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Erhöhung der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Mitarbeitern
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One hundred and twenty seven students from the Academy for Vocational Education could gain international work experience through an internship in another European country. Most of the participants do their training within the German dual system in the following professions: office management assistant, industrial business management assistant, management assistant in real estate, management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade, IT specialist, management assistant in warehousing and logistics or media designer. These professions have had internships as a recognised component of their final international qualification for many years at AFBB. The number of participating students was extended to include nursery nurses. The internship aimed to extend the professional, linguistic and most of all the intercultural competences of the participants in order to enhance their job opportunities after qualification. For that purpose the students, who were in their second year during the internship period, worked for 4 week s in a foreign company in Britain (London, Bournemouth or Brighton) or in Dublin/Ireland after a comprehensive preparation by the sending institution. The placements were chosen according to the professional field of the training and the specific needs of the participants. With regards to improving intercultural competences and the command of the English language, accommodating the students in host families was very beneficial. The placements into the companies and the host families was done by our British and Irish co-operation partners LAF, English2000, Workplacements UK and Alaymont international. We have had reliable and effective partnerships with these institutions and with most of the placement companies for many years. Together with our professional partners AFBB has a wide experience of conducting mobility projects. Tested procedures together with the joint implementation of quality assurance tools ensured a successful project. The large number of beneficiaries and the subsequent multiplier effects of this project added to the Europeanisation of the vocational education and training.

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