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14 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

After developing its international opening for pupils, students and teachers in higher education through 3regional consortia of mobilities, the EPLEFPA 47 wishes to develop and increase its international cooperation policy for its teaching and administrative staff, school education level. Participants are staff of the three agricultural colleges that constitute the EPLEFPA 47 (adults, teaching a ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This Erasmus+ Mobility FPI project is coordinated by the EPLEFPA(Public Agricultural Vocational School )of Bordeaux Gironde. It is the 3rd application presented by a consortium established in 2011 with 5 other partner schools in the former Aquitaine region.: the EPLEFPA of Dordogne, Terres de Gascogne, Landes, Lot et Garonne and Pyrénées Atlantiques. This school also acts as sending institution. ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The values of craftsmanship are based on the excellence of knowledge, its transmission and the passion for the job. That is why the apprenticeship, stemming from the same values is an answer to the needs for the sector in terms of human resources. European mobility allows to optimize the training of the young, future business managers, in particular the actors of the apprenticeship, but also t ...
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"de la brique à la pierre"

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Preparation and sending under-qualified students from the building section to Auvergne, in France. They'll stay 3 weeks in Bains (Le Puy en Velay) to learn how to white-wash a wall, how to cut and lay stones, to learn different styles of brickworking, so they can easily find a job later, as in exemple, in Belgian Ardennes. They'll move and change regions more easily. In Auvergne, they'll follow on ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

For this project, the partners define actions based on the potential in the field of heritage and architecture, which was identified in the context of INTERREG III.They raise the awareness of the public in general and project developers and other professionals with regard to sustainable renovations and encourage them to take environmental challenges into account.In addition, the partners take a lo ...
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Economic Strategies and Innovation in Medium Size Cities (ESIMEC)

Start date: Jul 18, 2010, End date: Jan 18, 2013,

Combating the effects of the crisis in medium sized cities by defining innovative strategies to attract investment, promote entrepreneurship and develop the knowledge economy Achievements: Documents/reports:ESIMeC - Skills Forecasting Template31/03/2015ESIMeC - Skills F ...
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To professionalise the cultural sector, the partners offer trainings in the use of digital technologies for dance, theatre, contemporary music and visual arts professions. The training offer is supplemented by cross-border training courses on sustainable development and biotechnologies. The resulting artistic creations are presented to professionals and the general public.In addition, the partners ...
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In view of the challenges of social exclusion and spatial segregation, SportUrban aims to answer the following questions: Can the integration of people and the reconstruction of social links be promoted by the ways in which sport and leisure activities are used? Can local economic development be based on the demand induced by the sports and leisure sector? Can urban renovation be furthered by poli ...
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SEPTENTRION (From the Fortified to the Sustainable Town) (SEPTENTRION)

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Mar 31, 2007,

This project, led by the Conseil Général du Nord (Lille), assembles an impressive 23 partners from Belgium, France and the Netherlands. It draws on the historical legacy of the Low Countries to examine its transnational cultural identity across the territory located between the four major urban heartlands of north-west Europe. The 5-year project seeks to make a coherent link between the architectu ...
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The objective of this French-led project (Ministère de l’Equipement), involving a total of 15 partners from France, Belgium, the UK and Germany, is to establish a transnational ‘action platform’ of medium-sized cities (50,000 to 250,000 inhabitants), as well as local, regional and national authorities to monitor sustainable urban development and increase the consistency of development procedures i ...
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The Master in Handicap Technology project will create vocational training and technical education programmes that combine the necessary 'know-how' to design, plan and categorise technical tools in accordance with the needs of disabled persons. Training will equip individuals to give appropriate technical support to handicapped, disabled, sick and elderly persons in the use of tools that have been ...
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The project aims to individualize modality of answer to the transparency question, evidence, appraisal and certification of the competences possessed by jobseekers who address themselves to the agencies for the job, the agencies of job administration and to the training agencies in a competences legibility European system.
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...h threedistinct working groups in line with the three sub themes.The first, led by the Danish city of Aarhus, studied the issuessurrounding the empowerment of ethnic minorities.The second, run by Charleroi in Belgium, concentrated onproducing guidelines on citizen participation and city projectmanagement. The third and final group, managed bythe network’s lead partner, Seville, looked at how newte ...
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The URB HEALTH thematic network aims to promote largercooperation between the urban and the health policy sectorsby providing examples of how such partnership can be putinto action.The peer review exchange programme will consist of fourworkshops focusing on four interrelated themes: VulnerableGroups (Elderly, Children, Disabled) and Health, EthnicDiversity and Health, Gender and Health, Housing an ...
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