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RELATE - Promoting the Recognizability of Learning outcomes from vocational education to higher Education

The benefit of increasing permeability between vocational and higher education is the enhancement of equality of educational opportunity as well as of the attractiveness of vocational trainings in the field of health and social care. The importance of this sector is expected to grow furthermore due to the demographic chance in Europe, whereas more qualified workers in this sector are needed for European countries in the next years.The project transferred methods, procedures, instruments and guidelines for the recognition of prior learning in vocational education and training for admission to higher education. The main focus was on transfer of good practices and tested models for - organizing the institutional frameworks for RPL in both VET and HE institutions, - recognizing prior learning on a learning-outcome-oriented basis (ECVET), - student and applicant counseling and - Cooperation between VET and HE institutions in curricula development and recognition procedures. All involved project partners have already worked in at least one of the above-mentioned fields and were able to share their valuable experiences within the project partnership. Unfortunately the Romanian partners were not able to provide the necessary administrative documents for the NA and withdrew from the partnership. The consortium promptly reacted and involved the Finnish partners, who were able to quickly adapt to the project and due to their experience provide huge input for the working packages and results. At the same time, the consortium helped them to improve their work in RPL by transfer of substantial knowledge, methods and practical tools.The main aims of the project were:• Defining the framework by analyzing the legislative groundwork and the state of implementation of recognition processes for learning outcomes from VET towards HE in the participating countries • Summarizing key issues of recognition processes, implemented and tested methodologies and instruments for transfer• Adapting, developing and transferring methodologies and instruments to the national contexts and implementing these at the participating institutions. • Assuring and promoting the cooperation between VET and HE institutions by concluding agreements on standardized recognition processes and by providing agreement templates.• Enabling VET and HE stakeholders to implement recognition processes• Dissemination of results
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5 Partners Participants