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Mise en place d’une Cellule d’Intelligence Stratégique et Territoriale Transfrontalière (CECN II)
Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To professionalise the cultural sector, the partners offer trainings in the use of digital technologies for dance, theatre, contemporary music and visual arts professions. The training offer is supplemented by cross-border training courses on sustainable development and biotechnologies. The resulting artistic creations are presented to professionals and the general public.In addition, the partners organise residencies where the participants can develop practical experience in the new technologies.The project also aims to make cultural operators, the general public and schools (from first grade to university) aware of digital technologies, biotechnology, sustainable development and of the artistic possibilitiesthey offer. In addition, school actions in the cross-border area aim to democratise access to culture and new technologies. Achievements: 1. Training- 1,019 persons trained (621 French, 398 Belgian);- 109 different trainings;- 4,000 teaching hours.2. Creation:- 452 artists/companies hosted; - 87 residencies.3. Research:- 4 Patch editions (4,500 copies each);- 2 CECN-Mouvement reprints (5,000 copies each);- 2 brochures;- website, Facebook page (2,058 members) and Twitter (148 members);- 44 newsletters over the duration of the project.4. Dissemination- The professional meetings brought together 150 to 200 French and Belgian organisers per year, or 871 professionals over the duration of the project.
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  • 50.5%   1 239 999,70
  • 2007 - 2013 France - Wallonia - Flanders (BE-FR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants