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27 European Projects Found

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Sense of Light

Start date: Oct 2, 2016, End date: Dec 1, 2018,

The project wants to benefit from the worldwide spread of passion towards photography, use this growing hobby as tool and resource to create learning opportunities, increase the sensitivity of people towards negative social and environmental phenomena in society, but also use it to develop creative economy in important areas of tourism, culture, environment and urban/rural development. The ulti ...
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Nowadays, students face at least 40 years of professional life on the open European job market. However, graduates of vocational schools have difficulty in obtaining employment in accordance with the learned profession. Countries have a variety of vocational training systems making it difficult for the employers in another country to understand skills and professional qualifications acquired in th ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Central Eastern Europe (CEE) is struggling to foster sustainability and is clearly lagging behind Western Europe (WE) in this area. The disparities have become even more evident with the introduction of Sustainability Development Goals. In order to challenge these issues, good practices developed by the leading countries in sustainability need to be adopted in the CEE region. One of the most succe ...
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 FINISHED Economy Platforms and Stakeholders • Training Activity (C1): Training implementation of Training Course The partnership constists of: • DOLNOSLASKA AGENCJA ROZWOJU REGIONALNEGO S.A. as a Lead Partner (POLAND) • EEO Group S.A. (GREECE) • ENJOY ITALY DI ALESSANDRO GARIANO (ITALY) • INOVA+ / INOVAMAIS - SERVICOS DE CONSULTADORIA EM INOVACAO TECNOLOGICA S.A. (PORTUGAL) • AKMI VET Center S.A. (GRE ...
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The project will be implemented by the Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego [ARR] in cooperation with Zespół Szkół Zawodowych No.1 [ZSZ No. 1] and Association Mobility Friends [AIAM].The project will be implemented within 12 months.The scope of the project is the organization of internships for students in Portugal in co-operation with the foreign partner AIAM (Portugal).The direct objective of the projec ...
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Main objective of the project is increasing efficiency and effectiveness of R&D and innovation investments which will contribute to smart growth in EU countries. The project also focuses on strengthening of collaboration between different actors important in innovation chain. Innovation development among SMEs (99% of enterprises in EU) is crucial to smart and sustainable growth. Specific objective ...
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The general objective of the project is to contribute to smart growth of Southern regions of Poland by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of investments in innovation and by contributing to more efficient connection of links along the innovation chain and by this – to contribute to the smart EU growth. The specific objectives of the project are: efficient management of the relation betwee ...
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The KAM2CentralPoland project will be implemented by the consortium called EEN-CP in central parts of Poland. The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of R&D and innovation investments that will contribute to smart growth in EU countries. Main objective of the project will be implemented via two specific objectives: (1) To increase the innovation potent ...
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The objective of the project is to contribute to and enhance the innovation potential and innovation management skills within the SMEs in the West Poland area. The project will follow a developed methodology to help the regional businesses to increase their innovation capacity and to innovate profitably.The project will be implemented via 2 specific schemes:1) Service ‘Key account management for S ...
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The system of business environment institutions plays an important role in the diffusion of technology process and assists the innovative entrepreneurship development. Their support is especially important in case of young entrepreneurs, which very often have innovative ideas but they lack the knowledge and the resources to transform it into solid business.The number and variety of BEI ie. Busines ...
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The general objective of the project is to contribute to smart growth of Southern regions of Poland by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of investments in innovation and by contributing to more efficient connection of links along the innovation chain and by this – to contribute to the smart EU growth. The specific objectives of the project are: efficient management of the relation betwee ...
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The objective of the project is to contribute to and enhance the innovation potential and innovation management skills within the SMEs in the West Poland area. The project will follow a developed methodology to help the regional businesses to increase their innovation capacity and to innovate profitably. The project will be implemented via 2 specific schemes:1) Service ‘Key account management for ...
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Berufsausbildung ohne Grenzen

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

Mit dem Projekt wird die praktische Berufsausbildung von polnischen und deutschen Jugendlichen im Alter von 16 bis 20 Jahren unterstützt. Insgesamt nehmen 72 Personen teil.Im Rahmen der berufspraktischen Ausbildung erweitern die Teilnehmer ihr berufliche Handlungskompetenz in den Einsatzgebieten Metallausbildung, HOGA, Hauswirtschaft und Bauwirtschaft. Neben der Fachausbildung werden die Jugendlic ...
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Projekt sa primárne zameriava na zachovanie kultúrnych a duchovných hodnôt obyvateľov prihraničných regiónov Slovenskej a Poľskej republiky, rozvoj a modernizáciu kultúrnej infraštruktúry, ochrana  kultúrneho dedičstva  a propagácia kultúrnych tradícií poľsko-slovenskej cezhraničnej oblasti, vypracovanie komplexnej stratégie rozvoja kultúrneho dedičstva a turisticko-kultúrnych služieb v slovensko- ...
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Projekt "Karpacka Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego - budowa wspólnych polsko-słowackich struktur dla wspólnego rozwoju obszaru pogranicza polsko słowackiego" był kontynuacją realizacji projektu Analiza-Integracja-Sieciowanie potencjałów regionalnych Województwa Podkarpackiego i Kraju Preszowskiego.  Głównym celem projektu było powołanie Karpackiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego, która ma koordynować dzi ...
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Turystyczni Partnerzy w Beskidach

