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11 European Projects Found

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Serious game to train experts in advanced multimodality

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Multimodality as a concept can be described as an interdisciplinary approach enabling capitalising on a multiplicity of media and modes that will greatly benefit to educational institutions in the evolution of their learning methodologies. Indeed, with the development of new technologies, digital tools are more and more used in the educational sector. For instance, serious games are an innovative ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth sets targets to lift at least 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion and to increase employment of the population. Building a more inclusive labour market is a policy objective of the European Commission. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities is gaining momentum and providing a for ...
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3Es for youths in VET: Engagement, Empowerment, Employability

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project '3Es for youths in VET: Engagement, Empowerment, Employability' focuses on providing adequate programmes and courses for students who were disengaged by compulsory education and for whom vocational education can be a 'second chance' opportunity. The objectives of this project are to increase the youth retention rate in post-secondary education; to give equal opportunities to youths to ...
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The aim of our project is to improve the employability of our business trainees so that they can use the various employment opportunities of the domestic and the European labour market after their professional training to find a successful career. Therefore it is especially necessary that the prospective business people can expand their professional knowledge and skills as well as their knowledge ...
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One hundred and twenty students from the Academy for Vocational Education as well as twenty three trainers, teachers and personnel managers will partake in this mobility project. The apprentices and trainees will gain international work experience through an internship in another European country. Most of the participants do their training within the German dual system in the following professions ...
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Erhöhung der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Mitarbeitern

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

One hundred and twenty seven students from the Academy for Vocational Education could gain international work experience through an internship in another European country. Most of the participants do their training within the German dual system in the following professions: office management assistant, industrial business management assistant, management assistant in real estate, management assist ...
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SET4Work (Social Enterprise Training for Work) has addressed issues of increasing levels of unemployment for people facing difficulties in accessing training and/or the labour market, and who are likely to be less attractive to potential employers in the current financial climate. The project has made learning employability skills more accessible for people not used to learning.The target groups ...
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The importance of the social and health care sector will increase due to demographic developments. At the same time, the lack of qualified workers in this sector will increase in many western European countries. Germany, as an example, already had a lack of 39.0000 workers in 2005, while forecasts assume that 193.000 qualified workers will be missing in the field of health and social care in 2025. ...
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The benefit of increasing permeability between vocational and higher education is the enhancement of equality of educational opportunity as well as of the attractiveness of vocational trainings in the field of health and social care. The importance of this sector is expected to grow furthermore due to the demographic chance in Europe, whereas more qualified workers in this sector are needed for Eu ...
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The project solarisPLUS has contributed to the development of new professional skills in the field of renewable energies and to promote cooperation between VET and the labor market.Specific project objectives were:- Transfer in DE proven training concepts and practices in the field of renewable energies;Were incorporated development, adaptation and translation of 9 basic modules (building physics ...
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Currently it is a target of European policies to prevent young people from leaving education and training with only a lower secondary education degree or less. Objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy include reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10%.In the project ACT-VET, vocational education and training institutions from all over Europe will cooperate to tackle this problem at grass-r ...
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