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UrbactMarkets (Urbact Markets)
Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The projects aim is to acknowledge and fully explore the potential of local markets as drivers for local economic development and regeneration. The core project idea is to explore the links between local sustainability and successful markets and is based on the assumption that markets play a central role within the towns and territories from an economic, cultural, social and touristic point of view, as well as in spatial and local development planning. Markets generate footfall, economic activity, increase trade in the surrounding areas, incentivise tourism and reinforce local cohesion. Achievements: Documents/reports:Urbact_markets_handbook_250315.pdf03/05/2015Barcelona Local Action Plan Summary Urbact Markets English23/03/2015Torino Local Action Plan Urbact Markets local stakeholder version (Italian)23/03/2015London Local Action Plan Urbact Markets local stakeholder version23/03/2015Barcelona Local Action Plan Urbact Markets local stakeholder version23/03/2015More documents and information is available under:
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  • 73.4%   532 225,45
  • 2007 - 2013 URBACT II
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants