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33 European Projects Found

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The GENIALG project aims to boost the Blue Biotechnology Economy (BBE) by increasing the production and sustainable exploitation of two high-yielding species of the EU seaweed biomass: the brown alga Saccharina latissima and the green algae Ulva spp. GENIALG will demonstrate the economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of cultivating and refining seaweed biomass in multiple use deman ...
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AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to integrate top class European aquaculture research facilities of very diverse nature, covering all relevant scientific fields for research and innovation in aquaculture, from genetics to technology through pathology, physiology and nutrition. It will put in place a user-friendly one-stop access to high-quality services and resources from 39 installations covering both establis ...
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The REvivED water project will establish electrodialysis (ED) as the new standard providing a source of safe, affordable, and cost-competitive drinking water, using less than half the energy required by state-of-the-art Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants.The innovations of the project constitute a technology platform with a very wide field of potential applications. All components and systems have reache ...
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ATLAS creates a dynamic new partnership between multinational industries, SMEs, governments and academia to assess the Atlantic’s deep-sea ecosystems and Marine Genetic Resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable Blue Growth. ATLAS will gather diverse new information on sensitive Atlantic ecosystems (incl. VMEs and EBSAs) to produce a step-change in our ...
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European aquaculture production provides direct employment to 80,000 people and a 3-billion € annual turnover. Parasites cause severe disease outbreaks and high economic losses in finfish aquaculture. The overarching goal of ParaFishControl is to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of European Aquaculture by improving understanding of fish-parasite interactions and by developing innova ...
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We are standing at the dawn of a century that will be largely affected by how we as a society are able to manage our oceans and their resources. Marine and Maritime Research has a critical role to play in developing our understanding of the seas and advance technology so that we can develop their economic potential in a sustainable manner. The COLUMBUS project intends to capitalise on the EC’s sig ...
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Sea Change (SeaChange)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The overarching goals of the Sea Change project are to bring about a fundamental “Sea Change” in the way European citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them – as ‘Ocean Literate’ citizens - to take direct and sustainable action towards healthy seas and ocean, healthy communities and ultimately - a healthy planet.Key objectives of Sea Change are to:• Compile an in-depth revie ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The proposed project aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of the Continuing VET for fishers and to address existing needs of the fisheries and the CVET sectors. The fisheries sector is recognized as one of the pillars of development at national, European and international level. The extent of its contribution to sustainable development, economic growth and food ...
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The COMMON SENSE project will contribute to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and other EU policies (e.g. Common Fisheries Policy), providing easily usable across several platforms, cost-effective, multi-functional innovative sensors to detect reliable in-situ measurements on key parameters by means of methodological standards. This proposal will focus, b ...
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Seafood has been recognized as a high quality, healthy and safe food item. Yet, some seafood can accumulate environmental contaminants with potential impact on human health. Limited information is available for those without maximum limits set by authorities for seafood, like priority contaminants, biotoxins from harmful algal blooms and marine litter. In order to increase seafood safety to consum ...
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Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture (ARRAINA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Sustainable development of European fish farming is dependent on the availability, environmental sustainability of feeds relying less and less on capture fisheries derived fishmeal and fish oil. The European aquaculture industry has made a determined shift towards the use of feeds based on alternative ingredients which continue to ensure the health and welfare of fish and the nutritional value of ...
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In the European Union, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the food sector are increasingly under pressure due to developing open markets, increasing demand of standardized and price competitive food products by the consumers, rising importance of large retailers and challenges in obeying governmental regulations. This raises the risk of losing many traditional foods as well as traditional proc ...
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Marine microorganisms form an almost untapped resource of biotechnological potential. However, its use is hindered by the low success rate of isolation of novel microorganisms and often by poor growth efficiency. Hence, the vast majority of marine microorganisms has not been cultivated and is often considered as ‘unculturable’. MaCuMBA aims at improving the isolation rate and growth efficiency of ...
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"The MSY concept was included as a principle in the 2009 Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in accordance with the global imperative to manage fish stocks according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). This implies a commitment to direct management of fish stocks towards achieving MSY by 2015. Attaining this goal is complicated by the lack of common agreement on the ...
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Sea For Society (SFS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Sea for Society (SFS) has brought together a multidisciplinary partnership of 21 partners from 11 countries representing marine research institutes, funding agencies, science museums and aquaria, CSO’s, NGO’s, higher education institutes, business networks, to implement a MMLAP to address Specific Challenge 3: Marine Resources, inland activities & sustainable development. SFS will mobilise researc ...
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SOCIOEC is an interdisciplinary, European wide project bringing together scientists from several fisheries sciences with industry partners and other key stakeholders to work in an integrated manner on solutions for future fisheries management, that can be implemented at a regional level. The central concept is to provide a mechanism for developing measures that are consistent with the overarching ...
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AQUAEXCEL will coordinate the highest class European aquaculture research facilities covering the entire range of production systems (recirculation, flow-through, cage, hatchery and pond systems), environments (freshwater and marine, cold and warm water), scales (small, medium and industrial scale), fish species (salmon, trout, sea bass, sea bream, cod, carp…), and fields of expertise (nutrition, ...
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The HEALTHY FUTURES project is motivated by concern for the health impacts of environmental changes. HEATHLY FUTURES aims to respond to this concern through construction of a disease risk mapping system for three water-related high-impact VBDs (malaria, Rift valley fever and schistosomiasis) in Africa, accounting for environmental/climatic trends and changes in socio-economic conditions to predic ...
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The Marine Strategy Framework Directive is designed to deliver “Good Environmental Status” (GES) in EU marine waters by 2020. This Directive requires that Member States (MS) with marine territories put in place measures to achieve and maintain GES within a defined timeframe and according to eleven key descriptors of environmental status. However, there is a significant knowledge deficit which may ...
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Fisheries and aquaculture-Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt (FORCE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"FORCE ""Fishing and aquaculture-Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt"" project is designed to enhance the capacity of the Egyptian National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, NIOF to carry out research activities aimed at supporting the implementation of sound and science-based policies for the sustainable development of fishery and aquaculture in Egypt, as well as in the whole Mediterranean ...
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Marine Genomics for Users (MG4U)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

"Marine waters provide resources and services estimated at 60% of the total economic value of the biosphere. The application of cutting-edge genomic approaches has generated significant new understanding the marine environment. Rapid progress will continue given the fast rate of technological development in this field. Methods and information are sufficiently mature for direct application to achie ...
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"Coastal areas are subject to an increase in competing activities and protection (Natura 2000, Marine Strategy Directive) and are a source of potential conflict for space allocation. COEXIST is a broad, multidisciplinary approach to evaluate these interactions with the ultimate goal to provide a roadmap to better integration, sustainability and synergies among different activities in the coastal z ...
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The fast development of the Mediterranean aquaculture (freshwater, marine) is confronted to a set of difficulties e.g. inadequate production systems and competitiveness, interaction and space competition with other users and the need for a proper integration in the coastal zones, possible negative impact on the environment and negative image of the product quality. Aquaculture development in the M ...
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SEAFARE will develop solutions to specific constraints on industry development for Europe's fish and shellfish farmers, through species diversification and development of low-intensity aquaculture systems that are compatible with sensitive coastal habitats. SEAFARE brings together applied R&D centres, aquaculture industry organisations and environmental agencies across the Atlantic maritime regio ...
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MarineTT is premised on the concept that knowledge is a major source of competitive advantage in business. Much potentially valuable knowledge, locked into inaccessible or non-user-friendly contexts, is unused because key stakeholders are not aware of its existence. MarineTT is concerned with marine environment research, an approach allowing coverage of other themes (climate change, biodiversity, ...
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EU fishery VET schools offer formal vocational training primarily focusing on educating fishermen. However, the formal fishery VET leaves behind a large segment of other service professionals such as: fish traders, auction hall employees, net binders, aqua-culture specialists, counseling and financial managers, who are important for the success of the fishery sector and for the economic and social ...
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AQUA-TNET is a multidisciplinary Thematic Network uniting academic and vocational aspects of the Bologna reforms and the establishment of the EHEA in aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management. Its multi-stakeholder structure has succeeded in bringing together the entire sector: educationists (HE & VET), researchers, producers, consumers, students, decision-makers and NGOs. This multi ...
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The project PESCALEX aims at creating CLIL (content and language integrated learning) courses in fish health/disease. Target languages are EL, ES, EN, FR, PL, NO. The project targets areas where aquaculture is important (Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Poland, France. Target groups are vocational and tertiary students and trainers, fish farm workers. Potential users are training institutions and S ...
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The PISCES project aims to increase both information on, and access to, vocational training within the aquaculture industry across the nine partner countries.Through the creation of an interactive database (internet-based) the project will contribute in many ways towards further informing, advising and encouraging the take-up of vocational training within the industry. It will further serve to rai ...
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The project PESCALEX aims at creating CLIL (content and language integrated learning) courses in fish health/disease. Target languages are EL, ES, EN, FR, PL, NO. The project targets areas where aquaculture is important (Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Poland, France. Target groups are vocational and tertiary students and trainers, fish farm workers. Potential users are training institutions and S ...
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Aqua-RET 2 aimed to update & further develop its innovative training materials for the marine renewables sector, targeting also new audience and wider geographic locations by: a) identifying new needs of the sector and ancillary businesses, on a sectoral and geographical basis, by means of targeted needs analysis; b) adapting and developing existing material to bridge the gap between competence re ...
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...uage learning with tutor-led & ODL methods in a multi-lingual online environment devoted to fish health management at the VET level.Partners: AMC Ltd, experienced coordinator of EU language projects; AquaTT, European Network for Aquaculture Training and Technology Transfer, sectoral social partner, runs aquaculture courses & projects; Stirling Institute of Aquaculture,Scotland, world authority on ...
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...ROMAR), ensuring that the project was industry led to ensure that the outputs met the needs of the industry, especially in areas critical for the sector’s sustainability. The participation of AQUATT which developed the WAVE methodology also ensured a common sectoral approach relevant to skill requirements as well as learning outcomes. The project outcomes were training courses designed to provide ...
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