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INTERWEAVE - Student Mobility EU - Asia
Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The INTERWEAVE partnership & mobility project gathers diversified and complementary leading Asian and European HEIs in Science and Technology. It is jointly coordinated by Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, and University of Malaya, Malaysia. It gathers 10 Asian and 10 EU HEIs, and is supported by 2 associate partners from the corporate and institutional realms. It triggers and manages the training of 170 UG, MSc, PhD, Post-doc, and staff between Asia and EU (130 from Asia to EU, 40 from EU to Asia) as a strong asset for achieving education & employability.The project focuses on fields regarded as priorities by both regions: Urban and Regional Planning, Engineering, Geography & Geology, and Natural Sciences.The circulation and sharing of the quality of education and research is at the core in terms of improving transparency and recognition of study periods and qualifications in both regions. The participative management lies on EU-Asian Collaborative Committees focusing on quality, credit transfer, dissemination, employability, community management and sustainability.Fellows will be working among open-minded, highly qualified, internationally experienced and socially influential partners with close corporate links and a strong economic, cultural and social impact. INTERWEAVE fights against discriminations by granting scholarships to persons in vulnerable situations.The INTERWEAVE project develops adaptation skills by enhancing the capacity of Indian students, staff and HEIs, to address local and global challenges and raise their profiles and employability as active members in their communities. Every institution and fellow gains a strong experience and spirit of innovation, and circulates new skills and good practices. INTERWEAVE stands as a totally appropriate response to the current and future challenges of Europe and Asia and of the global society of knowledge.

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