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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ARCOPOL aims to improve prevention, response and mitigation capabilities against oil, HNS (Convention on the Carriage of Noxious and Hazardous Substances by Sea) and inert spills and to establish the basis for a sustainable Atlantic network of experts. The main objectives are: 1) To incorporate outputs from EROCIPS (Interreg IIIB) into strategic national, regional and local response levels. 2) To encourage development of transferable transnational techniques that strengthens statutory and non statutory emergency response. 3) To improve response capabilities in the event of HNS and inert spills and to include them in emergency action plans. 4) To improve the level of awareness and training of the potential responders and to increase the degree of stakeholder involvement. 5) To further encourage cross boarder collaboration between neighbouring countries to improve response strategies and enhance mutual aid capabilities, facilitating joint cross border training and exercises in the partner regions. 6) To improve mitigation capabilities by assessing current claim and compensation mechanisms as well as ecological damage compensation procedures and by developing guidelines, tools and standard methodologies. Achievements: The AA coastline is of high ecological value. Many occurrences have shown that these coastal areas are significantly affected by spills, particularly in the case of hydrocarbonsand toxic and hazardous substances. Preserving the unique characteristics of these areas requires special attention to ensure a balance between economic development andenvironmental protection.ARCOPOL main objective is to improve the preparedness, response and mitigation capabilities of local and regional responders to accidental coastal pollution; specifically against oil, azardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) and inert spills (containers, timber, etc.).This project ARCOPOL has dealt with the production of operational guides and manuals on the shoreline response to HNS pollution from shipping. Some relevant deliverables are datasheets for the 10 top priority substances, a manual for waste management and the HNS prioritisation tool. The purpose of this latter software is to provide users with a tool to produce risk based prioritisation of HNS transported within their region/port. HNS are sorted based upon chemical and toxicological data and user defined local shipping information.Regarding the response management to face accidental spills, the project has developed protocols and support decision tools to assist responders. Among others, the 'ARCOPOL web viewer' is able to display several kinds of information such as static data from coastline, model results (winds, currents, spills) and real observations. In addition, the Dynamic Risk Analysis is an innovative system to dynamically produce quantified risks in real time. For the training and awareness raising, a video on shoreline clean-up and guidelines to assist selected public when facing an accidental marine pollution event were produced.ARCOPOL has also delivered an operational guideline to help local governments to claim and obtain compensation for environmental and socio-economic damages after a stroke by maritime accident. Several reports have been produced on environmental damage: a review of ecological risk assessment methodologies, including revision of assessment methodologies of ecological risk for marine species; a bibliographic review of the marine toxicological data for chemicals that pose major environmental risk; and standardized procedures for the management of contaminated marine marketable resources.Finally, the ARCOPOL Atlantic Network was set up to be used as a forum for dialogue among experts, sharing updated information and building synergies to eventually strengthen the management of accidental maritime pollution in the AA. The project contributes to the improvement of maritime safety, sustainable management and protection of the resources of marine spaces, natural areas and coastal zones in AA.
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  • 65%   1 996 931,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants