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2Fish: Inclusion of secondary service professions within fishery to the formal VET system
Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

EU fishery VET schools offer formal vocational training primarily focusing on educating fishermen. However, the formal fishery VET leaves behind a large segment of other service professionals such as: fish traders, auction hall employees, net binders, aqua-culture specialists, counseling and financial managers, who are important for the success of the fishery sector and for the economic and social development of the local communities. A large group of people working in these professions have only little access to lifelong learning possibilities. This affects the quality of the products and services they produce. The need for formal VET for this group is thus closely related to current and future needs of the fishery sector. 2Fish project aims at developing 5-8 innovative training modules for training of service professionals connected to fishery and within the fishery VET. Each module is 1-2-week long, and developed and tested by the 2Fish VET providers in close collaboration with enterprises. Preparation for ECVET assessment of the new modules will form a significant part of the project. The new modules will be integrated into the educational programme of 2Fish VET schools and will be available for download and re-use from the project website by other European fishery VET schools. This will ensure direct impact on the VET providers and the service professionals that participate in the project as well as on a significantly larger group partly educated at the 6 participating fishery VET providers and other EU fishery VET institutions adopting the new modules. The 2Fish consortium consists of 6 leading fishery VET schools and providers from Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy and Ireland who will implement the tasks in close cooperation with 20 enterprises from the fishery sector. The project is coordinated by the representation of local and regional authorities of Central Denmark Region where fishery is a key economic sector for the western part of the region.
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  •   385 682,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

6 Partners Participants