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... of the proposed TTIP Innovative Training Network (TTIP-ITN) is to foster interdisciplinary research into TTIP with a view to create a significantly increased European knowledge base and research capacity on TTIP, thus helping Europe to reap the benefits of TTIP (wealth, jobs, etc.) while addressing its challenges (democracy, accountability, environmental- and labour standards, etc.).The network i ...
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SUITS takes a sociotechnical approach to capacity building in Local Authorities and transport stakeholder organisations with special emphasis on the transfer of learning to smaller sized cities, making them more effective and resilient to change in the judicious implementation of sustainable transport measures. Key outputs will be a validated capacity building program for transport departments, an ...
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Through SUMPs-Up, an experienced consortium of public and private organisations, including four major city networks and seven frontrunner cities, skilled in coordinating major European SUMP projects will accelerate the take-up of SUMPs, where this is currently low, ensuring that SUMP is the primary mobility planning concept in Europe. To achieve this, the project will combine comprehensive SUMP re ...
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The SoundCity Project MONICA aims to provide a very large scale demonstration of multiple existing and new Internet of Things technologies for Smarter Living. The solution will be deployed in 6 major cities in Europe.MONICA demonstrates a large scale IoT ecosystem that uses innovative wearable and portable IoT sensors and actuators with closed-loop back-end services integrated into an interoperab ...
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"Real animals and human populations are complex, involving structural relationships depending upon space and time and varied interactions between potentially many individuals. Human societies feature family units, communities, companies and nations. Some animal also have complex societies, such as primate groups and social insect colonies. Single organisms themselves can be thought of as complex e ...
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"The dramatic differentials in healthy ageing, quality of life and life expectancy between individuals of different socioeconomic groups, is a major societal challenge facing Europe. The overarching aim of the LIFEPATH project is to understand the determinants of diverging ageing pathways among individuals belonging to different socio-economic groups. This will be achieved via an original study de ...
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... which attributes to increased urban pollution and CO2. Hold-ups to business or freight vehicles amounts to €1.5bn annually.Mobility generates huge amounts of data thought thousands of sensors, city cameras, and connected cars, as well as millions of citizens connected through their mobile devices. If properly managed, this data can be used to understand, optimise and manage mobility and make it m ...
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The REMEDIATE ETN comprises 10 beneficiaries (from 5 EU Member States – the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and Italy) and 15 partner organisations. The beneficiaries and partner organisations are committed to the provision of innovative research and training for more cost effective and sustainable remediation of contaminated land. It is a multidisciplinary collaboration between internationally ren ...
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...-urban use• validate green driving support systems, active management based on European GNSS• identify a suitable big data management architecture for integrating mobility data• produce a city-based open integrated mobility repository of public transport and traffic city-based data
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SPP Regions

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

...oject is aimed at promoting strong networking and collaboration at both the European and sub-national regional level on sustainable and innovative procurement (SPP/PPI), to help promote and embed capacity building and knowledge transfer. At the regional level networking will be promoted to build capacities and transfer skills in sustainable and innovative procurement implementation, and to collabo ...
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100% Youth City

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

100% Youth City is KA2 Strategic partnership to develop an innovative approach to new generation of City Youth friendly Policies.The project aims to create and develop a quality label "100% Youth City", on Youth Friendly policies city and the all certification process to implement it.Project will combine the Structured Dialogue methodology and a new and innovative tool defined by the European Unio ...
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Let's Go Further!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...of mobility periods, improved language skills and encouragement for using the language, support teachers to include internationalisation into their daily work. Let´s Go Further! is based on reciprocity, so the project increases the amount of foreign students and staff received by OSAO. Social media and effective dissemination are key elements in Let´s Go Further!. The Instagram, Twitter and Facebo ...
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...pport drivers and fleet operators in optimising their deliveries.The European dimension of the project is ensured by a consortium of 25 partners from 8 EU member states. The consortium includes 6 city authorities, major ITS actors (research institutes, information service providers, car industry) and the most important networks of European cities and international public transport operators.Led by ...
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Let's Go!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

... of mobility periods, improved language skills and encouragement for using the language, support teachers to include internationalisation into their daily work. Let´s Go! is based on reciprocity, so the project increases the amount of foreign students and staff received by OSAO. Social media and effective dissemination are key elements in Let´s Go!. The Instagram, Twitter and Facebook will be util ...
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Sustainable Student and Staff Mobility

