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Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Development of cooperation and joint approaches in identifying new market niches in the renewable energy sector, the redefinition of education and training programmes in the field of offshore and marine renewable energies, contributing to the development of a greener energy model, while improve competitiveness and innovation capacities in regions of the Atlantic Area. Achievements: The project has achieved its activities, all of them focused on several and essential aspects on the development of Marine Renewable Energies as a business area of high exponential growth. The project's partnership cover all the geographical scope known as the Atlantic Area: 17 partners, led and coordinated by the Regional Development Agency of Cantabria (SODERCAN - Spain), including regions from France, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain. The project's Final Conference, co-organised by SODERCAN and CIEMAT (Spanish National Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology), gathered all the relevant conclusions reached within the different activities achieved, highlighting the business opportunites detected for SMEs with a market potential and also with experience in the different positions of the supply chain related to Ocean energies.
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  • 65%   1 900 408,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

16 Partners Participants