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A recent evaluation of FP7 projects executed by the EC, showed that an estimated 80% of funded Health projects lacks valorisation. The “UTILE” proposal presents the EU-Health Innovation Marketplace, an online tool to better valorise the FP7 Health and Horizon2020 SC1 project results. This marketplace will actively bring together Innovation Providers (i.e. technology push) and the Innovation Develo ...
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...he Ad-hoc Working Group on CRM, numerous European projects have addressed (part of) the CRMs value and several initiatives have contributed to gather (part of) the related community into clusters and associations. This led to the production of important knowledge, unfortunately disseminated. Numerous databases have also been developed, sometimes as duplicates.For the first time in the history, SCR ...
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The EURAXESS TOP III consortium includes partners from almost all EURAXESS countries (either as beneficiaries or associated partners, from altogether 39 countries), in order to ensure the widest possible coverage as well as increased impact. The project has been divided into eight work packages. Two WPs are devoted to the development, testing and pilot introduction of new services on career develo ...
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Innovation is at the heart of Europe’s growth strategy. However, Europe lags behind its international competitors in converting investment in Public Research Organisation PRO research into commercial returns via innovation. The solution lies in improving the transfer of technology from PROs to industry but there are many barriers to effective technology transfer, including: Most Technology Transfe ...
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Implementing the European Photonics21 PPP strategy (EuroPho21)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

EuroPho21 provides the decisive support to Photonics21 for strategy development and implementation and paves the way for the re-industrialization of Europe. The networking and coordination among Photonics21 stakeholders and the end user industry in the strategy development and implementation will speed up the innovation process and time to market for new products. This is a critical step to overco ...
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Sustainable Technology for Older People – Get Organised (STOPandGO)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Description The rapidly ageing population across the EU is placing relentless pressure on increasingly scarce health and social care resources. More people live with multiple co-morbidities, and there are fewer people to care for them. The Whole System Demonstrator (WSD) showed that incorporating telehealth and telecare technology into care ...
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"The overall aim of the SUAFRI-EPC project is to bridge the gap between Agri-Food research and innovation in Eastern Partnering Countries (EPC), by bringing together all actors of the knowledge value chain and raising their awareness on how to uptake research results into innovation. The SUAFRI-EPC is supporting the Agri-Food sector and community in EPC by developing the basis for an efficient "" ...
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Coaching for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

...l and business goals, 4 foundations, which one of them a university, that have vast experience in teaching young people in very diverse sectors, one informal group of young people and one civil association organized as a hubs for young people with interest about entrepreneurship.The partnership developed is meant for the partners to gain expertise to help them build their capacity, being sustainab ...
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ToT and Coaching for Futue Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...l and business goals, 3 foundations, which one of them a university, that have vast experience in teaching young people in very diverse sectors, one informal group of young people and one civil association organized as a hubs for young people with interest about entrepreneurship. The partnership developed is meant for the partners to gain expertise to help them build their capacity, being sustaina ...
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Energy supply and usage and the stimulation of innovation activities are some of the most important challenges for the EU and for the Eastern European countries within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Increased resource efficiency and innovation in renewable and sustainable energy offers the best potential to solve the urgent, interrelated societal challenges of insecurity over energy supp ...
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...le under thirty years old so that they can become entrepreneurs in the retail sector. This project follows a logical order in its approach in order that the impact on different stakeholders (business associations, supporting entrepreneur centers, Business Angels Networks, VET centres, employment agencies , research centers and companies of ICT development applied to education sector, ECVET EQF- C ...
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NoGAP bridges the gap between research and innovation and contributes to taking advantage of the innovation potential of SMEs based on a better cooperation with researchers, transferring and using knowledge resulting from research. The overall objective of the project is to reinforce cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries to develop a “Common Knowledge and Innovation Space” on societal cha ...
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Captivating Europe

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The project "Captivating Europe" will be a 7 days training that will take place in Berlin in from 16th-24th April 2016. It will include 25 people in total from 7 different countries: Italy, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Croatia and Belgium The aim of the project is to develop innovative communication strategies for pro-European causes that better reach younger audiences. To that end, partici ...
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The proposed EXPRESS CA responds to ICT-2013.3.3-b (iv) 'Supporting the development of an ecosystem for smart systems integration in Europe'. In this context, ecosystem is defined as a sustaining environment to promote economic growth, skills growth, and growth in industrial capability and global competitiveness, fuelled by the extension of knowledge, the ambitions of innovators and the business a ...
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Research and innovation are vital elements of economic growth translated through an innovation eco-system, driven by a diverse mix of economic actors in an environment which supports flows of information between universities, businesses, researchers, consumers, investors, editors and policy makers. It is this interaction that creates the vital feedback loops that speed adaptation and creation in t ...
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"RERAM responds to the societal challenge of ‘CLIMATE CHANGE, RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND RAW MATERIALS’ in Europe’s forestry and woodworking sector. Knowledge, communication and cooperation gaps between research communities and innovation-driven industries significantly hamper progress towards sustainable use of the natural resource FOREST in the woodworking sector. The RERAM project targets the very ...
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Youth empowerment for stronger Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The project “Youth empowerment for stronger Europe” will be 7 days training and networking activity that will take place in Berlin, Germany from 29th October until 6thNovember 2015. It will include in total 24 participants from 6 countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Grece and Turkey. Aim of this project is to raise awareness about importance that NGOs must play in empowerment of young p ...
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To bring together the people, communities and economies of the Romania – Bulgaria border region to participate in the joint development of the cooperative area using its human, natural and environmental resources and advantages in a sustainable way. Improved availability and dissemination of information on joint opportunities within the border area.
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...tion of dangerous atmospheric phenomena causing natural disasters incidents (floods, mudslides, landslides, mudflows, avalanches in mountains, etc.) will be performed. 3. Authorities and professional associations will be operatively informed about occurrence of natural disasters. 4. Risk of damages to population and target groups will be reduced, and the quality of environmental protection will be ...
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Digital Storytelling: Empowerment for Resilience

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Project "Digital Storytelling: Empowerment for Resilience" is mobility project for youth workers. Aim of the project - to improve digital competences of youth workers by introducing them to digital storytelling and possibilities to use it in nonformal education, especially working with socially disadvantaged youth in order to build their resilience. Main activities of the project: 7 day training ...
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Steps to a career

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The economic crisis has taken a huge toll on jobs on Europe. The unemployment among young people in Europe is about 23%. To reverse this tend Europe created a job machine, bringing together European strategies, national policies, regional and local agents to create more and better jobs across Europe. This project proposal is about bringing a contribution to the unemployment problem. The partner or ...
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European Network of Knowledge Transfer in Health (ENTENTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The objective the ENTENTE project is to reinforce knowledge transfer (KT) offices in universities, public research organisations, hospitals and to promote industry academia transnational collaboration in the health sector. This will be achieved through seven sub-objectives:1-The development of a web platform for shared learning and networking including best practices, video interviews, networking ...
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...oint European IB Roadmap and Policy recommendations document, with maximum stakeholder buy-in for wide dissemination and maximum impact.The project will be co-ordinated by EuropaBio- the European Association for Biotechnology Industries, who will also be joined by CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council, representing the European chemical industry. These will be joined in the consortium by a ...
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The overall aim of the project is to create an integrated community that will drive innovation in the field of critical raw material substitution for the benefit of EU industry. The project will:•Deliver a mapping of on-going initiatives in the field of substitution of CRM at the EU level and Member States that will allow for the identification of key champions and synergies. The mapping will also ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The Mer-Innovate project is focusing on e-maintenance of turbines and the use of new technologies to support the growth of a cluster on renewable marine energies. Achievements: There are several offshore wind farms on the UK side of the Channel, and similar sites are pl ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The project aims at developing the economic sector of sustainable renovation mainly by stimulating the innovation capacity of SMEs working in this field. The project will contribute to the transition to low-carbon cities and sustainable economy and will improve the knowledge and expertise on sustainable renovation of existing buildings. Partners of this project are key stakeholders involved in ...
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Intercultural Primary School Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2014,

The project InterPriSE (Intercultural Primary School Education) is designed to help young educators who wish to develop their knowledge on the principles of intercultural education and teaching in multicultural environments. Participants will learn alternative teaching methods that relate to modern pedagogy, will experience self-assessment techniques and will reveal the connection of stereotypes a ...
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PERARES strengthens public engagement in research (PER) by developing multi-annual action plans, involving researchers and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the formulation of research agendas and the research process. It uses debates on science to actively articulate research requests of civil society. These are forwarded to research institutes, and results are used in a next phase of the deb ...
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Strengthen the economic development of the tourism branch in the cross border region of Montana, Vidin and Dolj; Stimulate the tourism activity in the neighboring region of Montana, Vidin and Dolj; To develop and introduce innovative model in the tourism branch which will promote the cultural heritage in the cross border region;To encourage and strengthen sustainable partnership among the key stak ...
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1. Creation of a database; 2. Translation into 3 languages; 3. Creation of a dynamic web portal; 4.Creation of an online market for offers; 5. Giving online business consultations; 6. Database of profiles and ideas of NGOs and public organizations; 7. Popularizing the portal; 8. Multiplying the project
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Clusters are part of the new economic environment, but often miss the dynamism which is needed for innovation. New cluster concepts which upgrade clusters & cluster policies are needed. Central European governments need to increase the effectiveness of their policies in this area to secure further development and competitiveness. The policy frameworks on cluster and innovation policy need to be up ...
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Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs (OPEN-ALPS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

OPEN-ALPS strengthens the competitiveness of the Alpine Space by introducing and realising innovations in SMEs based on the Open Innovation (OI) paradigm. Main objective is to support Alpine SMEs in technology branches on their way from internal closed innovation to "open innovation". This shall encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and strengthen research and innovation capacities for SMEs in th ...
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Technet_nano sets up a transnational network of public clean rooms and research facilities in micro- and nanotechnology making accessible innovation resources and services to SMEs in the BSR.The problem addressed is that especially SMEs and R&D institutions in branches such as energy, climate or medical technology do not fully exploit their innovation and growth potentials in the field of micro- a ...
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Strong cooperation in the scientific area is needed in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region. There is a new cluster of large-scale research infrastructure (Lund, Hamburg, Berlin and Geesthacht as EU countries and Gachina in Russia) and some more are planned or already under construction (the European XFEL in Hamburg, ESS and Max IV in Lund, Solaris in Krakow). ...
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Alps 4 EU

Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

Alps4EU aims to overcome clusters initiatives fragmentation and favour the emergence of meta-clusters, applying a macro-regional vision and driving Alpine area clusters to be more competitive in the European scenario for the benefit of all Alpine Space’s economy.The project will address both policy making and cluster management activities, with a trans-regional approach and it will impact on phas ...
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The conservation of heritage, in particular historical buildings, is a common goal in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Due to the common identity in the BSR it is very important to protect the historical buildings in order to preserve the individual characteristics and therewith the attractiveness and competitiveness of the cities around the Baltic Sea. Besides this the international and the EU CO2-re ...
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How to link strong research nodes, clusters and SME networks in the Baltic Sea region in order to jointly reach globally-leading innovation partnerships? How to use the high innovation potential of the region to address common societal challenges?StarDust was designed to give answers to these questions. Besides the concrete testing of collaboration methods, policy implication should be drawn on ho ...
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The project is aiming to contribute to reducing the negative impact of production, trading and consumption on natural resources that are significantly threatened by current traditional ways of development approaches, as the main need of target groups and final beneficiaries, and it is focusing on optimizing the economic development and environmental protection in the Black Sea Basin. ...
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Wine way (W.W.)

Start date: May 27, 2011, End date: Nov 26, 2012,

Sustainable economic development of the region Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven, by identifying and promoting opportunities in the field of viticulture and adjacent services. Specific objectiv 1 Identifying and promoting opportunities in the viticulture field and adjacent services from the crossborder area Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven through specific meas ...
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To support the sustainable development of the cross-border area Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Montana, Vrata, Pleven by identifying opportunities and promoting tourism in the cross-border areaSpecific objective:1. Identifying and promotion of the cross-border thematic tourism by joint, specific and consistent activities and measures, across borders. 2. To implement a pilot spacial planning of the ...
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