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

Mocno zróżnicowany poziom infrastruktury turystycznej w regionie i brak spójności działań po obu stronach granicy mają znaczący wpływ na ofertę turystyczną. Jednym z głównych celów projektu jest próba zmiany niezależnych i konkurencyjnych działań na jednolite, spójne i skoordynowane, realizowane po obu stronach granicy, a także rozpoczęcie ścisłej współpracy prowadzącej do wspólnych projektów oraz ...
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CERADA – Central European Research And Development Area (CERADA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

"Partners in the project represent and focus on the strong industrial sector in the cross-border region of Czech and Slovak Republic nad Poland, which is transport devices sector (automotive and aircraft) with a strong background in material research. The purpose of the project is: - The recognized need of more effective supporting system of the R&D sector, focused on the significant, traditional ...
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Projekt „Analiza – integracja – sieciowanie potencjałów regionalnych Województwa Podkarpackiego i Kraju Preszowskiego” jest odpowiedzią na niską jakość strategicznej współpracy w zakresie rozwoju regionalnego pomiędzy podmiotami z obszaru Województwa Podkarpackiego (Polska) i Kraju Preszowskiego. Wynika również z braku systemowych rozwiązań programowych i instytucjonalnych w tym zakresie. Celem pr ...
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Recently cultural tourism has become a promising economic factor and a growing sector of the tourism industry. Destinations with a cultural tourism potential might profit from enhancing the tourism infrastructure in various ways: Cultural tourism contributes to shaping regional identities, it strengthens local economies and it has a positive influence on employment opportunities. All partner regio ...
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Zamki i pałace czesko-polskiego pogranicza

Start date: Apr 30, 2006, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

Nazwa skrócona projektu - ARTECHPOL - wywodzi się od sformułowania architektura czesko-polskiego pogranicza, które było zalążkiem pomysłu na realizację filmu promującego obiekty historyczne i zabytkowe, znajdujące się na transgranicznym obszarze. Najważniejszym zadaniem w ramach projektu jest realizacja serialu telewizyjnego o ww. obiektach, w dwóch wersjach językowych oraz promocja dorobku archit ...
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Česko - Polská hospodářská spolupráce

Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

Záměrem projektu je rozšíření a prohloubení spolupráce Kontaktního centra Česko-Polské hospodářské spolupráce při Okresní hospodářské komoře v Jablonci n. N. s Kontaktním centrem při KARR Jelenia Gora. Cílem projektu je posílení Kontaktního centra jako nástroje pro dlouhodobou přeshraniční hospodářskou spolupráci. V rámci projektu dojde k postupnému zadávání firem do databáze podnikatelů v Libe ...
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Zřízení Kontaktního centra pro Česko - Polskou hospodářskou spolupráci při Okresní hospodářské komoře v Jablonci nad Nisou a vytvoření místa pro zprostředkování informační podpory pro zahraniční obchodní styky a mezinárodní obchodní spolupráci zaměřenou pro malé a střední podnikatele.
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There are known many cases when new promising innovative ideas have arisen in minds of young people, in many forms difficult to foresee. The discovered shortage is that not receiving needed advice, support and finance, would-be-entrepreneurs are not able to get out of the ground and find their route to the market. It is therefore crucial to increase the support services available for such innovati ...
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The project aims to provide a platform for SMEs to overcome communication barriers in international trade. The project is based on experiences from the Leonardo projects "INCA" (UK/01/BF/LA-129135) and "Solvit-BLIS Diagnostic". The new project has its focus mainly on SMEs in the sectors of food and beverage, agriculture and tourism. The first output will be audits for assessing existing language c ...
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The project aims to develop stable and effective Youth Enterprise Services targeting disadvantaged young people in the UK and three central European counties. It is estimated that 800 young people will be assisted at the end of the project and as a result 100-120 youth businesses created. Building upon the success of the UK partner's ‘Wandsworth Youth Enterprise Scheme’, together with existing you ...
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The project will develop a training curriculum and educational tools for trainers in agro-tourism sector in Poland, Belgium and Romania; promoting environmental issues and sustainable development, IT-skills and business planning in converting from traditional farming to agro tourism activities. There is an existing need for language training in participating countries in rural areas, especially sm ...
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The EUTRANEX project aims to meet a recognised need within education and training professionals, to reinforce their capacity for responding to an increasing need to develop an entrepreneurial culture. The project will further address the problems faced by young people preparing for labour market insertion, in particular in depressed areas. Project activities, to be undertaken via a series of techn ...
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