSAT es disponer de un cierto número de territorios ("living labs") sobre los que sean desplegados, de forma operativa, servicios basados en las tecnologías satelitales, las cuales abren múltiples vías de aplicación. La posibilidad de experimentación propuesta en el proyecto permitirá la evaluación y validación a escala real de estas aplicaciones satelitales punta, ...
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Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management (ANCORIM)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The 33 European regions located along the Atlantic coast are home to approximately 70 million inhabitants. The 10-km wide coastal strip covers a total surface area of 194,197 km2 with a length of 25 000 km. These coastal regions are characterised by a strong identity, an authentic international outlook and significant economic potential.These coastal areas must cope with several threats which are ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

A partir de la voluntad común de los socios de consolidar un contexto de cooperación estable entre los sistemas y dispositivos de formación profesional de las regiones pirenaicas, el proyecto pretende, principalmente, promover el reconocimiento mutuo de las cualificaciones y las competencias adquiridas en el marco de los itinerarios de movilidad con la perspectiva de impulsar el desarrollo y la in ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

ARCOPOL aims to improve prevention, response and mitigation capabilities against oil, HNS (Convention on the Carriage of Noxious and Hazardous Substances by Sea) and inert spills and to establish the basis for a sustainable Atlantic network of experts. The main objectives are: 1) To incorporate outputs from EROCIPS (Interreg IIIB) into strategic national, regional and local response levels. ...
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El proyecto SUDOEFOP pretende constituir una red de conocimiento y colaboración entre profesionales de la formación profesional gracias a la utilización de las TIC con el objeto de que la población de Sudoeste europeo pueda aprovechar los beneficios producidos por la red. Como principales resultados globales del proyecto destacan: - Obtención de un marco de trabajo que supere el ámbito regional y ...
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Cities of the wine, main Inheritance of the Atlantic (TOURVIN ATL)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

The main aim of this project is to group together two major activities: tourism and wine production. This implies working at local level in villages, terroirs and regions to develop a new network of sustainable tourism which will respect the environment, identity and diversities of each. The project considers wine as the common identity of this new tourist offer. It intends to promote wine product ...
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The EROCIPS project aims to provide an opportune answer to accidents of oil, chemical and inert pollution of coastal areas. Its aim is to formulate a transferable methodology to supply relevant information to the stakeholders and the decision-makers committed to fighting coastal pollution after an accident. To achieve this objective, it is organising eight workshops whose actions can be summed up ...
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Background There are at least 22 000 small and medium-sized camping and caravanning holiday park companies in Europe, offering 10.8 million commercial tourist beds - more than the traditional hotel sector (8.7 million beds). Tourism is a major and growing sector in many local economies, including Aquitaine. In 2001, the region counted with 718 campsites ...
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The project aims to stimulate the sustainable development of the coastal zones of the Atlantic Area from an environmental, social and economic point of view, by encouraging integrated regional development implementation and management. Given the fact that there is not a homogenous perception of this territory, the project intends to make recommendations to create a common vision: this is Integrate ...
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The development of regionalisation has gone hand in hand with a significant reinforcement of regional identities. Nevertheless, certain major issues require global responses with regards to the globalisation of markets, distribution, and consumer attitudes towards food,which are leading to reduced consumption of fruit and vegetables.To counteract this trend, many promotion actions have been conduc ...
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There is still much disparity in terms of development between regions in the European Union. Rural territories are particularly threatened, largely due to their low populations and agricultural-based economies, which have been in decline since the early 20th century. In a bid to curb the devitalisation of these rural areas, the RURAL INNOVA project intends to build an interregional network to exch ...
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Background The current environmental management systems available on the market such as EMAS (the EU Eco-Management & Audit Scheme) or DIN EN ISO are not suitable for SMEs because they were designed in the first place for large companies, because SMEs generally do not have the financial and personnel resources to introduce them, and because SMEs are an ex ...
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The project aims to form a locally-focused vision of polycentric development in the Atlantic Area. The polycentric model finds its justification in the framework of a strategy to control the disparities in development between industrial ports and inland areas, the latter being characterized by farming. The project deals with the following problem areas: - Regions and the dynamics of relationships ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

Because in the future, the Pyrenees will be a space around which an extensive area of economic exchanges will revolve. Therefore, this project must be considered as a contribution to the creation of that Pyrenean space. Because in the Europe without frontiers, where we live, access for everyone, citizens and companies, must be provided to the transport network, eliminating the obstacles to transfr ...
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Center of Economical Intelligence and Innovation (CIEI)

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: May 30, 2005,

The project aim is to bring together the activities of various bodies in order to develop a virtual economy and innovation intelligence centre, based on the creation of a website designed to gather and disseminate information and technological services for innovation in the Atlantic Area. Small and medium businesses, who are both targets and recipients of project results, are classed into three gr ...
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motion of the Short Sea Shipping in the Atlantic Space (SSSAA)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 28, 2005,

The free circulation of goods has led to a significant increase in intra-European commercial exchanges, notably in the centre of the European Union. This concentration has led to an imbalance with the congestion of the great road axes of European on the one hand, and the pushing aside of the peripheral regions, such as the Atlantic Area, on the other hand. In this context, SSSAA proposes to create ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2002, End date: Aug 30, 2004,

The project POST-PRESTIGE is presented as a reply of transnational cooperation, between the regions of Cantabria and Aquitaine, to fight against the effects of the shipwreck of Prestige, on November 2002. The project has three main objectives: to intervene, in the sequence of the catastrophe of Prestige, to fight against the contamination in the sea and in the coast; to favor a common reflection a ...
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...nelle initiale comme facteur de promotion de son image sociale - Permettre la connaissance entre jeunes étudiants, apprentis, formateurs, conseillers d'orientation et professeurs dans l’espace catalan-midi-pyrénéen pour en faire un élément de promotion de la conscience de la citoyenneté européenne ...
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Cette étude doit permettre de recueillir un avis d’expert sur les lignes d’actions proposées par les consultants urbanistes dans le domaine du transport, des infrastructures et de la mobilité dans une optique de développement pour l’Eurocité. Achievements: La project a ...
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Les objectifs principaux du dossier Pirineos 21 partie A consistent a : - sensibiliser les populations locales aux activités économiques des Pyrénées - sensibiliser les visiteurs ( alpinistes, touristes …)a la qualité de lenvironnement et aux ressources naturelles existant dans les Pyrénées - faire en sorte que ces destinataires adherent aux principes du programme et participent a son exécution en ...
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