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PISCES - Promotion of vocational training, information for non-aquaculturists, support for SMEs, careers promotion (in aquaculture), education database for aquaculture and shortening the gap between science and its' users.

The PISCES project aims to increase both information on, and access to, vocational training within the aquaculture industry across the nine partner countries.Through the creation of an interactive database (internet-based) the project will contribute in many ways towards further informing, advising and encouraging the take-up of vocational training within the industry. It will further serve to raise awareness of the opportunities available and as such promote aquaculture as a career to those not having previously considered this sector.A communication forum will be created for SMEs to enable them to exchange ideas, promote development and expand existing business contacts, beyond this, for those outside the industry, a 'virtual fishfarm tour' will be made available to inform and increase levels of interest in aquaculture.The website will be developed in order to be easily adaptable (to meet changing industry needs) and yet sustainable in the long-term (subject to the identification of suitable funding).The target sector for the project includes all those working with and for the aquaculture industry, primarily universities, technical & vocational educators and trainers, students, SMEs, trade organisations and related industry bodies.

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11 Partners Participants