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19 European Projects Found

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Through INOVIA’s project, the mains actors of the higher and vocational education system in Brazil, Costa Rica and Bolivia, will develop adaptative capacities in the field of agrofood processing, in a context of technological, economic and social changes of the sector. The aim will consist with professionalizing the training system and promoting its integration in the productive sector, to enhance ...
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Euro-Algerian Research Networking (EARN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"This project aim is to strengthen the bilateral dialogue between Algeria and the EU Member States, which is the explicit will of the FP7 BILAT calls. Furthermore EARN aims at providing information about the S&T systems both in Algeria and in Europe. EARN thus will enhance information collection and dissemination as regards Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation between Algeria and the EU. ...
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Enhancement of Jordan-European S&T Partnerships (EU-JordanNet)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

EU-JordanNet aims at increasing the research cooperation between Jordan and Europe. Although Jordan has been quite active in EU Framework Programmes over the past few years, awareness of the EU Programmes in Jordan and of the Jordanian research community in Europe still needs considerable improvement. In concrete terms, EU-JordanNet will carry out a Capacity Building Programme to support the Jorda ...
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The EUROAFRICA-ICT.ORG project is defined in full continuity and builds on the substantial results obtained and the important momentum created by two previous projects: the FP6/IST START and the FP7/ICT EuroAfriCa-ICT projects.It is on this basis and on the conclusions of the "1st Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT research" successfully organised in March 2009 in Brussels by the EuroAfriCa-ICT ...
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The development of SandT cooperation on ICT is today of strategic and mutual interest to the EU and to Africa. A couple of projects supporting this cooperation have been funded these last years by the EC, including the START SSA, the last one launched under FP6 and upon which the EuroAfriCa-ICT project will build. From the experience gained through these initiatives, the EuroAfriCa-ICT partnership ...
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The major objectives of this Specific Support Action are to: - promote the role played by the Framework Programme in enabling International Cooperation on Global Change and Ecosystems research; - and to facilitate the uptake of the results of the research being carried out. This will be done by using a combined approach of awareness-raising and networking activities.The project will focus in parti ...
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Le projet propose de mettre en place dans chaque université partenaire des pays tiers un dispositif d'aide à l'orientation professionnelle de ses étudiants. Deux actions principales sont envisagées :- Elaboration et mise en ligne d'un site web propre à chaque université et dédié à la présentation de son offre de formation et à ses débouchés-métiers. 2 domaines académiques seront visés, les scienc ...
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Dans un contexte de forte demande de formation des pays du Sud dans le domaine des techniciens supérieurs et des ingénieurs, notre projet (rESeau maghrébIn de laboratoirEs à distaNCE, eSience) apportera une réponse dans le champ de l'Ingénierie.Suivant l’adage "I hear and I forget - I see and I remember - I do and I understand." le projet s’appuiera sur l’eLearning, complémentaire du traditionnel ...
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This project involves 3 European HEIs & 8 PC HEIs in the Southern Neighbouring Area (SNa), as well as student representatives (AISEC&ESTIEM), association of professionals (Forum Cadres Tanger) & the Union of Moroccian Women.The general objective of this project is to contribute to support the HEIs in the Southern Neighborhood area (SNa) in establishing a lifelong learning (LLL) policy, as a key e ...
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La mise en oeuvre d'une démarche qualité, le passage aux compétences et responsabilités élargies préconisé par l'ensemble des réformes que connaît le paysage universitaire marocain, l'adhésion au programme d’urgence adoptant le concept de la contractualisation et l'approche par projet, exigent des universités l'instauration des mécanismes d'un pilotage efficace.Soutenu par le MESRSFC et l'INEM et ...
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* Objectif général :- Modernisation méthodes, contenu formations Sc Techn. Vivant (STV) en établissant relations Univ-milieu prof., afin améliorer employabilité diplômés, satisfaire besoins entreprises, faciliter transfert innovations techno.* Projet répond :- volonté politique prioritaire Etat réduire chômage diplômés,- nécessité Univ. adapter formations et appuis aux besoins milieu économique,- ...
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The main objective of IANUS II is to enhance higher education cooperation between EU and ENPI countries (student and staff mobility). The project aims at promoting intercultural cooperation and to helping to improve students’ career prospects, thus contributing to the improvement of human resources in the countries involved. IANUS II is coordinated by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romani ...
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The project will establish a renewed institution-based mobility and cooperation network among 19 North African and EU partner universities and 6 associate universities supported by 3 associate institutions and the Ministries of Higher Education in the region. It will allow 288 undergraduate, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff to gain valuable ...
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DREAM includes 20 partners: 8 EU (UP, ULg, ULille, UR, UNICA, ULE, UVA, Cardiff), 9 African (UNDJ, USTM, DU, UA, UJES, UEM, CBU, UNICV, UNN), 1 Caribbean: UWI (ranging 11 countries: Antigua & Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Jamaica; St Kitts & Nevis; St Lucia; St. Vincent & the Grenadines; T&T) and 2 Pacific: UNTL (East Timor) and USP (ranging 11 countries: Cook Isl., Fiji, ...
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The Alyssa project is named after the first queen and founder of Carthage, Alyssa.The academic mobility scheme proposed (a total of 122 mobility covering all levels) aims to enrich the students & academic staffs’ experience through confrontation with other cultures, different pedagogical and scientific methods, and life styles; it has for objective to develop the “soft skills” that are of key impo ...
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The overall aim of HERMES is to develop training and scientific exchanges between European and the Middle East higher education institutions which will build and strengthen links between them and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.The specific objectives are: - To develop higher education teaching and learning ...
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The objective of the partnership coordinated by Technische Universität Berlin is to create a network of Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian and European universities promoting the EHEA and academic excellence through joint research, education and exchange of experience by awarding individula mobility grants to contribute to a sustainable development of Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria in ...
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...t RECET (3 ans), associera 22 partenaires du Maroc et de l'UE. Il consiste à développer une culture d'AQ de l'ES par le renforcement des compétences accompagnant la mise en place de l'Agence Nationale d'Evaluation "ANE" dont la création est en cours d'approbation par le conseil du gouvernement. Les résultats attendus :-Etat des lieux sur le dispositif d'AQ au Maroc-Benchmarking sur les standards ...
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Afin de répondre au défi de l'employabilité et de la formation y compris la formation des personnes isolées et la formation tout au long de la vie, ce projet est conçu comme un processus global et intégré contribuant à la modernisation des EESR par l'introduction de réformes structurelles. Ce projet se propose de réformer les méthodes d'enseignement par l'innovation pédagogique y compris numérique ...
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