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35 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background: Advanced heart failure (HF) is a growing health problem in the European Union (EU). Consequently, a growing number of HF patients now depend on state-of-the-art continuous flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices (cf-LVAD) as a bridge to transplant or as a means of destination therapy. Since the introduction and usage of cf-LVAD’s rather than traditional pulsatile LVAD’s, survival rates ha ...
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Developing new therapies for Batten disease (BATCure)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The goal of BATCure is to advance the development of new therapeutic options for a group of rare lysosomal diseases - neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) or Batten disease. There are > thousand affected across Europe, with a combined incidence of c.1:100 000. The NCLs are devastating and debilitating genetic disorders that mainly affect children, who suffer progressive dementia and motor decline, ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The forecasted increase in the number of older people for this century will be accompanied by an increase of those with disabilities. Disability is usually preceded by a condition named frailty that encompasses changes associated with ageing, life styles and chronic diseases. To detect and intervene on it is of outstanding importance to prevent disability, as recovery from disability is unlikely. ...
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Evaluating the impact and outcomes of European SSH research (IMPACT-EV)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"The main objective of IMPACT-EV is to develop a permanent system of selection, monitoring, evaluation and comparison of the impact and outcomes from European SSH research, taking into account the latest quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools, identifying new ways of implementing them and exploring new standards and indicators that complement existing impact assessment processes. IMPACT-EV ...
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Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism

Start date: Nov 11, 2015, End date: Nov 10, 2017,

...The project involves 4 countries, Malta, Belgium, United Kingdom and Bulgaria. The consortia is a multi-disciplinary partnership which comprises six partners: 2 Universities (University of Malta and Cardiff Metropolitan University ), one small-medium sized enterprise which is training provider for sustainable tourism management, (JLAG-UK), one business public-private association (the Bulgarian ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technology

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This is a professional development project to support interactive approaches to language teaching with technology. It takes a collaborative action research approach with researchers, teachers and learners of all ages to create open educational resources to support language teachers in integrating a variety of new technologies into effective communicative and task-based language teaching. It aims ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Design Innovation Support Scheme for Tourism Industry (TOURISM ID)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The proposal aims to promote the interest and investment of small-and-medium-sized enterprises of Tourism Sector (SMEs) in relation to utilizing design and transforming design activity into tradable deliverables that manifest exploitation. To achieve this, three organizations that facing this issue with different expertise are joining forces to create the most suitable and sustainable supporting i ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Cardiff Metropolitan University throughout the years has grown from strength to strength implementing its Internationalisation and Outward Mobility Strategy resulting in the creation of new collaborations with partners and increase in outward and inward student and staff mobility. The objective for Cardiff Metropolitan University is to integrate international, intercultural and global dimensions ...
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The project cycLED aims at optimising the flows of resources over all life-cycle phases of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) products. The energy saving potential for LEDs is significant, and the strategic importance of the LED technology is reflected in the current and upcoming market development. However, LED-based product systems contain many resources like indium, gallium or rare earth metals. Some ...
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SPIDER aims to deliver innovation in public services by putting citizens at the heart of the development process using service design. Service design is above all a problem-solving process that places the user at the centre of the methodology. By engaging both service users and service providers in developing and testing solutions. the new services are citizen-focused. desirable to use and inclusi ...
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This proposal aims to improve safety and quality of RTE fresh produce throughout the whole chain by developing new predictive and probabilistic models and decision-making tools, by exploring rapid and non-destructive methods for quality evaluation and prediction, and by experimenting novel technologies, in order to quantify and manage spoilage and pathogen microorganisms, minimize risks to consume ...
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"""LCA to go"" develops sectoral methods and tools for bio-based plastics, industrial machinery, electronics, renewable energy, sensors and smart textiles. These sectors have been chosen, as the manufacturers show a high interest in making clear the environmental benefits of their products to customers (""Green industries"") and in prioritizing so they can reduce their environmental impacts. This ...
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Knowledge Acceleration and Responsible Innovation Meta-network (KARIM)