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Savo Consortium for Education (Savo Vocational College) is one of the largest providers of vocational secondary education in Finland (approx. 8500 students, teacher and support service staff approx. 1150). The objective of the Sustainable Student Mobility project (SUMO) is to centralize all student mobility under one project thus improving the quality of mobilities and making their management easi ...
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...common denominator for the DCC-diseases. However, European excellence and expertise have remained uncoordinated in separate pockets and, consequently, underutilised for full societal benefits and capacity creation to combat the challenges of diabetic, hypertensive and primary kidney diseases. Notably, these diseases are of major healthcare interest and of key importance for discovery intensive bio ...
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 FINISHED Localisation will cover language(s) but, more importantly, it will refer to the specific implementation methods that apply in those countries. For example, how to contact a specific national or city-wide data portal, which controlled vocabularies should be used, which licence(s) is/are appropriate and so on.The result will be country-specific guidance on implementing a harmonised approach to ...
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CLoud approach for Innovation in Public Services (CLIPS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The CLIPS project aims at introducing a new approach to deliver innovative public services, through the cloud-computing approach involving the community in the process (PPPP public-private-people-partnership). The main idea of CLIPS is to provide to the community a methodology and a toolkit which allow civil servants and other external stakeholders (both citizens and businesses) to co-operate in ...
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Citizen Reinforcing Open Smart Synergies (CROSS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2016,

CROSS focuses on nurturing an innovation ecosystem that generates digital services and applications making use of information generated by users in the smart city environment. CROSS recognises unexploited opportunities for services and applications in the field of non-monetary economy, where new needs and practices are emerging, and where a new sector of the digital single market has the potential ...
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lanning sustainable regional-Urban Mobility in the Alpine Space (PUMAS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Alpine Space cities face common urban mobility challenges which call for innovative and cost-effective mobility solutions. PUMAS offers these solutions: It coordinates the development of the sustainable regional-urban mobility planning (SUMP) concept which the European Commission strongly promotes and, in its 2011 Transport White Paper, even suggests as a mandatory approach. The PUMAS partnership ...
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My Generation at Work

Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

The main objective of My Generation at Work is to promote the employability of young people in a changing labour market, with special focus on enterprising skills and attitudes. The network will produce three sets of practical results: reduced drop-out and brain drain with new connections between education and work, (self) employment for young people in identified economic sectors and creation of ...
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UrbactMarkets (Urbact Markets)

Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

The projects aim is to acknowledge and fully explore the potential of local markets as drivers for local economic development and regeneration. The core project idea is to explore the links between local sustainability and successful markets and is based on the assumption that markets play a central role within the towns and territories from an economic, cultural, social and touristic point of vie ...
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...uction of natural and open areas used for recreational purposes. Furthermore, the request for space by investors has to be answered in a satisfying manner despite a lack of suitable areas in the core city. Innovative approaches and solutions are henceforth needed that would require effective and efficient inter-municipal cooperation.The project CITY REGIONS targets its activities on the enhancemen ...
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Cleantech Incubation Europe (CIE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... conference 'Cleantech Incubation Policy and Practice'; where all results, experiences of the project will be showed and policymakers will be informed how to tackle clean tech incubation in their city or region. The project will be supported by a website 'Policy and Practice; Cleantech Incubation Europe', focused on all actors in the field of clean tech incubation (policymakers, incubators, knowle ...
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Working4Talent deals with the employment policy issues related to the local and regional innovation systems. INNOVATION IS NOT JUST A TOOL FOR COMPETITIVENESS AND GROWTH, which therefore helps to create more and better jobs. INDEED IT IS, BUT IT HAS ALSO BECOME A VERY IMPORTANT SOURCE OF EMPLOYMENT IN ITSELF. This is evident in developed regions, where innovation demand (innovative companies, publ ...
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Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility (IoE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

