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12 European Projects Found

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Fostering Apprenticeships sharing Ideas and Resources

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

FAIR means Fostering Apprenticeships sharing Ideas and Resources both at transnational level, allowing the cooperation and the exchange of practices/models/results among partners, and at local level, through the creation of synergies with the active involvement of key actors. FAIR means also that apprenticeship is something "good", with a power in stimulating companies towards a social responsibil ...
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22 million persons in the EU-28 were unemployed in November 2015, and more than 12 million people who have been unemployed for over a year. The unemployment rates among the youngsters were also very high in 2014, being it 22.2 %. This has social consequences for the persons concerned, a negative impact on growth and public finances and in poverty rates (Eurostat).Self-employment (SE) and entrepren ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The Work and Travel project involves students from the main professional areas in Livorno which include: Administration, Tourism, Marketing, Logistics and Welfare. The project wants to respond to the ever-increasing youth unemployment within the Livorno area, they propose to facilitate a mobility pathway for 50 people that will encourage the appropriate level of professional development and to ena ...
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Innovation support by the Enterprise Europe Network - SEIMED to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs & services as key account managers for the SME Instrument beneficiaries in the regions of Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia. In order to enhance SME innovation management capacity, we will support SME´s to implement truly effective processes in order to become more competitive and have a ...
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Background The development of nanomaterials - defined as having at least one dimension of 100 nanometres or less – is an area of science and industry expected to yield numerous technological advances. More than 1 500 European businesses are now involved in the production of substances at nanoscale and nanomaterials are providing a proliferation of new p ...
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Background The European graphic sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy. It has an annual turnover of over €125 billion and employs more than 1.2 million people. It is made up of over 106 000 companies, 95% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The production life cycle of graphic products gives rise to differ ...
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OBJECTIVOS: Qualificar e promover o desenvolvimento dos territórios transfronteiriços abrangidos pelo projecto através da conservação e valorização dos seus espaços naturais, expressando essa qualificação e aumento de valor através da conservação do lince-ibérico. ACÇÕES: Controlo e Segurança do território (vigilância de incêndios; controlo da caça ilegal); Gestão do habitat (culturas para a fauna ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

OBJETIVOS: Hacer desaparecer el denominado efecto de frontera a través de esta alianza turística estratégica, con el propósito de constituir a este nuevo itinerario turístico de interior en el centro de los mercados emisores hispano-lusos. ACCIONES: La ejecución del proyecto se ha articulado en cuatro áreas de acción conjuntas: nuevas tecnologías, medio ambiente, formación y empleo, y promoción tu ...
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Background Biomass is expected to become a vital renewable energy resource because of its wide availability and storage possibilities. Compared with other renewable energy sources, biomass can produce peak performance on short notice if possibilities to store the raw material exist. Moreover, a multitude of technical methods are available for recovering e ...
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L'objectif du projet SPACE est de créer un Modèle de Monitorage de contrôle urbanistique, de lenvironnement, culturel et économique de certains espaces de la Méditerranée Occidentale ayant une grande sénsibilité environnementale (pour la pluspart zones cotières, zones humides territoires formés par de couches fluviales ou marines) menacés par lexpansion urbanistique et/ou économique. Il s'agit éga ...
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El Proyecto de Apoyo a los Sistema de Planificación Territorial consiste en: apoyar a los socios integrantes del mismo para que estructuren las bases de datos de la cartografía de su territorio de la que dispongan, al objeto de poderla explotar de forma digital, continua y conjunta de forma integral por los servidores públicos de los Gobiernos estatales, federales y locales; que les permita incorp ...
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One of the main threats currently facing EU territories is to develop strategies to better adapt to changing and more demanding global trends and exigencies. Lifelong education and training conforms a main strategic tool that territories could use, and it is indeed a key component in the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy goals. However, it is necessary to establish the necessary mechanisms to ens ...
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