Start date: Sep 23, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The project aims to improve SME access to high value innovation support and technology and make NWE more competitive. By 2014 the project will create a network of 500+ innovation actors to achieve this. Actions will create transnational support for innovation and technology transfer; provide SMEs access to a wider range of high quality technologies and innovation support than available locally; in ...
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The delta and estuaries regions in Europe encounter similar characteristics, problems and opportunities as they have to deal with a very dynamic development of urbanisation, economic activities, infrastructure, natural and technological risks. The high spatial and economic demands are threatening a sustainable development and maintenance of the special character of Delta regions. These areas are o ...
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European Network on Noise And Health (ENNAH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

"This proposal puts forward plans to establish a research network of experts on noise and health in Europe. This network will establish future research directions and policy needs in Europe. The network will review the existing literature on environmental noise exposure and health focussing on the consolidation of existing state of the art knowledge and the identification of gaps in the evidence a ...
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A road map for European ageing research (WhyWeAge)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

The rapid increase of life expectancy in Europe is essentially a positive outcome from improved health care and socioeconomic progress. However age-related deteriorations of health greatly impinge upon the health care and social security systems. This fosters an increasing necessity of keeping as long as possible the elderly in relatively healthy conditions. Unravelling the fundamental mechanisms ...
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... The potential for meaningful international cooperation is increased if the international partner has knowledge and understanding of the problems involved through existing connections to the region. Cardiff Metropolitan University is running two projects with Libya, Egypt and Morocco on improving Leadership in Higher Education in these countries. This has meant conducting an in-depth study of the ...
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DREAM includes 20 partners: 8 EU (UP, ULg, ULille, UR, UNICA, ULE, UVA, Cardiff), 9 African (UNDJ, USTM, DU, UA, UJES, UEM, CBU, UNICV, UNN), 1 Caribbean: UWI (ranging 11 countries: Antigua & Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Jamaica; St Kitts & Nevis; St Lucia; St. Vincent & the Grenadines; T&T) and 2 Pacific: UNTL (East Timor) and USP (ranging 11 countries: Cook Isl., Fiji, ...
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The INTERWEAVE partnership & mobility project gathers diversified and complementary leading Asian and European HEIs in Science and Technology. It is jointly coordinated by Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, and University of Malaya, Malaysia. It gathers 10 Asian and 10 EU HEIs, and is supported by 2 associate partners from the corporate and institutional realms. It triggers and manages the training ...
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This is a regional JEP in Governance Reform involving ten universities in Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon satisfying the regional priority ‘ University Management and Student Services’ . The wider objective of the project is to demonstrate that good management practices can build sustainable HE cooperation between nations. The project does this by addressing the challenges facing the management ...
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As in many other aspects of education, teachers are expected to play a pivotal role in the delivery and promotion of enterprise in schools, but more often than not, they bear the brunt of translating policies into practice. Hence greater efforts should be made to build up teachers’ confidence and skills to promote creative and entrepreneurial learning skills and abilities and active-learner centre ...
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Alors que les technologies numériques occupent un rôle toujours plus important dans les arts, leurs concepts sont méconnus en raison de la profusion de possibilités et d’informations.Dans ce contexte, le projet EASTN a pour objectif de contribuer à rendre la création numérique plus accessible au public, en promouvant le développement d’une connaissance profonde des courants et outils artistiques ...
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JoinEU-SEE > PENTA is an international cooperation project which brings together 29 partners to jointly implement a large-scale academic scholarship scheme for fostering transnational exchange of know-how and expertise with the aim of internationalization in higher education. The project involves EU and Western Balkan partner institutions.The scholarship scheme offers opportunities for students at ...
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MEDical UnivErsities Alliance (MEDEA) is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project financed by the EACEA from July 2013 to July 2017. It involves 10 European Universities and 10 Lot 5 Universities (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarussia) in the field of Health studies. It aims to provide support for higher education institutions cooperation with other relevant stakeholders and will i ...
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BE MUNDUS - Brazil Europe Mundus

Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The main objective of the BE MUNDUS project is to foster inter-institutional cooperation between European and Brazilian higher education institutions (HEI) so to make the EU a privileged region for Brazilian cooperation. BE MUNDUS is built on the Institute for Brazil Europe (IBE)’s existing network of universities and is composed of 20 HEI (9 EU and 11 Brazilian HEI) and 14 associates (including m ...
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