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Business Transactions: From Initial Enquiries To Managing Customer Complaints
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of our project is to improve the employability of our business trainees so that they can use the various employment opportunities of the domestic and the European labour market after their professional training to find a successful career. Therefore it is especially necessary that the prospective business people can expand their professional knowledge and skills as well as their knowledge of English and their intercultural skills and use them in practice. In 2016 and 2017 respectively 20 trainees of the 2nd year of training will benefit from this project. The combination of these stays abroad with staff development serves the sustainable mediation of international aspects in vocational training. The employees should enhance their own skills and find contact partners by establishing personal contacts with professionals abroad with whom professional questions can be discussed even after their stay abroad from different European perspectives. The experiences and impressions will be evaluated together with experts of the school and the companies. The suggestions gained in the project will be incorporated directly into the teaching process at BBI Academy and target at the development of appropriate international projects. In 2016 and 2017 it is planned to send a teacher and an employee responsible for job counseling for their further development this way. Within the project procurement orders are processed for Mayflower College by the participants. Additionally the participants receive the necessary specific expertise in a specialist project and language course. This will be realized in real activities in the fields of obtaining orders, evaluation and negotiation and in the context of simulated processes in negotiations, purchasing and sales, complaints. In the form of a presentation the project results must be presented in front of professionals. In addition, job shadowing in companies is planned to give participants a broader impression of the corporate culture in Great Britain. By job shadowing and sitting on classes the employees of BBI Academy sent abroad should acquire an overview of the methodology used and organizational requirements for the implementation of project-oriented knowledge. During the first stay abroad the teachers sent by BBI Academy will sit on classes in different courses and projects at the Mayflower College and evaluate them by the means of exchange of experience with their English and foreign colleagues. The teachers sent abroad will also monitor the project work of the students and evaluate the results together with the English professionals. Job shadowing and company visits are intended to serve the development of knowledge of company structures in the UK and the expansion of the specialist language skills that will contribute to the improvement of the teaching process at BBI Academy. During the second stay abroad a teacher of BBI Academy will take over tasks in the project implementation and develop ideas for new projects together with the English partners on the basis of the existing framework conditions. The learning results will be evaluated at BBI with the teachers and experts of the companies and tested for transferability. The aim is to integrate realizable elements in the lessons in the context of regulations for professional training and curriculum frameworks.
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