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Supporting Public Service Innovation using Design in European Regions (SPIDER)
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SPIDER aims to deliver innovation in public services by putting citizens at the heart of the development process using service design. Service design is above all a problem-solving process that places the user at the centre of the methodology. By engaging both service users and service providers in developing and testing solutions. the new services are citizen-focused. desirable to use and inclusive. They are also cost effective for public authorities because the solutions correspond to user needs so avoid costly changes following failed implementation. Service design is well established in the private sector but only a limited number of public services examples exist. First. through pilots SPIDER will demonstrate how service design can be translated into cost savings and efficiencies in the public sector. Second. through large scale training and awareness raising. SPIDER will change the mindset in public authorities in their approach to understanding the needs of service users. The SPIDER partnership has chosen to collaborate on three particularly costly issues for public authorities: WP1 DRIVING AN ACTIVE YOUTH WORKFORCE. WP2 EXTENDING INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR OLDER PEOPLE and WP3 ENCOURAGING CULTURAL CHANGE WITHIN PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. To demonstrate that service design is a process that can be applied to a broad range of public services. SPIDER will test the methodology in 11 pilots to generate evidence of the impact on users and the cost savings for public authorities across different public services. Each WP will first be tested in one region before the lessons of implementation are transferred to other regions to strengthen delivery in the second phase. To embed service design. training will be delivered to 500 public service managers to enable them to employ the tools. replicate approaches and integrate them into mainstream practices. SPIDER will improve the delivery of priority frontline services making them more user-friend and cost effective. Achievements: Over the past 2 years the partners delivered 50+ training workshops that have been attended by 562 policy makers in 4 countries. They have also used service design to create 9 new public services, so far these have impacted on the lives of 143,555 citizens. Service Design ToolkitA toolkit for the design of public services – www.servicedesigntoolkit.orgThis toolkit is an introduction to the methods and tools used by service designers. With a simple step-by-step guide it offers a practical do-it-yourself guide.This toolkit on service design is the outcome of a partnership between two design firms and Design Flanders.See more: StudiesService design is a powerful process that is transforming how governments, industry and organisations engage their users in the innovation process.We have selected a number of case studies that illustrate the variety and impact that service design can have on a range of services.See more: ModelA key output from the SPIDER Project is an evaluation model for service design projects.The SPIDER partnership is co-designing an evaluation model that will be used to evaluate the impact on each of the projects undertaken through SPIDER.A public version of this model will be made available in Spring 2015 for use on service design projects in the public sector.See more:
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  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants