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30 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Supporting Policy and Action for Active Environments

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Healthy active urban environments are towns and cities where the policies, design, layout and culture supports physically active movement as part of everyday life. Walking and cycling are the default modes of transport; citizens of healthy active urban environments instinctively reach for their walking shoes not their car keys when they leave home. Traffic speeds are slow and green space is plent ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Inter +

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Inter+ Enhancing plurilingualism and interculturality in an European educational context In society as in the world of education, plurilinguism and interculturality are more and more part of Europeans' every day life. Those two types of situation can be problematic but are, at the same time, a source of richness to manage and, moreover, to enhance. The Inter+ pr ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Eurostat statistics show an impressive unemployment rate in the eurozone with peaks in the younger age groups, especially in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. In contrast, the hospitality industry proves to be one of the most dynamic employability sectors with about 20 million jobs and an insistence up to 12% on EU GDP employing 5.2% of the European workforce. The quality and quantity of tourism ...
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On the road to a European education and work environment: Facilitation of student and teacher competences (intercultural awareness) in the vocational education to improve the employability via job shadowing and internships in Germany and Spain Ostholstein (Eutin) and the Balearic area are similar regions, whose economy mainly depends on tourism. The deficiency of skilled workers effects tourism no ...
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Theatres for All

Start date: Sep 9, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

At EU level there is no homogeneous approach regarding the development of standards that ensure the uniformity and high quality of Audio-description in the theatres. There are some good practices but generally the level of accessibility of theatres to blind and partially sighted is low. The audio description has to become the norm, not the exception, as it is today. Equal access to museums, theatr ...
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eDIGIREGION is a unique collaborative project that brings together a balanced blend of complimentary and experienced partners from four diverse regions. The sixteen (16) people involved in formulating this proposal are senior executives and decision makers in their respective organisations. These partners have embarked upon, are committed to, and have already demonstrated the power of transnationa ...
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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Dec 15, 2016,

One of the main object of HANDPAS (HANDS OF THE PAST PROJECT) as an assemble project is to spread the culture value and specifically the Paleolithic hands´ representations that are placed around many Europeans caves. These painting hands are chosen between another art Paleolithic symbol, for considering them the closet and straightest way to bring our Upper Paleolithic ancestry closer.It has been ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The District Government of Düsseldorf is responsible for 78 public vocational colleges with about 7700 teachers and roughly 167000 students from all vocational sectors of which about 93000 are apprentices in the initial dual vocational training. The EU Office of the District Government of Düsseldorf (GEB) co-operates with different vocational colleges in the region in order to promote and to use E ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Context and project background The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Cantabria has been promoting the international dimension of education through the participation of its educational centers in different international mobility programs over time. Decree 4/2010 of 28 January, the general organization of vocational training in the education system of the Autonomous Comm ...
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Start date: Oct 19, 2010, End date: Oct 18, 2013,

A lo largo de la trayectoria escolar, los jóvenes se enfrentan a momentos clave en los que tienen que tomar decisiones sobre las opciones que guiarán sus estudios. Estas elecciones suelen repercutir en el futuro mediante la constatación de no haber sido las correctas ya que en ocasiones, no cuentan con los elementos suficientes para tomar las decisiones adecuadas en el momento en que están obliga ...
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Start date: Oct 19, 2010, End date: Oct 18, 2013,

El proyecto se marca como objetivo principal, configurar a Canarias como plataforma de intercambio y promoción de la literatura africana hacia el resto del mundo, y configurar a nuestro Archipiélago como punto de encuentro cultural y empresarial del sector de la edición, así como acercar el sector literario a la sociedad canaria. Mediante las siguientes actuaciones: 1.La celebración de un encuentr ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

OBJETIVOS: Creación de una comunidad de ámbito educativo, mediante una red de centros conectados telemáticamente, para compartir prácticas y experiencias educativas. ACCIONES: Desarrollo de una plataforma telemática de colaboración/formación para la elaboración de contenidos y materiales didácticos de apoyo a las prácticas educativas; Integración de las TIC, desarrollando trabajos de colaboración: ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

O projecto PI ESPECIAL propõe o design e produção de uma nova geração de dispositivos de interacção que podem ser utilizados por alunos com deficiências motoras (simples e graves) para que estes possam aceder, criar e manipular conteúdos e recursos educativos. Com base numa colaboração muito próxima com os docentes do ensino especial, propõe-se igualmente o design e produção de objectos interactiv ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet a comme but le catalogage, la promotion, la valorisation et la mise en réseau, au niveau international, du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel des territoires de la zone Medocc, afin que ce dernier soit sauvegardé du risque d'extinction et, en même temps, utilisé comme ressource pour le développement local soutenable (fondé sur la valorisation des identités, des connaissances et des tradition ...
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El proyecto REPPARP pretende valorizar la riqueza del arte prehistórico del Suroeste europeo (SUDOE). Por ello, se va a proceder a la elaboración de varias redes: Creación de la Red Europea (SUDOE) de lugares arqueológicos y espacios expositivos temáticos de arte prehistórico y primeros pobladores. Creación del itinerario cultural europeo (SUDOE): culturas prehistóricas-primeros pobladores. Elabor ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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« GISAD » s´intéresse à la protection et la mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel représenté par les biens archéologiques. Le but principal du projet est de définir une méthodologie opérationnelle novatrice et transversale pour une gestion active et effective du patrimoine. Celle-ci est conçue comme un instrument d´investigation, efficace pour la récupération du potentiel informatif des biens arch ...
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El proyecto pretende impulsar la revalorización del Patrimonio Cultural de la Macaronesia desde sus Raíces, siendo el Objetivo global generar unas actuaciones por medio de los jóvenes, en convergencia con las líneas de actuación europeas, que les ayude a adquirir conocimientos y capacidades adaptadas a los tiempos actuales pero teniendo siempre como referente su identidad cultural. El Motivo de co ...
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(PESCPROF-2) seguirán las lineas de orientación definidas para su proyecto percursor emprendiendo nuevas acciones que comprenderán la explotación de nuevas áreas de pesca, prospección de nuevos recursos marítimos profundos no convencionales, procesos de ensayo y transferencia de tecnología relativ a métodos selectivos de pesca tradicional, realización de planes piloto de pesc, inicio de estudios s ...
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PESCPROF-1 fits in the scope of the study of the marine resources, aiming at developping inquiry shares, innovation and technology transfer for form will make possible it the knowledge and sustainable exploitation of new depth fishing resources.
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Lobjectif de ce projet est le développement, conjoint et transnational, des technologies de linformation et de la communication en vue den faire un véritable instrument au service de lexploitation des potentialités de nos régions rurales. Le but est de contribuer a lamélioration de la qualité de vie et au recul de lexode rural.Il sagira de définir les principes, les méthodes, les moyens requis pou ...
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Este proyecto pretende implementar la cooperación técnica y científica entre centros de investigación de las tres regiones participantes (Madeira, Azores, Canarias) en la realización de trabajos de investigación, intercambio de experiencias, formación y proyectos de innovación tecnológica que incrementen la productividad pesquera y que permitan la sostenibilidad del sector. La utilización de una p ...
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This project considers the scientific and technical cooperation between centers of inquiry of the three participant regions (Madeira, Açores, Canaries) in the accomplishment of inquiry works, exchange of experiences, materialization of projects - pilot and of demonstration, in activities of technical-scientific training and of spreading to the public in the areas of the sea aquiculture and artific ...
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The project intends to be a cooperation action between the Independent Community of the Canary Islands and the Republic of Cabo Verde. It develops diverse actions in the field of the professional formation (caboverdian students which study in the Canary Islands, courses of Electricity, Weld, Landscaping and Construction.
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CAM aims at: Analize the current situation concerning the use of the audiovisuais and multimedia in the schools of the Regions; To reorganize the current audiovisual services used by the partners, transforming them in multimedia centers to support the reorganization of the audiovisuais and multimedia centers of the schools; To stimulate the use of the ICT as factor of development of new boardings ...
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MAIN GOAL was to promote access for sending organizations to high quality and systematic online resources to promote SME's participation on mobility actions: databases, network of supporting non-profit organizations, best practices, a kit of communication with SMEs. Main non-tangible outcome has been the promotion of permeability between training and work and the active application of "Think small ...
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EUROPATHWAYS & EUROPASS will develop an outline mobility model to encourage innovative student pathways and placements within European companies as a means of promoting the use of EUROPASS training and improving the transparency of qualifications across Europe.Elements to be contained within the mobility model include; an outline concept of an innovative company (identified through its capacity to ...
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The PUEDES acronym reads for the Spanish translation of University Engagement in Economic and Social Development (Participación Universitaria para El Desarrollo Económico y Social en Latinoamérica). The project is promoted by a partnership of HEI that are strongly engaged (University Engagement is the motto of the project) in the scientific, economic and social development of their regions and cou ...
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