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BE MUNDUS - Brazil Europe Mundus
Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The main objective of the BE MUNDUS project is to foster inter-institutional cooperation between European and Brazilian higher education institutions (HEI) so to make the EU a privileged region for Brazilian cooperation. BE MUNDUS is built on the Institute for Brazil Europe (IBE)’s existing network of universities and is composed of 20 HEI (9 EU and 11 Brazilian HEI) and 14 associates (including ministries, HEI and student networks, NGOs,companies). This partnership is intended to sustain IBE’s mission and develop synergies with Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme objectives, namely to increase the global impact of HE, create lasting links between Europe and Brazil, and increase their mutual knowledge and understanding. This will be achieved by promoting a structured and integrated academic cooperation scheme supporting student, researchers and staff mobility in the fields of engineering & technology and education & teacher training (175 tot. flows). The foreseen mobility activities, as well as the management and implementation mechanisms put in place, will address the needs, constraints, and priorities identified jointly by the Brazilian government and the European Commission. In particular BE MUNDUS will contribute to the following objectives and results: - Foster internationalization and quality of undergraduate studies in Brazil - Increase EU-Brazil joint research programmes, so to enhance skills and qualifications of Brazilian students while, at the same time, opening up new opportunities for the European market. - Build capacity among International Officers within Brazilian HEI and thereby contribute to a more homogenous internationalization across the country. - Foster mutual understanding of EU-Brazil respective higher education and research systems and priorities, so to increase recognition of studies and degrees between the two regions. - Promote equal opportunities in higher education, by ensuring an inclusive participation in the project.

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