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18 European Projects Found

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Street (he)Art

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The multilateral Youth Exchange “Street (he)Art” will take place in a small hostel in central Italy from the 21st to the 28th of August 2016. The themes of the project are theatre and its role in dealing with social issues in contemporary Europe, such as the social inclusion, racism, prejudice. 33 participants from five different European countries (Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Repub ...
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DEMO Factory

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The project of the exchange entitled "Demo Factory" will take place from 04.11.2016 to 12.11.2016 in Poronin. There will be 44 participants with leaders from four countries: Poland, Slovakia, Portugal and Lithuania. The main goals to achieve during this exchange are: active participation in democratical processes and promoting social and civil activity, expanding the participant knowlage about dem ...
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New experiences = new opportunities

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The Project of our association will be about entrepreneurship, and especially work mobilization among the young people, and work mobility. The following international youth exchange aim to meet 40 students from Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The exchange will take place in Zakopane on Podhale, the meeting will last 8 days. We will try our best to make the workshops interesting and various, their su ...
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Empower Yourself

Start date: May 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2016,

NUM is planning an eight day youth exchange named “Empower Yourself”. The activities will take place between the 4th of June and 11th of June 2016 in the Croatian city of Varaždin. This project will involve six countries these being Croatia, Poland, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia and Italy. Each organization will send five participants aged between 18 and 25 and one leader, with no age limit (but 18+). ...
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Upgrade your start

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Upgrade your Start is an international youth exchange dedicated to young people facing problems and dilemas related to their career path. The exchange will last 7 days, involving 44 people from 7 countires and will take place in Rajcza - in a very beautiful nature surrounding. Through various methods we will try to explore terms like: start up, success, coaching, creativity, passion, motivation ...
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ACTIVE - A CulTural InitiatiVe for Employability

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The multilateral exchange “ACTIVE: A CulTural InitiatiVe for Employability” will be placed in Italy, in a hostel in the village of Sermugnano (VT), from the 9th to 17th of November 2015. The participants involved in the projects will be 30 and they come from five different countries: Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain and Italy. The topics of the project are essentially three: -Youth (Participati ...
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Peaceful Puzzle of Ukraine

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

A Training course "Peaceful puzzle of Ukraine" gathered 32 youth workers, social workers and journalists from Armenia, Estonia, France, Czech Republic, Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, Turkey. The project was organized by coordinating organization Framtidståget (Sweden) with support of Unga Ukrainare i Sverige in cooperation with the hosting organization Union Forum (Ukraine) an ...
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Dont worry be Happy

Start date: Aug 16, 2015, End date: Jan 15, 2016,

Unemployment is one of the causes of social exclusion. For many young people unemployment implies lack of opportunities, lack of future perspectives, limited personal development, low self-esteem, the impossibility of becoming autonomous...Unemployment affects young people from a variety of backgrounds, at different times of their lives and in various circumstances. Unemployment is a social probl ...
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Women in Europe. Erasing violence against women!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2015,

The project "Women in Europe. Erasing violence against women" is a long term activity with two multilateral exchange,aimed to develop in the youth participants a full awareness about the set of norms, customs and visions which characterize the status of women in european society. Participants will be involved in various activities programmed in seven days, and they will have the possibility to c ...
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Outdoor, an open door!

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The main objective of the project "Outdoor, an open door" was to raise awareness and a sense of civic responsibility among young people. This was achieved through the support of youngsters: their social commitment, confidence and teamwork skills. Methods we chose and used for its implementation were derived from non-formal education, including in particular activities of "outdoor education" - wor ...
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"Youth Work in 3D = Discovering, Developing, Disseminating Youngsters’ Potential" is an international training course for 35 people from Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and Italy. The aim of the 7-day activities is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills of coaching methods, in order to discover and maximize the potential of the individual. Participants ...
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Open to New Horizon

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Project - seminar Open To New Horizon will be implemented in the period May-October 2015. The main event of the project is 6 day seminar with the participation of 25 people representing 12 partner organizations from Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Sweden. The seminar will be held on 1-6 July 2015 in Bialy Dunajec. The aim of the project is the exchange of experiences b ...
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Absolutely Sport!

Start date: Jan 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2015,

Participants of the project from Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia created a new sports game which is innovative and integrate people, . Participants were working together on all phases of the project, created a harmonious and well-embracing team Leaders also played a large role to support action of participants, the motivation to work and active participation. During the project we were workin on th ...
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European Taverna

Start date: Jan 15, 2015, End date: Jul 14, 2015,

Rural areas are full of traditions, culture and rich nature which are not valued enough by inhabitants who live there. Young people just leave from the villages and farms and moving to big cities with hopes to have a better lifestyle there. They believe that they will be employed there easier and faster nevertheless, this will not happen easily with everyone. Meanwhile the villages become abandone ...
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Well done

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The participants and creators of the project is young people aged 16-18 years derived from the three partner countries, Lithuania, Slovakia and Polish. The project is associated with entrepreneurship and creativity. Through participation in the various stages of the project participants will gain new skills, broaden their horizons, to become more open and mobile. During the project we will use the ...
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To look ahead with courage

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2015,

International youth exchange “To look ahead with courage” will take place in the picturesque region Subcarpathia between 10th - 18th april of 2015 and will gather youth from Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania. Our main goal will be to revive creativity and imagination, inspire, strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence of our participants, as well as to encourage entrepreneurship. Our project will tr ...
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Mission Possible

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Our exchange entitled " Mission Possible " will take place on 12-20 October 2014 in Zakopane. The project participants are young people aged 18-22 years from Poland , Lithuania and Slovakia. Participation in the project is a unique opportunity for personal development focused on you develop the ability to think creatively , to inspire to take their own initiative and discovering passion. Another g ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Theatre & Democracy” is a project dedicated to youth. The exchange will have place in a countryside, where day by day through debates, discutions, group working, improvisation and mainly drama workshops, we will deal with issues like democracy, society, election, European Union problems. Our exchnage will last one week and it will involve 43 people from 7 countries.The purpose of the exchange is t ...
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