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Elaboración de herramienta on line para favorecer el emprendedurismo en el sector de comercio minorista de jóvenes menores de 30 años
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the project consists of setting up and developing three serious games inspired in the methodology of gamification allowing the improvement of skills, abilities and knowledge of people under thirty years old so that they can become entrepreneurs in the retail sector. This project follows a logical order in its approach in order that the impact on different stakeholders (business associations, supporting entrepreneur centers, Business Angels Networks, VET centres, employment agencies , research centers and companies of ICT development applied to education sector, ECVET EQF- Consultants , ...) is appropriate to the stated objectives. In order to get the best impact in terms of quality, and before the development of the "serious games, we’ll work out the relevant EQF matrix related to knowledge, skills and competencies in retail sector. According to the ECVET frame we’ll perform the relevant units of results in this type of learning materials. Once obtained, is when we will be able to make appropriate educational materials that will be used as the cornerstone for developing gamification applications. The development of " serious games " , will be performed using open source code in order that once tested can be used by other developers or customized for different training projects at local, regional , national and/or European levels. Access to serious games can be done with personal computers or via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc. ) , in order to make easier their usability from any location. The project englobes four main activities: 1. The setting up of an EQF matrix targeting under 30 who want to become entrepreneurs in the retail trade sector. 2. The preparation within the technical and methodological ECVET framework of Learning Outcome Units, which may in the future be assessed and certified differentially with a number of ECVET points, taking into account the data obtained from the EQF matrix. 3. Elaboration of learning contents taking into account the data obtained from EQF matrix and Learning Outcome Units, developed in the ECVET framework in order to adapt these contents to the new tool based in gamification. 4. The design, development and programming of the tool based in gamification processes. The project has been developed by a consortium especially set up for this purpose. All six actors from Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, England and Italy have specific profiles and backgrounds with complementary expertise but also core skills in project management, transnational cooperation, use of ICT tools, proficiency in English, intercultural communication, etc. Each partner offers unique sets of knowledge and experience representing the sectors addressed in the project. All the consortium members have taken part in projects financed by Structural Funds. Some times these projects have been developed at a national level and other times at an international scope. Tasks to be performed by every partner: PYMEV (Project Coordinator) Systematize knowledge, skills and abilities needed to become an entrepreneur in the retail trade. ADAPT Systematize knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for entrepreneurs under 30. BIA Best practice manual in entrepreneurship for people under 30 and meeting in Bulgaria about good practices across Europe on the same subject. Plymouth University Development of game based learning contents. IBISCONET, SL Development of educational web portal that will serve as support for game based learning, as well as all information concerning the project. Also takes on the duties of consulting and design of the structure of game based learning that will enable the programming of them by another partner. Report of results after the completion of the pilot test As expected impact of the project, yaken into account its innovative nature, we expect that once tested and analyzed the results of the 3 game based learning, they can be implemented in different training centers, associations, enterprises and institutions of the EU, with the aim that benefits for the enhancement of skills obtained through the use of innovative training methods such as those based on gamification look..
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5 Partners Participants