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Current orthopaedic treatments permit spontaneous bone regeneration to unite and heal 90% bone injuries. Non-union associates pain and disability, often requiring biological enhancement. Regenerative medicine research suggests to the general public that alternative treatments based on advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) are already available. However, early clinical trials only explore its ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2021,

Nuclear Physics and technology has multiple applications of strategic economical relevance at the EU and worldwide. These include energy resources, medical diagnosis and therapeutic practices, new material characterization, or environmental studies, among others. The Horizon 2020, and the Euratom R&T Programme that complements it in the field of nuclear research and training, put a strong emphasis ...
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Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces (ODYCCEUS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Social media and the digitization of news and discussion fora are having far-reaching effects on the way individuals and communities communicate, organize, and express themselves. Can the information circulating on these platforms be tapped to better understand and analyze the enormous problems facing our contemporary society? Could this help us to better monitor the growing number of social crise ...
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Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics (ExSIDE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

...jects and the training activities will combine work in Behavioural Economics, Psychoanalysis, Opinion Formation, Network Theory, Agent-based Simulation and Economic Modelling in different areas. The academic training will be complemented by extensive Transferable Skills Training Measures, Inter-Sectoral Training Measures, provided by non-academic partners, and Career Development Training. Interact ...
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...hat’s only true if you know what to do with it. When it comes to social policy, we don’t really know how to put our research results to use. K4U aims to remedy this. K4U will construct a radically new picture of how to use social science to build better social policies. This picture will be founded on an ambitious philosophical study of the technology of social science including a thorough reconc ...
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This project will undertake the first systematic investigation of the various literary documents that circulated simultaneously in more than one language in Tuscany, and especially Florence, between the mid-13th Century and the beginning of 15th Century. During that period, Florence was both a prominent literary centre in the vernacular, and home to a renewal of classical Latin eloquence. While bo ...
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...omestic work (PDW). Of the 52.6 million PDWs in the world today, 43 million are women and 7 million are children. The multidimensional transformations brought about by globalisation with the intensification of international migration, the urbanisation of rural and indigenous populations, and changes in household organisation and welfare regimes have a massive impact on PDWs at the global level. Ne ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 p ...
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...e resulting from generalized neglect of the cultural and linguistic identity of signing Deaf communities in Europe. It will provide an innovative and inclusive resource hub for the linguistic, historical and cultural documentation of the Deaf communities' heritage and for sign language assessment in clinical intervention and school settings. To this end, it will create an open state-of-the-art dig ...
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...otential for sustainable growth, given the expected developments in climate, thus contributing to robust employment and sustainable development of rural and coastal communities. The underlying biological models are based on single species distribution and production, as well as multispecies interactions. Forecasting models will provide production scenarios that will serve as input to socio-economi ...
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Background: Influenza viruses cause annual epidemic and occasional pandemics, both of which induce significant morbidity and mortality. Influenza infections affect all age groups but children and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of developing severe disease.Vaccination is the most effective approach to reduce the impact of annual influenza outbreaks and potential pandemics, however, the ...
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Shared Cities: Creative Momentum

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2020,

...t and culture, will develop a working framework connecting and circulating cultural, curatorial, research and hands-on activities into four conceptual program components: public Ideas Yards, hands-on Case Studies, in-depth Research and the Curatorial Lab. The project shall curate and communicate a rich program of more than 170 cultural activities using transnational festivals, interdisciplinary re ...
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Integrating Entrepreneurship and Work Experience into Higher Education

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The project responds to the concerns expressed by stakeholders on the shortcomings in the labour market orientation of Higher Education (HE), focusing on the balance between practical and theoretical learning in HE and to mismatches between the skills sets of graduates and the skills they require during their early careers. EU countries have experienced a substantial increase in graduate unemploym ...
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Self-renew and multilineage potential characterize stem cells. We have recently described that pancreas progenitor cells extracted from adult donors can be expanded long-term in vitro into 3D structures, which we have termed organoids. Pancreas organoids reproduce in vitro all the features of pancreas ductal epithelia, and have a limitless expansion potential. Thus, pancreas organoids promise t ...
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REsources from URban BIo-waSte (RES URBIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

...anagement systems in four territorial clusters that have been selected in different countries and have different characteristics. - well-targeted experimental activity to solve a number of open technical issues (both process- and product-related), by using the appropriate combination of innovative and catalogue-proven technologies.- market analysis whitin several economic scenarios and business mo ...
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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

...eutic options for patients infected with resistant organisms. There is a need for a better understanding of how antimicrobial resistance is evolving globally, of what novel molecular mechanisms can be exploited as new forms of antimicrobial therapy and of how to more efficiently develop new treatments so they can be more rapidly brought to patients in need. The over-arching concept of New Drugs fo ...
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Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder (MoveCare)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

MoveCare develops and field tests an innovative multi-actor platform that supports the independent living of the elder at home by monitoring, assist and promoting activities to counteract decline and social exclusion. It comprises 3 hierarchical layers: 1) A service layer provides monitoring and intervention. It endows objects of everyday use with advanced processing capabilities and integrates th ...
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MUSIC UP CLOSE NETWORK: connecting orchestral music to young audiences

Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

...ther Orchestra partners that have to improve their activities in reaching young audiences and promote new orchestral works.Project Partners consider MUSIC UP CLOSE Network a start-up organization because they would like first to experiment and share new approaches and strategies to connect orchestral music to young audiences and then to enlarge the Network to new orchestra partners and other inter ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2019, ICT systems 3) Development and demo of flexible combined grid balancing/energy storage solutions for buildings and RES systems including combined heat pumps for heating and cooling, electrical vehicles charging, new PVT systems and 2ndlife reuse of EV batteries in buildings 4) Resource and energy smart solutions for kitchens 5) Solutions for water efficiency and waste water energy recov ...
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Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing sector

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

...act and a massive economic change on publishing: it’s changing the traditional business model and it’s giving a key role to new distribution channels such as aggregation platforms. The technological evolutions affect the consumption patterns of publishing products and production processes, impacting all the areas of the book publishing value chain (Production - Design - Editorial - Distribution a ...
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Skills Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

...nd). Agriculture therefore plays a key role in land management and has a huge responsibility in the preservation of natural resources. The desired relationship between agriculture and the environment can be captured by the term “sustainable agriculture”. All farming systems, from intensive conventional farming to organic farming, have the potential to be locally sustainable. Whether they are in pr ...
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Industry 4.0 for wood and furniture manufacturers

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

... funding. However, challenges like training workers and future professionals remain. Furthermore the furniture and wood sector has identified that it has a shortage of professionals with high qualification in ICTs and other emerging technologies. Some of the specific skills and competencies that stand out as critical for managers in the furniture sector are ICTs skills that are crucial to operate ...
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The objective of the caLIBRAte project is to establish a state-of-the-art versatile Risk Governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of MN and MN-enabled products. The framework will be a web-based “system-of-systems” linking different models and methods for: 1) screening of apparent and perceived risks and trends in nanotechnology, 2) control banding, quali ...
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Crossing the Mediterranean: towards investment and integration

Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

... (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionThe European Master “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) is a two-year study programme jointly offered by Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France). The three universities have an outstanding reputation in their respective fields: languages ...
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ELA starts from the idea of inclusive education and equity of access and equality of educational opportunity. Teacher training in countries in transition do not equip their students with knowledge about law. ELA’s underlining assumption is that enhancing equality in education requires a collaboration between educators and lawyers to promote rights based teaching, learning, school leadership and go ...
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European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

Wider objective is to enable Ukraine and Moldova to face the challenges of dealing with Human Rights policies in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures. By developing and introducing new Bologna-compliant case-oriented master and doctoral curricula, intensive capacity building mechanism and establishing Offices of Student Ombudsman suppo ...
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Educational for Drone

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

... 2020 of all the Parter Countries, and in terms of creating new job opportunities, especially for youth that is strongly encouraged by Europe 2020 strategy as stated in the European Commission Communication “Youth on the Move”. The use of drones by professionals will open new scenarios requiring practical and theoretical knowledge that are beyond the simple driving and mantainance of drones: (i) d ...
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In a context of rapid economic growth impacting its coastal zone, Morocco must organize a marine and coastal management plan as stipulated in the 2015 Moroccan Coastal Act. However, Morocco is facing one main challenge: to found highly qualified personnel at postgraduate level, with technical and transversal skills, fully able to implement this policy. In this purpose, this Erasmus + Capacity b ...
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...e International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory is to train young researchers in the fields of prehistory, paleo-anthropology, palaeontology, methods and techniques for prehistoric and archaeological research, quaternary’s geology and heritage preservation.Course duration Two years (120 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory aims to prepare professionals ho ...
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Background The leather industry consumes large volumes of water and chemicals. The chemicals used are mostly petrochemical-based, due to the easy availability of such materials and to their chemical stability. In accordance with the European Dangerous Substances Directive almost 31% of the volume of the chemicals used by the European leather industry are ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

...museums on an exchange basis. In order to establish this network, CEMEC will create a mobile exhibition (at 3 venues) and 5 national presentations with generic curatorial content, together with technical partners and the associated scientific partners, who will be able to create on-going spin-off research. This integrated network of museums and technical (research) institutions will greatly facili ...
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European Orchestra LABoratory II

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

...ropean Orchestra LABoratory IIEuropean symphony orchestras have had success for 4 centuries connecting directly with audiences through music, immediately reaching hearts and minds by performing classical music. In recent decades that connection has weakened as fewer people are inclined to come to concert halls. The European Orchestra LABoratory aims to enlarge the role of orchestras at the centre ...
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly being recognized as a heterogeneous disease with distinct molecular subtypes. These subtypes have different biological processes at the basis of their disease and consequently their prognosis and responses to therapy are also different.We have previously developed molecular diagnostic assays using a single platform on routine FFPE tumour biopsies. These assa ...
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Start date: Sep 21, 2015, End date: Sep 20, 2019,

...ated Rural Development with a focus on socioeconomic and institutional aspects. It offers the opportunity to study international visions on Rural Development in their diversity of approaches and applications and to make comparative analyses of EU and non-EU Agricultural and Rural Development strategies and policies.Course duration Two years (120 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe International Master of Sc ...
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Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence @UVic

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The University of Victoria has established itself as the hub of European Union studies on the west coast of Canada. This proposed Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence (JM EUCE) seeks to bring together the commitment of our three past Jean Monnet Chairs, faculty from diverse departments, and previous European Union Centres of Excellence to promote, advance and build excellence in the stu ...
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Green Guest

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ition is to provide a comprehensive approach of employment and training in the hospitality trade based on Corporate Social Responsibility. The trade sometimes suffers from a poor image although it can offer very interesting careers and is a strong job provider . It can also develop environmental policies in favour of the planet which can be an incentive for future workforce to join the trade ...
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Housing: an educational European ROad towards civil rights

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Experiences of de-institutionalization, therapeutical communities and shared supported apartments are already known to the international community with the experimented limits and potentials. Housing for severely mentally impaired people represents today an advanced strategy of the social inclusion process with widespread experiences in different European countries. It is closely connected to the ...
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Development of CBRN training programme for police officers

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Terrorist activities involving the use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials constitutes currently a new threat that the European public must consider. That type of terrorism acts may open the door for the possibility of destabilization of the European Union and lead to undermining economic stability, public security and integrity in the EU community.The project CBRN-P ...
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Improved Safety for Electricians

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ory tests that need to be taken on a regular basis; e.g. employees in GB who get in contact with electricity (Building and Construction and industry) must pass a test on safety; the ECS (Electrotechnical Certification System). The main strength of the ECS is that it covers a wide range of safety issues and not just Electrotechnical dangers, out of 45 multiple choice questions only six are Electrot ...
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Projet Patrimoine Européen pour un Avenir Culturel Ensemble

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...e, Germany, Iceland, the Nederland, Romania and Spain ; 3 economic actors enhancing heritage in Europe (Italy, Romania, Scotland) and 2 non-European universities with expertise in digital mediation (Canada) and interculturality (Israel). The team is an example of European diversity: partners from the North, the South, the East, the West of Europe, from the Atlantique to the Mediterranean Sea, invo ...
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