...ogies, algorithms, and software. The IoE will implement the real time interface between the power network/grid and the Internet. The grid will increasingly rely on smaller, locally distributed electricity generators and storage systems that are based on plug & play principles. Power network devices and loads at the edge (such as electrical vehicles, buildings, electric devices, and home appliances ...
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Cities on Power (CoP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The challenge of the global climate change and the pressure on resources stemming from the global competition combined with the high dependency of the energy import of the European Union requires concerted strategies and innovative adaptation approaches. The EU directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES) from 23rd April 2010 imposes on the EU Member States the obli ...
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"The objective of POLLUX is to develop a distributed real time embedded systems platform for next generation electric vehicles, by using a component and programming-based design methodology. Reference designs and embedded systems architectures for high efficiency innovative mechatronics systems will be addressed with regard to requirements on composability, networking, security, robustness, diagno ...
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Urban Soil Management Strategy (URBAN-SMS)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Central Europe is characterised by a relatively high population density. In some of the countries a quarter of the total national population lives in the capital agglomeration, in the other countries urban networks of larger towns exist. These urban areas have a high economic potential, but they are facing a concentration of environmental, social and economic problems often triggered by increasing ...
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... are nowadays experiencing a serious decline, thus threatening a tradition that stretches back to medieval times and in some cases even beyond. Markets have indeed been the backbone of many towns and city centres as well as the oldest form of commercial exchange. They still can play an important role in the regeneration of city centres and promoting 'greener' lifestyles among citizens.The basic id ...
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Brownfield Policy Improvement Task Force (B-TEAM)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...Days took place in Torino/Italy on November 2010. Here the focus was on environment and urban regeneration. The recommendations of the partners were incorporated into the Brownfield Pledge of the City and approved by committee. The 3rd Brownfield Days were held in Ruda Slaska/ Poland in March 2011. They focused on Brownfield environment with emphasis on risk management. The coal mining industry wa ...
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Thematic Network on Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information (LAPSI)

Start date: Mar 22, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

Information generated and collected by public sector entities represents a veritable minefield; it might make a much greater contribution to EU economies and societies, if current legal barriers to access and re-user were removed. The LAPSI project will deal both with established PSI areas (geographic, land register data, etc.) as well as novel areas (cultural data from archives, libraries, scien ...
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CO2-Neutral Transport for the Alpine Space (CO2-NeuTrAlp) (CO2-NeuTrAlp)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Aug 30, 2011,

...ok place. For both meetings, a public event was hold back to back, including the final project conference in Milano. An additional public meeting took place in the Allgäu (Germany) together with the City of Kempten and the World Advanced Vehicle Expedition (WAVE). Through these public events as well as the wide media coverage the visibility of the project was maintained at a high level.The most im ...
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Building Healthly Communities (B.H.C.)

Start date: Oct 20, 2008, End date: Jul 18, 2011,

Urban factors influencing health (indicators and criteria for a healthy sustainable urban development; healthy sustainable lifestyles; use of structural funds in addressing health issues) Achievements: Documents/reports:Bacau LAP Presentation20/02/2015BHC A Cardone pres ...
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"The European jewellery industry is facing a severe competition from Far Eastern countries on both home and export markets. The import of large volumes of low cost jewellery puts the margins under pressure. European companies, often employing less than 10 persons, traditionally show poor attraction for co-operation and research. This attitude hinders changes and innovation, though current producti ...
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This Project aims to encourage the transfer of knowledge in the field of sport events management in the Alpine Space in order to promote an economic and touristic sustainable development in this space. Promoting regional development based on environmental, social, economic and transportation policies is indissociable with sustainable development expectations. In fact, event management is becoming ...
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The area of languages is a major strategic concern for the future of Europe. This network will address five key aspects. (1) Intercultural communication as the ability to navigate different cultures within the global knowledge economy. (2) Education of language teachers. (3) Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in European higher education. (4) Learning about the literature and culture ...
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The project focuses on training for maritime personnel (working on ships and in ports) and intends to elaborate a competence portfolio of new professions in the sector and disseminate it in order to promote professional mobility. The main aims of the project are: to analyse and address emerging training needs in various aspects of marine transport in the partner countries, with a view to identifyi ...
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...the situation in the various countries and identify related skills requirements. Results will take the form of software with a role-playing function which can be used to simulate the development of a city, plus teaching and simulation materials.The project's target groups are town planning professionals, local decision-makers, teachers and students (in particular architects, economists and lawyers ...
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The Partnership is composed of 10 European Universities representing 9 European states and 10 Asian Universities settled in 9 Asian countries: all partners have been carefully selected in order to ensure both a fair geographical balance and academic excellence proved by the position covered in national and international ranking by the represented Universities. The main objective of AREAS (Academi ...
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